Research & Teaching
- Abbas, Dr Hasan (Senior Lecturer)
- Abbasi, Professor Qammer (Professor of Applied Electromagnetics and Sensing)
- Abubakar, Mr Attai (Research Associate)
- Abumarshoud, Dr Hanaa (Lecturer)
- Achillopoulou, Dr Dimitra (Lecturer in Structural Design)
- Adhikari, Professor Sondipon (Professor of Engineering Mechanics)
- Aekbote, Dr Badri (Research Associate)
- Aggarwal, Dr Ankush (Senior Lecturer)
- Ahmad, Mr Meraj (Research Associate)
- Ahmad, Dr Wasim (Senior Lecturer)
- Akram, Dr Zaid (Research Assistant)
- Al-Areqi, Dr Khaldon (Research Associate in Space Technology: Energy Systems and Economic Modelling)
- Al-Khalidi, Dr Abdullah (Lecturer)
- Al-Moathin, Mr Ali (Research Assistant)
- Al-taai, Dr Qusay (Research Associate)
- Aleksandrov, Mr Preslav (Research Assistant)
- Ali, Mr Zeeshan (Research Associate)
- Alipour Bonab, Mr Shahin (Research Assistant)
- Alizadeh, Dr Yashar (Research Associate)
- Alquraan, Dr Mohammad (Research Associate)
- Alzwayi, Dr Ali (Daphne Jackson Research Fellow)
- Amjadi Kolour, Dr Morteza (Senior Lecturer: Biomedical Engineering)
- Anderson, Dr David (Reader)
- Andoni, Dr Merlinda (Research Associate)
- Ansari, Dr Imran (Lecturer)
- Ansari, Dr Shuja (Lecturer)
- Anuse, Mr Vaibhav Somaji (Research Associate in Space Technology: Space Structure Fabrication and Testing)
- Asenov, Professor Asen (James Watt Chair in Electrical Engineering)
- Aslam, Dr Muhammad (Lecturer)
- Azargoshasb, Ms Tahereh (Marie Curie ITN Researcher)
- Badolato, Professor Antonio (Chair of Photonic Quantum Technologies/ Royal Society Wolfson Fellow)
- Bailet, Dr Rer Nat Habil Gilles (Research Fellow)
- Bailey, Dr Nicholas (Senior Lecturer)
- Bairagi, Dr Satyaranjan (Research Associate)
- Ballance, Dr Donald (Senior Lecturer)
- Banks, Mr David (Senior Research Fellow)
- Barakos, Professor George (Professor)
- Bayliss, Dr Sam (Lecturer in Quantum Engineering)
- Beeley, Dr James (Research Associate)
- Behera, Dr Saraswati (Research Associate in Fabrication of III-V Optoelectronic Devices)
- Beniwal, Dr Ajay (Marie Curie Fellow)
- Berry, Dr Nathan (Research Associate)
- Bhandari, Mr Dinesh (Research Associate in Stochastic Modelling of Microbial Communities)
- Bhatti, Mr Satyam (Research Assistant)
- Bijaya, Mr Ananya (Research Associate)
- Blanche, Dr Jamie (Research Associate)
- Bradley, Professor Fiona (Professor of Structural Engineering Design)
- Brown, Dr Christopher (Research Associate)
- Brown, Mrs Linda (Senior Lecturer)
- Buckley, Dr Roisin (Senior Lecturer)
- Busse, Professor Angela (Professor of Fluid Dynamics)
- Butala, Prof Mark (Senior Lecturer)
- Byun, Dr Ji-Eun (Lecturer in Smart Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure)
- Bzdyk, Mr Krzysztof (Research Associate)
- Cameron, Dr Joseph (Research Associate)
- Cantini, Dr Marco (Lecturer in Medical Applications of Engineering Materials)
- Carvalhal Calhau de Menezes, Mr Duarte (Research Assistant)
- Centeno, Dr Anthony (Lecturer)
- Ceriotti, Dr Matteo (Senior Lecturer)
- Check, Dr Reza (Research Associate)
- Chen, Dr Haotian (Lecturer in Biomedical Engineering)
- Chen, Dr Si (Research Associate)
- Chen, Mr Yu (Research Associate)
- Chen, Dr Zhaozhong (Research Associate)
- Cheng, Mr Huihua (Research Assistant)
- Cheng, Dr Runze (Research Associate)
- Cheong, Dr Jun Young (Reader in Materials for Green Energy Technologies)
- Chirila, Mr Radu-Razvan (Research Assistant)
- Cholet, Dr Fabien (Research Associate)
- Chowdhury, Dr Sudip (Research Associate)
- Civrais, Mr Clement (Research Assistant)
- Clark, Professor Alasdair (Professor of Nanoscale Engineering)
- Cochran, Professor Sandy (Professor of Ultrasound Materials and Devices)
- Comadran Casas, Dr Carla (Research Associate)
- Connelly, Dr Stephanie (Lecturer)
- Cooper, Mr Bernard (Research Assistant)
- Cooper, Professor Jonathan (Wolfson Chair of Bioengineering)
- Couraud, Dr Benoit (Research Associate)
- Creed, Dr Maggie (Lecturer)
- Croke, Mr Alexander (Research Assistant)
- Cumming, Professor David (Chair of Electronic Systems)
- Cuthill, Mr Calum (Research Associate)
- Daly, Mr Paul (Research Associate)
- Das, Dr Dudul (Marie Curie Fellow)
- Das, Dr Samiran (Assistant Professor: Civil Engineering)
- Davies, Mr Jack (Research Assistant)
- Dawson, Mr Michael (Research Assistant)
- Day, Dr Graham (Research Associate)
- De Souza Gandra Camilo, Mr Victor (Research Assistant)
- Deans, Mr Matthew (Research Assistant)
- Dehghani, Miss Parisa (Research Assistant - Reliability of Semiconductor devices and sensors)
- Delfanazari, Dr Kaveh (Senior Lecturer)
- Della, Dr Christian (Assistant Professor in Mechanical Engineering)
- Demcenko, Dr Andriejus (Lecturer in Cell Tissue Mechanics)
- Dhawan, Dr Udesh (Research Fellow)
- Di Gaetano, Dr Eugenio (Research Fellow)
- Dixit, Mr Ankit (Research Associate)
- Dobre, Dr Oana (Lecturer Biomedical Engineering)
- Dobson, Dr Phil (Senior Lecturer)
- Domingo-Felez, Dr Carlos (Lecturer in Water and Environment)
- Duffy, Dr Dominic (Research Associate)
- Dumas, Dr Derek (Research Associate)
- Dysko, Dr Mary (Research Associate)
- Elksne, Mrs Maira (Research Associate)
- Elsayed, Mr Mostafa (Research Assistant in Scalable Gatemon Quantum Computing with Cryo-FPGA)
- Eslahi, Dr Hossein (Research Associate in CMOS RF IC Design for Quantum Computing)
- Falcone, Professor Gioia (Rankine Chair of Energy Engineering)
- Fang, Dr Xiaochuan (Research Associate in Green RF Sensors)
- Febrianto, Dr Eky (Lecturer in Computational Mechanics)
- Feeney, Dr Andrew (Senior Lecturer)
- Ferrari Gerez, Dr Lucas (Lecturer in Biomedical Engineering)
- Ferreira Barbosa, Mr Joao (Research Assistant)
- Flynn, Professor David (Professor in Cyber Physical Systems)
- Foshat, Ms Paniz (Research Assistant)
- Franke, Professor Thomas (Professor in Biomedical Engineering)
- Gadegaard, Professor Nikolaj (Professor)
- Gallacher, Dr Kevin (Lecturer: Electronic and Photonic Devices)
- Gamage, Professor Kelum (Professor of Engineering Education)
- Gao, Dr Zhiwei (Senior Lecturer)
- Garcia Nunez, Dr Carlos (Lecturer)
- Gauchotte-Lindsay, Professor Caroline (Professor of Environmental Engineering and Chemistry)
- Ge, Mr Yao (Research Assistant)
- Georgiev, Professor Vihar (Professor of Nanoelectronics)
- Georgiou, Dr Giorgos (Lecturer in Microarchitectures for Quantum Engineering)
- Ghadban, Dr Nour (Research Assistant)
- Ghannam, Professor Rami (Professor of Electronics)
- Ghosh, Dr Ramesh (Research Associate)
- Ginesi, Miss Rebecca (Research Assistant)
- Glidle, Dr Andrew (Research Technologist)
- Goh, Professor Cindy Sf (Professor of Engineering)
- Gollee, Dr Henrik (Senior Lecturer)
- Gomez Borraz, Dr Tania (Research Associate)
- Gonzalez Garcia, Dr Cristina (Senior Lecturer)
- Gordon, Mr Robert (Research Assistant)
- Gormley, Dr John (Lecturer)
- Gourdon, Professor Delphine (Professor in Biomedical Engineering / Royal Society Wolfson Fellow)
- Graham, Mr Robert (Research Associate - Design, Test and Fabrication Engineer)
- Grassl, Dr Peter (Senior Lecturer)
- Green, Dr Richard (Reader)
- Greer, Dr Andrew (Research Fellow)
- Grey, Dr Stuart (Senior Lecturer in Engineering Systems Design)
- Guo, Mr Xin (Research Assistant in AI/IOT to develop Connected Low-cost Diagnostic Devices)
- Hadfield, Professor Robert (Professor of Photonics)
- Hafezi, Dr Mahshid (Research Associate)
- Hameed, Mrs Hira (Research Assistant)
- Hamilton, Mr Alexander (Research Associate)
- Harkness, Professor Patrick (Professor)
- Harrison, Dr Paul (Research Associate in Optical Systems Engineering)
- Harrison, Dr Philip (Senior Lecturer)
- Harwell, Dr Jonathon (Research Associate - Semiconductor Device Packaging)
- Hassouna, Mr Saber (Research Assistant)
- Hawley, Mrs Ugne (Research Associate)
- Hay, Mr Tom (Lecturer in Structural Design)
- Heidari, Professor Hadi (EPSRC Open Fellow and Professor of Nanoelectronics)
- Heidari, Mr Hamed (Research Assistance)
- Hersh, Dr Marion (Senior Lecturer)
- Hesse, Dr Henrik (Associate Professor)
- Hild, Dr Konstanze (Lecturer)
- Hong, Dr Fan (Assistant Professor In Aerospace Engineering)
- Hou, Dr Lianping (Reader)
- Hu, Dr Chunxiao (Lecturer: Biomedical Engineering)
- Hunt, Dr Graeme (Research Associate)
- Hussain, Dr Niamat (Lecturer)
- Hussain, Professor Sajjad (Professor of Information Engineering)
- Hutchings, Professor David (Professor of Optical and Quantum Electronics)
- Huynh, Dr Nghia (Research Associate)
- Ijaz, Dr Umer (Reader in Information Engineering)
- Ikder, Ms Aigin (Research Assistant)
- Imran, Professor Ali (Professor of Intelligent Systems)
- Imran, Professor Muhammad (Professor of Communication Systems / Dean Transnational Engineering Education)
- Imroze, Dr Fiheon (Research Associate)
- Inglis, Dr Alistair (Research Associate in Molecular Spin-Optical Dynamics)
- Jacobson, Mr Ben (Research Assistant)
- Jafri, Dr Atif (Reader)
- Jajesniak, Dr Pawel (Research Assistant)
- Jeon, Dr Yuri (Research Associate)
- Jing, Dr Qingshen (Lecturer in Implantable Electronics)
- Juarez-Rendon, Ms Nadine (Research Assistant)
- Kaczmarczyk, Professor Lukasz (Professor of Applied Computational Modelling)
- Kalhor, Mrs Samane (Research Associate)
- Kamkar, Mrs Paria (Marie Curie ITN Researcher)
- Kapoulea, Dr Stavroula (Research Associate)
- Karimian, Dr Shokrollah (Research Associate in Green RF Sensors)
- Kaur, Miss Jaspreet (Research Assistant)
- Kazim, Mr Jalil (Research Associate)
- Kelly, Professor Anthony (Professor of Optoelectronics)
- Kettle, Professor Jeff (Professor of Electronic Engineering)
- Khaksar Najafi, Dr Elmira (Research Associate)
- Khalid, Professor Mohammad (Professor in Materials for Green Energy Technologies)
- Khalvati Fahliani, Mr Amin (Research Assistant)
- Khan, Mr Muhammad Zakir (Research Assistant)
- Kim, Dr Yongmin (Assistant Professor: Civil Engineering)
- King, Mr Benjamin (Research Associate in Green-Large Area Electronics)
- Kirdoda, Mr Jaroslaw (Research Associate)
- Kizilkaya, Mr Burak (Research Associate)
- Kniazeva, Mrs Elena (Research Associate - Design, Test, Fabrication and Systems Engineer)
- Kolo, Dr Isa (Research Associate)
- Kong, Dr Weihuan (Research Associate)
- Kontis, Professor Konstantinos (Mechan Chair of Engineering / Professor of Aerospace Engineering)
- Kumar, Dr Manoj (Research Associate in Body-Centric RF Systems)
- Kumar, Dr Naveen (Research Associate)
- Kumar, Professor Shanmugam (Professor of Composite Materials and Advanced Manufacturing)
- Kyaw, Miss Aye Su Mon (Process and Semiconductor Packaging Engineer/KTP Associate)
- Lafferty, Mr Adam (Research Assistant)
- Lai, Dr Khue Tian (Research Associate)
- Lam, Dr Koko (Reader (Ultrasonics))
- Lan, Dr Jianglin (Leverhulme Early Career Fellow)
- Lathrop, Dr Bailey (Research Associate)
- Lavery, Professor Martin (Professor)
- Le Kernec, Dr Julien (Senior Lecturer)
- Lee, Dr Chun Hean (Senior Lecturer)
- Li, Professor Chong (Professor of Microwave Engineering)
- Li, Dr Guanchen (Lecturer)
- Li, Dr David (Associate Professor in Electronic Systems)
- Li, Dr Peifeng (Senior Lecturer)
- Li, Dr Xuan (Research Fellow)
- Li, Dr Zhibo (Research Fellow - Design, Test, Fabrication and Systems Engineer)
- Liang, Dr Yating (Assistant Professor)
- Liaqat, Dr Sidra (Research Assistant)
- Link, Mr Andreas (Research Assistant)
- Liu, Professor Bo (Professor of Electronic Design Automation)
- Liu, Dr Ying (Lecturer)
- Liu, Dr Yue (Research Associate)
- Lu, Dr Yiji (Lecturer in Energy Conversion & Storage Systems)
- Lucas, Professor Margaret (Regius Chair of Civil Engineering and Mechanics, Professor of Ultrasonics)
- Lui, Ms Jade (Research Associate)
- Macdonald, Dr Shaun (Research Associate)
- Macdougall, Ms Jennifer (Lecturer (English for Academic Study))
- Macedo, Dr Rair (Senior Lecturer in Electrodynamics and Spin systems)
- Maini, Ms Isha (Research Assistant)
- Malik, Dr Shahid (Marie Curie Fellow)
- Malik, Mr Tariq (Research Assistant)
- Mallik, Dr Wrik (Lecturer in Aerospace Engineering)
- Mann, Dr Sarah (Research Associate)
- Mansour, Dr Rolan (Research Associate)
- Marko, Dr Igor (Research Fellow)
- McAssey, Dr Michaela (Research Associate)
- McBride, Professor Andrew (Professor of Computational Mechanics)
- McDonald, Mr Euan (KTP Associate: Microfluidics Manufacturing Scientist)
- Mcginty, Dr Sean (Reader)
- McGleish, Miss Olivia (Research Assistant)
- McGookin, Dr Euan (Senior Lecturer)
- McInnes, Professor Colin (James Watt Chair, Professor of Engineering Science)
- McKenzie, Mr Adam (Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851 Research Fellow)
- McKeown, Mr Ross (Research Assistant)
- McMillan, Dr Neil (Lecturer: English for Academic Purposes)
- Millar, Dr Ross (Research Fellow)
- Mire Dores Pulido Valente, Dr Joao (Research Technologist)
- Mirza, Dr Muhammad M A (Research Fellow)
- Mitchell, Mr Daniel (Research Associate)
- Mohammed, Mr Amjed Hameed Jafar (Research Assistant)
- Mohjazi, Dr Lina (Senior Lecturer)
- Moldovan, Dr Alexandru (Research Associate)
- Molina-Cristobal, Dr Arturo (Assistant Professor in Mechanical Engineering)
- Mollel, Dr Michael (Research Associate)
- Moore, Dr Iain (Research Associate in Space Technology)
- Moran, Professor David (Professor of Advanced Semiconductors)
- Morozov, Dr Dmitry (Research Fellow)
- Mouli-Castillo, Dr Julien (Lecturer in Geo-Energy Systems)
- Mughal, Dr Mohammed Waqas (Research Associate in CMOS RF IC Design for Quantum Computing)
- Mukherjee, Dr Jayjit (Research Associate)
- Mukherjee, Dr Rudra (Research Associate in Electronics of Triboelectric Nanogenerators)
- Mulvana, Dr Helen (Reader in Biomedical Engineering)
- Mulvihill, Professor Daniel (Professor of Materials Engineering and Tribology)
- Munro, Mr Simon (Research Assistant)
- Murdoch, Dr Lada (Lecturer)
- Naderian, Dr Sobhan (Research Associate)
- Naik, Mr Adwait (KTP Associate - Software Engineer)
- Naik, Dr Tejas (Research Fellow)
- Namburi, Dr Devendra Kumar (Research Fellow)
- Naqvi, Mr Syed Ali Atif (Teaching Assistant)
- Neale, Professor Steven (Professor of Micro Engineering)
- Nguyen, Dr Khiem (Lecturer in Thermal Energy / Multiscale Materials)
- Nichols, Mr Ben (Research Associate)
- Nikbakhtnasrabadi, Dr Fatemeh (Research Associate)
- Norbu, Dr Sonam (Research Associate)
- Ogundero, Mr Ayo (Research Associate)
- Onireti, Dr Oluwakayode (Senior Lecturer)
- Pagano, Dr Arianna Gea (Lecturer in Geotechnical Engineering)
- Parvizi, Dr Roghaieh (Lecturer)
- Paul, Professor Douglas (Royal Academy of Engineering Chair in Emerging Technologies)
- Paul, Professor Manosh (Professor of Thermofluids)
- Pearce, Professor Chris (Professor of Computational Mechanics)
- Pearce, Mr Liam (Research Assistant)
- Perris, Mr Jack (Research Associate in Mechanics & Tribology of Triboelectric Nanogenerators)
- Ponciano, Professor Joao (Professor of Transnational Higher Education)
- Popoola, Dr Olaoluwa (Lecturer)
- Porr, Dr Bernd (Senior Lecturer)
- Poursat, Dr Baptiste (Research Associate)
- Prentice, Dr Paul (Senior Lecturer)
- Pringle, Mr Eonan (Research Assistant)
- Pruiti, Mr Natale (Research Assistant)
- Pudasaini, Dr Sanam (Research Assistant)
- Pusino, Dr Vincenzo (Lecturer Electronic and Photonic Devices)
- Qu, Mr Chunlin (Research Associate)
- Quinn, Mr Dominic (Research Associate in Environmental Microbiology)
- Raza, Mr Ali (Teaching Assistant)
- Raza, Dr Syed Muhammad (Lecturer)
- Reboud, Professor Julien (Professor)
- Reynolds, Dr Paul (Senior Research Engineer)
- Roy, Dr Atin (Research Associate)
- Roy, Professor Scott (Professor of Electronics)
- Runcie, Dr Callum (Research Associate)
- Sabio Rodriguez, Dr Laura (Marie-Curie Research Fellow)
- Sadiq, Dr Ismail (Research Associate)
- Saleemi, Mr Balal (Teaching Assistant)
- Salmeron-Sanchez, Professor Manuel (Head of School/ Chair of Biomedical Engineering)
- Samardzhieva, Ms Iliyana (Research Assistant)
- Sambo, Dr Yusuf (Senior Lecturer)
- Sardar, Ms Sabah (Research Assistant)
- Saxena, Dr Prashant (Senior Lecturer)
- Scullion, Dr Mark (Lecturer: Electronic and Photonic Devices)
- Seferai, Mr Valentino (Research Associate - Design, Test, Fabrication and Systems Engineer)
- Selamneni, Dr Venkatarao (Research Associate – Flexible and Printed Electronics)
- Shackleton, Dr John (Senior Lecturer)
- Shafique, Dr Arslan (Research Assistant)
- Shah, Dr Jolly Atit (Assistant Professor)
- Shah, Dr Syed Tariq (Research Associate)
- Sharp, Dr James (Lecturer)
- Shinde, Dr Ninad (Research Associate)
- Shojaei Baghini, Ms Mahdieh (Research Assistant)
- Shvarts, Dr Andrei (Lecturer)
- Sinclair, Mr Martin (Research Associate)
- Skvarenina, Dr Lubomir (Research Associate)
- Sloan, Professor William (Professor of Environmental Engineering)
- Smith, Mr Ben (Research Assistant)
- Smith, Professor Cindy (Professor)
- Sohaib, Mr Rana Muhammad (Research Assistant)
- Song, Dr Wenjuan (Lecturer)
- Sorel, Professor Marc (Professor)
- Sperling, Dr Justin (Research Associate)
- Steijl, Dr Rene (Senior Lecturer in Aerospace Engineering)
- Steinmann, Professor Paul (Professor of Computational Engineering Science)
- Stephenson, Mr James (Research Assistant)
- Stevenson, Mr Jack (Research Assistant)
- Sulbhewar, Dr Litesh (Research Associate)
- Sun, Professor Jin (Professor of Granular Mechanics)
- Sun, Mr Xiao (Research Associate - Design, Test, Fabrication and Systems Engineer)
- Sun, Dr Yao (Lecturer)
- Surre, Dr Frederic (Lecturer)
- Susnoschi-Luca, Miss Ioana (Research Assistant)
- Sweeney, Professor Stephen (Professor of Photonics and Nanotechnology)
- Swinton, Ms Sarah (Tutor)
- Tabatabaeian, Mr Ali (Research Assistant)
- Taha, Dr Ahmad (Lecturer)
- Tahir, Dr Farooq (Research Associate)
- Tang, Dr Wenshuo (Research Associate)
- Tang, Dr Yue (Research Associate)
- Tant, Dr Katy (Senior Lecturer)
- Tapar, Dr Jinal (Research Associate in Design and Implementation of III-V Optoelectronic Devices)
- Tariq, Dr Faisal (Senior Lecturer)
- Tassieri, Dr Manlio (Reader)
- Taylor, Dr Ian (Senior Lecturer)
- Taylor, Mr William (Research Associate)
- Thoms, Dr Stephen (Research Technologist)
- Thomson, Dr Douglas (Senior Lecturer)
- Thring, Ms Claire (Research Technologist)
- Ur Rehman, Dr Masood (Senior Lecturer)
- Uzma, Dr Uzma (Research Associate)
- Vallance, Mr Adam (Research Assistant)
- van Heerden, Dr Albert S.J. (Lecturer in Aerospace Engineering)
- Vassalli, Professor Massimo (Professor of Bioengineering)
- Vignola, Dr Marta (Research Fellow)
- Vikas, Mr Vikas (Research Associate)
- Vuckovic, Professor Aleksandra (Professor of Neurotechnologies and Rehabilitation)
- Vuletic, Dr Tijana (Lecturer in Mechanical Design)
- Wagih, Dr Mahmoud (Lecturer in Implantable Electronics)
- Walker, Dr Matthew (Research Associate)
- Walton, Dr Finlay (Research Associate)
- Wang, Dr Jue (Research Fellow)
- Wang, Mr Ruiyu (Research Associate)
- Wang, Mr Yifei (Research Assistant)
- Wang, Dr Yupei (Research Associate - Design, Test, Fabrication and Systems Engineer)
- Wasige, Professor Edward (Professor of High Frequency Electronics)
- Watson, Dr Ian (Reader)
- Watson, Dr Scott (Lecturer in Electronic and Photonic Devices)
- Weaver, Professor Jonathan (Professor of Applied Nanofabrication)
- Wei, Dr Chongfeng (Senior Lecturer in Al for Engineering)
- Weides, Professor Martin (Professor of Quantum Technologies)
- White, Dr Craig (Senior Lecturer)
- White, Professor Stewart (Adjunct Senior Lecturer)
- Williams, Mr Ross (Research Associate)
- Woodgate, Dr Mark (Research Associate)
- Worrall, Dr Kevin (Senior Lecturer)
- Xu, Dr Jiabao (Lecturer)
- Yalagala, Mr Bhavani (Research Manager)
- Yan, Mr Dedao (Research Assistant)
- Yang, Dr Hezhen (Assistant Professor)
- Yang, Dr Jin (Reader)
- Yazdani-Asrami, Dr Mohammad (Lecturer in in Electrically Powered Aircraft and Operations)
- Yin, Professor Huabing (Professor of Biomedical Engineering)
- You, Dr Siming (Senior Lecturer)
- Young, Professor David (Executive Dean – University of Glasgow - UESTC)
- Zagaglia, Dr Daniele (Research Associate)
- Zaidi, Mr Syed Basit Ali (Research Assistant)
- Zhang, Ms Jungang (Research Assistant – Design & Microfabrication)
- Zhang, Professor Lei (Professor of Trustworthy Systems)
- Zhang, Dr Tianwei (Research Associate - Semiconductor Microfabrication)
- Zhang, Dr Yihuai (Lecturer: Geo-Energy Engineering)
- Zhang, Dr Yuan (Research Fellow)
- Zhao, Dr Dezong (Reader)
- Zhdanov, Dr Oleksandr (Research Associate)
- Zhong, Mr Mingyan (Research Assistant)
- Zhou, Dr Hang (Lecturer in Electrically Powered Aircraft and Operations)
- Zoha, Dr Ahmed (Senior Lecturer)
- Zubair, Dr Muhammad (Research Associate)
Tutors & Demonstrators
- Adekanle, Miss Elizabeth (Demonstrator)
- Afxenti, Miss Ivi (Demonstrator)
- Ahmad, Mr Iftikhar (Demonstrator)
- Ahmadi, Mr Masoud (Demonstrator)
- Ahmed, Mr Asam (Demonstrator)
- Ayaz, Mr Fahad (Demonstrator)
- Bahat, Ms Vironika (Demonstrator)
- Diaz Vergara, Ms Abril (Demonstrator)
- Ewers, Mr Jan-Hendrik (Demonstrator)
- Germano, Mr Elmergue Emidio Francisco (Demonstrator)
- Gibbs, Mr Joe (Demonstrator)
- Hernandez Gelado, Mr Pedro (Demonstrator)
- Ionescu, Ms Livia (Demonstrator)
- Lee, Mr James (Demonstrator)
- Leslie, Mr Andrew (Demonstrator)
- Liu, Mr Jingzhao (Demonstrator)
- McCarthy, Mr Charles (Demonstrator)
- McEleney, Mr Cameron (Demonstrator)
- Ola, Ms Agnese (Demonstrator)
- Orthodoxou, Ms Antri (Demonstrator)
- Patel, Mr Jarez (Demonstrator)
- Scholes, Mr Christopher (Demonstrator)
- Sindal, Mr Chandresh (Demonstrator)
- Tomanek-Volynets, Mr Edward (Demonstrator)
- Tomkinson, Mx Jayden (Demonstrator)
Professional, Administrative & Support
- Allan, Miss Tagen (Teaching and Student Support Administrator)
- Armstrong, Mr Iain (Technician)
- Arthur, Mrs Jennifer (Resource Manager)
- Baird, Miss Amanda (Teaching and Student Support Administrator - Disciplines)
- Barnes, Miss Sian (Learning and Teaching Support Administrator)
- Bell, Mr Alastair (Modern Apprentice: Mechanical)
- Bengtson, Mrs Christine (Senior School Administrator)
- Bennett, Mr Chris (JWNC Director of Operations)
- Bian, Miss Qingqing (TNE Administrative Assistant)
- Biju, Mrs Bincy (Materials Technician)
- Binte Rahmat, Ms Rozilawati (Learning and Teaching Administration Assistant)
- Blaney, Miss Megan (Technician: Chemistry)
- Blunn, Mr James (Lead Facility & Logistics Coordinator)
- Brash, Mrs Vanda (Laboratory Assistant)
- Bremner, Mr Ewan (CAE & Graphics Technician)
- Bronstein, Dr Joe (Technical Section Leader)
- Burgess, Miss Charlotte (Laboratory Assistant)
- Burns, Mr Hamish (Electronics Technician)
- Callaghan, Mrs Kayleigh (Executive Assistant)
- Campbell, Miss Lisa (CDT External Engagement Manager)
- Cawood, Mr James (Technician)
- Cerezo Sanchez, Ms Maria (Project Assistant)
- Chan, Miss Ka Hei (Technician)
- Cia Sanches Loberto, Ms Renata (Student Staff Partnership (Co-creating the Curriculum))
- Collins, Dr Jonathan (Quantum Technologies Technician)
- Crichton, Mrs Heather (Teaching and Student Support Administrator)
- de Cremoux, Miss Charlotte (Intern)
- de Cremoux, Miss Justine (EPSRC Vacation Intern)
- Deans, Ms Julia (PGR Administrator)
- Dickson, Mr Thomas (Mechanical Engineering Technician)
- Donaldson, Mrs Lesley (Technician)
- Douthart, Miss Ellen (Finance and Resources Administrator)
- Doyle, Mrs Anna (Centre Coordinator)
- Dragsnes, Mr Mark (Technical Section Leader (Plasma Processing))
- Ferguson, Mrs Susan (Technician)
- Findlay, Miss Sophia (Materials Technician)
- Galabova, Mrs Tania (Head of Professional Services - Engineering)
- Gale, Ms Georgina (Learning and Teaching Support Administrative Assistant)
- Galt, Mr Stephen (Technician)
- Garcia Caballero, Dr Veronica Lizeth (Teaching Operations & Resource Planning Manager)
- Geurtsen, Mr Evert (Professor in Practice)
- Goodwin, Mrs Claire (Project Administrator/Executive Assistant)
- Graham, Ms Karen (Laboratory Technician: Biology)
- Grant, Dr James (James Watt Nanofabrication Centre Senior Plasma Process Research Engineer)
- Greene, Mr Jim (Electronics Technician)
- Gregg, Mr Bruce (CAE Technician)
- Hao, Miss Yijia (Postgraduate Research intern: MOOC)
- Higgins, Miss Leza (Learning & Teaching Support Administrator)
- Hoey, Mr Bernard (Technician)
- Houston, Miss Catherine (Teaching and Student Support Administrator)
- Hu, Ms Lang (Student Support and Engagement Officer)
- Hunter, Miss Alysha (Bio-Lab Technician)
- Hynes, Miss Sandra (TNE Operational Coordinator)
- Jain, Dr Manish (Project Manager)
- Jayawarna, Dr Vineetha (Microscopy Technician)
- Johnston, Ms Claire (Centre Coordinator)
- Kachkach, Mr Mohamed (Handyperson)
- Kearns, Mr Denis (Technical Services Manager – JWSoE Workshops)
- Kerr, Dr Graham (Professor in Practice)
- Kirk, Mrs Emma-Jane (School Administrator (Divisional))
- Klimczak, Mrs Katarzyna (Laboratory Assistant)
- Lake, Mr Cameron (Electronics Laboratory Assistant)
- Lees, Mrs Fiona (Project Manager)
- Li, Mrs Lin (TNE Learning and Teaching Administrator)
- Love, Miss Rachel (James Watt Nanofabrication Centre (JWNC) Technician)
- MacDonald, Mr Ruairidh (Electronics Technician)
- Macdougall, Mr Wilson (Lead Technician: Mecahnical)
- Macfarlane, Mr Alistair (Technician)
- Maher, Ms Martina (Teaching and Student Support Administrator)
- Majid, Ms Nargause (Teaching and Student Support Administrator)
- Manson, Mr Zack (Laser/Optics Technician)
- Mao, Ms Feng (Learning and Teaching Support Administrator (Good Cause Officer and Exam Administrator))
- Mathieson, Mr Nairn (Modern Apprentice: Mechanical)
- Maung, Mrs Merna (Laboratory Technician: Biology)
- McArthur, Miss Susan (School Administrator (Divisional))
- McCann, Mrs Margaret (Laboratory Assistant)
- McColl, Miss Morna (Project Assistant)
- McCredie, Ms Sharon (Learning and Teaching Support Administrator)
- McDonald, Mr Robert (Modern Apprentice: Electronics/Optics)
- McGlynn, Miss Laura (Techncian)
- McIntyre, Miss Natalie (Programme Manager: Business Improvement)
- McIver, Mr Archie (Technician)
- McKenna, Mr Peter (Lead Technician)
- McKernan, Mr Steven (Mechanical Technician)
- McLaren, Ms Cherisse (TNE Timetabling and L&T Administrator)
- Mclaren, Mr Frazer (Mechanical Technician)
- McLaren, Mr Kenneth (Handyperson)
- Mclellan, Mr Finlay (Modern Apprentice: Electronics/Electrical)
- McLelland, Mrs Helen (Technician)
- Mclurg, Mr Thomas (Technician)
- McWilliams, Mx Eirinn-Rose (Technician: Chemistry)
- Menzies, Dr Kathleen (TNE Operational Administrator)
- Miller, Mr Peter (Lead Technician: Electrical and Electronic)
- Mullaney, Mrs Kristina (Learning and Teaching Support Administrative Assistant)
- Musson, Miss Tia (Learning and Teaching Support Administrative Assistant)
- Nelson, Mr John (Optics/Laser Lab Technician)
- Nevans, Mr Peter (Critical Technologies Accelerator Programme and Development Manager)
- Nicolson, Mr Donald (Technician)
- O'Hara, Mr Thomas (Technician)
- Ofiare, Dr Afesomeh (Instrumentation Technician)
- Olaniyan, Miss Olatokunbo (Teaching and Student Support Administrator)
- Onwuegbuzie, Mr Augustine (Facility Coordinator)
- Owens, Dr David (Professor in Practice)
- Palmer, Mrs Elizabeth (Technician)
- Partridge, Dr Robert (Executive Dean Hainan – University of Glasgow – UESTC)
- Parvizi, Mr Hossein (Bioelectronics Engineer)
- Patterson, Mr Charlie (Materials Technician: Mechanical)
- Petrov, Mr Petar (Laboratory Assistant)
- Phillips, Mr Andrew (Electronics Technician)
- Pollock, Mrs Linda (Technical Section Leader)
- Porteous, Mr Neil (Operational and Logistics Assistant)
- Preece, Mr Andrew (TNE Administrator)
- Prince, Mrs Linda (Learning and Teaching Support Administrative Assistant)
- Quinn, Mrs Lauren (Resource Manager)
- Reilly, Mr Thomas (Microfabrication Technician)
- Robb, Mr Brian (Technical Services Manager - Laboratories and Logistics)
- Robertson, Ms Suzanne (Learning and Teaching Manager)
- Russell, Mrs Julie (Technical Services Manager – Biological Services)
- Salmeron-Sanchez, Professor Manuel (Head of School, James Watt School of Engineering)
- Sayed, Dr Haitham (Laboratory Technician : Biology)
- Scott, Ms Eileen (EDI Officer)
- Scouller, Mr Ian (Logistics Operative/Driver)
- Scullion, Ms Denise (Student Experience Manager)
- Smith, Mr Callum (Technician)
- Smith, Mr Keith (Technician)
- Song, Ms Xiaojuan (TNE Administrative Assistant)
- Stewart, Miss Lynsey (Administrative Assistant)
- Stirling, Mr Kyle (Electronics Technician)
- Stobo, Mr Reiss (Electronics Technician)
- Tait, Miss Jill (Quality Enhancement & Assurance Manager)
- Tavoulari-Matthiopoulos, Mrs Evangelia (Project Administrator)
- Thomson, Miss Hannah (Research Officer)
- Toma, Mrs Evelyn (Director of Strategy, James Watt Nanofabrication Centre (JWNC))
- Tomkinson, Mx Jayden (Postgraduate Research intern: MOOC)
- Tormey, Mr Michael (Technician)
- Toukam, Ms Marie Claire (Bio-Laboratory Technician)
- Wang, Mrs Chengyang (Transnational Education (TNE) Service Manager)
- Wang, Mr Chenyang (Student Support and Engagement Officer)
- White, Professor Stewart (Professor in Practice)
- Wong, Mr Samuel (PGR Administrative Assistant)
- Wood, Mr Iain (Lead Technician)
- Wray, Mrs Katherine (Executive Assistant)
- Wright, Mr Bill (Technical Project Manager)
- Yan, Ms Yaya (Administration Manager)
- Yang, Ms Jing (Administration Manager for UESTC)
- Young, Mr Jacob (CAE Technician)
- Yu, Miss Liangyue (Postgraduate Research Intern: MOOC)
- Zaidi, Ms Fatima (EPSRC Vacation Intern)
- Zhao, Ms Chenxi (Administrative Assistant)
- Zhong, Ms Ruoli (Administration Regional Manager)
- Abdoalbaset, Dr Abohmra (Affiliate)
- Abu-Hudrouss, Dr Ammar (Affiliate)
- Adamu-Lema, Dr Fikru (Affiliate)
- Al-Moathin, Mr Ali (Affiliate)
- Aleksandrov, Mr Preslav (Affiliate)
- Alvarez Martin, Mr Alberto (Affiliate)
- Amoozgar, Dr Mohammadreza (Affiliate)
- Asad, Mr Syed Muhammad (Affiliate)
- Athanasiadis, Dr Ignatios (Affiliate)
- Azevedo Gonzalez Oliva, Ms Mariana (Affiliate)
- Bai, Mr Hanwen (Affiliate)
- Barbera, Dr Daniele (Affiliate)
- Belazzoug, Dr Massinissa (Affiliate)
- Bell, Mr Nicholas (Affiliate)
- Bian, Miss Qingqing (Affiliate)
- Blair, Mr Darren (Affiliate)
- Brown, Mr Angus (Affiliate)
- Burnside, Dr Neil (Affiliate)
- Burt, Dr David (Affiliate)
- Calvert, Dr Simeon (Affiliate)
- Cammarano, Dr Andrea (Affiliate)
- Casey, Mr Brendan (Affiliate)
- Chang, Miss Haiyun (Affiliate)
- Chen, Dr Changrong (Affiliate)
- Chen, Miss Joy (Affiliate)
- Chen, Mr Zizheng (Affiliate)
- Cheng, Miss Shixue (Affiliate)
- Ciccone, Mr Giuseppe (Affiliate)
- Clerici, Professor Matteo (Affiliate)
- Connor, Ms Sarah (Affiliate)
- Cordier, Dr Tristan (Affiliate)
- Cui, Dr Han (Affiliate)
- Das, Dr Rupam (Affiliate)
- De Pamphilis, Mr Luca (Affiliate)
- Dekar, Mrs Anna (Affiliate)
- Deng, Mr Youtang (Affiliate)
- Ding, Dr Ying (Affiliate)
- Docherty, Mr Kevin (Affiliate)
- Doherty, Miss Kerry (Affiliate)
- Dow, Miss Sara (Affiliate)
- Duan, Dr Meng (Affiliate)
- Dutta, Dr Tapas (Affiliate)
- Elmiger, Miss Julia (Affiliate)
- Fan, Miss Yiting (Affiliate)
- Farmer, Dr Corrie (Affiliate)
- Ferreira Barbosa, Mr Joao (Affiliate)
- Filipovic, Dr Lado (Affiliate)
- Filippone, Dr Antonino (Affiliate)
- Fioranelli, Dr Francesco (Affiliate)
- Fotouhi, Dr Mohammad (Affiliate)
- Fotouhi, Dr Sakineh (Affiliate)
- Fraser, Dr David (Affiliate)
- Fu, Mr Mingcheng (Affiliate)
- Gadre, Mr Soham (Affiliate)
- Galloway, Ms Lauren (Affiliate)
- Gee, Dr Alex (Affiliate)
- Gerrard, Dr Neil (Affiliate)
- Giagkoulovits, Dr Christos (Affiliate)
- Gonzalez, Dr Juan (Affiliate)
- Gray, Mr Derek (Affiliate)
- Gray, Dr Derek (Affiliate)
- Guerrero Zuniga, Dr Selene (Affiliate)
- Gundogdu, Dr Ozan (Affiliate)
- Guo, Mr Haoyuan (Affiliate)
- He, Miss Ruolan (Affiliate)
- He, Mr Tianyi (Affiliate)
- Hu, Ms Lang (Affiliate)
- Huang, Mr Jie (Affiliate)
- Huang, Mr Qimao (Affiliate)
- Hughes, Ms Liz (Affiliate)
- Idris, Dr Messaoudene (Affiliate)
- Ioannou, Dr Anastasia (Affiliate)
- Ivanov, Dr Pavlo (Affiliate)
- Javed, Dr Sundus (Affiliate)
- Jia, Mr Wenkai (Affiliate)
- Jing, Ms Li (Affiliate)
- Karami, Dr Kaivan (Affiliate)
- Karthikeyan, Dr Vaithinathan (Affiliate)
- Khandelwal, Dr Gaurav (Affiliate)
- Kim, Dr Daehyun (Affiliate)
- Kumar, Dr Charchit (Affiliate)
- Lai, Miss Yidan (Affiliate)
- Lardner, Miss Emma (Affiliate)
- Lee, Mr Jaehyun (Affiliate)
- Lei, Mr Cheng (Affiliate)
- Lei, Mr Peng (Affiliate)
- Lennon, Dr Ciaran (Affiliate)
- Lewandowski, Dr Karol (Affiliate)
- Li, Mr Chao (Affiliate)
- Li, Mr Jingcheng (Affiliate)
- Li, Other Keying (Affiliate)
- Li, Miss Ping (Affiliate)
- Li, Mr Qinghua (Affiliate)
- Li, Mr Qingyu (Affiliate)
- Li, Mr Xiang (Affiliate)
- Li, Miss Xiaohuan (Affiliate)
- Li, Dr Yuetao (Affiliate)
- Lian, Miss Shiqi (Affiliate)
- Liang, Mr Sidi (Affiliate)
- Liu, Mr Daichen (Affiliate)
- Liu, Miss Jinchan (Affiliate)
- Liu, Mr Tianxiang (Affiliate)
- Liu, Mr Xiaotong (Affiliate)
- Liu, Dr Zhaowei (Affiliate)
- Lou, Dr Chengwei (Affiliate)
- Madden, Mr Paul (Affiliate)
- Malik, Dr Shahid (Affiliate)
- Mao, Ms Feng (Affiliate)
- Martinelli, Mr Cristiano (Affiliate)
- Mathieson, Dr Andrew (Affiliate)
- McCloy, Mr David (Affiliate)
- McGlynn, Miss Eve (Affiliate)
- McKay, Miss Josie (Affiliate)
- McKeown, Mr Andrew (Affiliate)
- McNally, Miss Kathleen (Affiliate)
- Mehmood, Mr Ali (Affiliate)
- Mills, Mr Gordon (Affiliate)
- Mills, Dr Simon (Affiliate)
- Milne, Mr David (Affiliate)
- Mirando, Mr Francesco (Affiliate)
- Mohamed Osman Hussain, Miss Jude (Affiliate)
- Mordue, Mr Christopher (KNT Affiliate)
- Mulvana, Dr Helen (Affiliate)
- Napolitano, Professor Antonio (Affiliate)
- Nawaz, Mr Muhammad Waqas (Affiliate)
- Ni, Mr Minghui (Affiliate)
- Nicholson, Miss Rhona (Affiliate)
- Nicolson, Mrs Val (Affiliate)
- Nie, Mr Zhechuan (Affiliate)
- Nolan, Mr Craig (Affiliate)
- Noreen, Dr Zobia (Affiliate)
- Omeke, Dr Kenechi (Affiliate)
- OO Htet, Mr Kaung (Affiliate)
- Orchard, Dr Jon (Affiliate)
- Osuagwu, Dr Bethel (Affiliate)
- Pan, Mr Benhao (Affiliate)
- Papanicolopulos, Dr Stefanos (Affiliate)
- Paterson, Mr David (Affiliate)
- Paul, Dr Jharna (Affiliate)
- Rains, Mr James (Affiliate)
- Rajaram Baskaran, Mr Raj Kumar (Affiliate)
- Randle-Boggis, Dr Richard (Affiliate)
- Ren, Mr Yuhang (Affiliate)
- Richardson, Miss Verity (Affiliate)
- Robbins, Dr David (Affiliate)
- Rodrigo-Navarro, Mr Aleixandre (Affiliate)
- Romain, Professor Olivier (Affiliate)
- Saeed, Dr Anwer (Affiliate)
- Sanchez-Rubio, Mr Alvaro (Affiliate)
- Sapienza, Dr Luca (Affiliate)
- Sarakinos, Dr Sotirios (Affiliate)
- Scarfone, Mr Riccardo (Affiliate)
- Schmidt, Dr Bernd (Affiliate)
- Schmidt, Miss Maja (Affiliate)
- Schneider, Dr Johannes (Affiliate)
- Schulte Strathaus, Ms Tabea (Affiliate)
- Shang, Dr Junlong (Affiliate)
- Sharp, Mr Oliver (Affiliate)
- Shawky, Mr Mahmoud (Affiliate)
- Shi, Ms Jiazhuang (Affiliate)
- Shi, Dr Sean (Affiliate)
- Song, Mr Tianyu (Affiliate)
- Song, Ms Xiaojuan (Affiliate)
- Sparrow, Dr Raymond (Affiliate)
- Subramanian, Mr Senthilkumar (Affiliate)
- Swanson, Dr Alka (Affiliate)
- Syuhri, Dr Skriptyan (Affiliate)
- Tahir, Dr Ahsen (Affiliate)
- Tan, Mr Kang (Affiliate)
- Tang, Other Yuxi (Affiliate)
- Tanwear, Dr asfand (Affiliate)
- Tariq, Dr Aamira (Affiliate)
- Teo, Mr Mark (Affiliate)
- Teo, Mr Joshua (Affiliate)
- Ternent, Dr Gary (Affiliate)
- Topaloglu, Dr Ismail (Affiliate)
- Trego, Dr Anna (Affiliate)
- Triadis, Dr Dimetre (Affiliate)
- Tsagkari, Dr Erifyli (Affiliate)
- Tukmanov, Dr Anvar (Affiliate)
- Turcanu, Mr Mihnea (Affiliate)
- Ullah, Dr Farman (Affiliate)
- Unluer, Dr Cise (Affiliate)
- Valentine, Mr Ronan (Affiliate)
- Vasileiadis, Dr Nikolaos (Affiliate)
- Vega-Fuentes, Dr Eduardo (Affiliate)
- Vellaisamy, Professor Roy (Affiliate)
- Vezza, Dr Marco (Affiliate)
- Wang, Mr Haoyu (Affiliate)
- Wang, Miss Hongjing (Affiliate)
- Wang, Mr Qinghe (Affiliate)
- Weightman, Dr Andrew (Affiliate)
- Whittet, Mr Craig (Affiliate Staff- GSA)
- Wu, Miss Meilin (Affiliate)
- Xiang, Mr Yujiao (Affiliate)
- Xiao, Mr Boyu (Affiliate)
- Xiao, Miss Yunshan (Affiliate)
- Xie, Mr Shuangyang (Affiliate)
- Xiong, Other Yuhuan (Affiliate)
- Xu, Dr Shizhong (Affiliate)
- Xu, Mr Xiangqian (Affiliate)
- Xu, Miss Yanhan (Affiliate)
- Yan, Ms Yaya (Affiliate)
- Yang, Ms Jing (Affiliate)
- Yang, Miss Xinyan (Affiliate)
- Yoo, Dr Seongwoo (Affiliate)
- Yu, Professor Zhibin (Affiliate)
- Yu, Ms Carrie (Extended 2 years KW 15Nov21)
- Yuan, Dr Ye (Affiliate)
- Yuan, Mr Zijun (Affiliate)
- Yue, Miss Rachel (Affiliate)
- Yukselen, Mr Halid (Affiliate)
- Zare-Behtash, Dr Hossein (Affiliate)
- Zdonowski, Mr Konrad (Affiliate)
- Zhang, Mr Keyu (Affiliate)
- Zhang, Dr Shoushou (Affiliate)
- Zhang, Mr Tao (Affiliate)
- Zhao, Ms Chenxi (Affiliate)(Affiliate)
- Zhao, Dr Guodong (Affiliate)
- zhao, Mr hongsen (Affiliate)
- Zhao, Mr Jiaxin (Affiliate)
- Zhao, Mr Yanbo (Affiliate)
- Zhong, Mr Hongze (Affiliate)
- Zhong, Ms Ruoli (Affiliate)
- Zhu, Professor Ce (Affiliate Professor)
- Zhuang, Dr Hanyang (Affiliate)
- Zubair, Dr Muhammad (Affiliate)
- Zuo, Dr Siming (Affiliate)
Honorary & Visiting
- Akbar, Mr Jehan (Honorary Lecturer)
- Aneela, Dr Abrar (Visiting Research Fellow)
- Aynul, Dr Islam (Honorary Lecturer)
- Barker, Professor John (Honorary Senior Research Fellow)
- Beattie, Mr Derek (Honorary Lecturer)
- Beaumont, Professor Steve (Honorary Senior Research Fellow)
- Bhatt, Dr Prabhakara (Honorary Research Fellow)
- Biswas, Professor Asit (Distinguished Visiting Professor)
- Bremner, Professor Duncan (Honorary Senior Research Fellow)
- Burton-Durham, Mr Grant (Honorary Lecturer)
- Cai, Miss Huiling (Honorary Lecturer)
- Chen, Dr Ming (Honorary Lecturer)
- Chen, Ms Peng (Honorary Lecturer)
- Chen, Mr Zhen (Honorary Lecturer)
- Crosbie, Professor Roy (Visiting Research Fellow)
- Crump, Dr Paul (Visiting Professor of Photonics)
- Cui, Miss Gongrongxin (Honorary Lecturer)
- Cui, Ms Linli (Honorary Lecturer)
- Cunningham, Dr Samia (Honorary Research Fellow)
- Curliss, Mr Connor (Honorary Lecturer)
- D'Onza, Dr Francesca (Honorary Research Associate)
- Davies, Professor John (Honorary Senior Research Fellow)
- Davies, Dr Trevor (Honorary Research Fellow)
- De La Rue, Professor Richard (Honorary Professor)
- Dejun, Mr Chen (Honorary Research Associate)
- Dely, Mr Neil (Honorary Professor)
- Dobie, Dr Gordon (Honorary Lecturer)
- Duan, Mr Ke (Honorary Lecturer)
- Duggan, Mr Jason (Honorary Lecturer)
- El-Senussi, Professor Abdelrasol (Honorary Senior Research Fellow)
- Fairlie-Clarke, Dr Anthony (Honorary Senior Lecturer)
- Farooq, Professor Robina (Honorary Research Fellow)
- Fei, Dr Minggang (Honorary Lecturer)
- Feng, Mr Di (Honorary Research Fellow)
- Fu, Professor Hao (Honorary Lecturer)
- Gachagan, Dr Anthony (Honorary Lecturer)
- Galbraith, Professor Roderick (Honorary Senior Research Fellow)
- Gawthrop, Professor Peter (Honorary Senior Research Fellow)
- Gerold, Dr Bjoern (Honorary Research Associate)
- Goodchild, Dr Colin (Honorary Research Fellow)
- Guo, Dr Wei (Honorary Lecturer)
- Haider, Dr Sami Ahmed (Honorary Lecturer)
- Hancock, Professor John (Honorary Research Fellow)
- He, Ms Shuyan (Honorary Lecturer)
- Hodgkiess, Dr Trevor (Honorary Research Fellow)
- Hogg, Professor Richard (Honorary Senior Research Fellow)
- Hou, Ms Xiaolan (Honorary Lecturer)
- Hussain, Dr Sajjad (Honorary Lecturer)
- Jackson, Mr Joseph (Honorary Lecturer)
- Javadi, Dr Yashar (Honorary Lecturer)
- Jelly, Mr Thomas (Affiliate)
- Johnson, Dr Nigel (Honorary Research Fellow)
- Kennedy, Ms Lynne (Honorary Lecturer)
- Li, Dr Liang (Honorary Lecturer)
- Li, Miss Litchi (Honorary Lecturer)
- Li, Dr Xiang (Honorary Lecturer)
- Li, Ms Yuying (Honorary Lecturer)
- Liang, Professor Ying-Chang (Visiting Professor)
- Liew, Dr Edmund (Honorary Lecturer)
- Liew, Dr Paksan (Honorary Lecturer)
- Lim, Dr Chee Onn (Honorary Research Fellow)
- Lim, Dr Choo Min (Honorary Lecturer)
- Lim, Dr Chun Yee (Honorary Lecturer)
- Lin, Ms Siyun (Honorary Lecturer)
- Liu, Dr Zhiliang (Honorary Lecturer)
- Loh, Dr Peter (Honorary Lecturer)
- Low, Dr Eicher (Honorary Lecturer)
- Luo, Miss Maoju (Honorary Lecturer)
- Luo, Dr Wuqiong (Honorary Lecturer)
- Ma, Mr Terry (Honorary Professor)
- Macauley, Dr Martin (Honorary Research Fellow)
- Machin, Professor Graham (Honorary Professor)
- Macleod, Dr Charles Norman (Honorary Lecturer)
- Mair, Mr William (Honorary Research Fellow)
- Marsh, Professor John (Honorary Senior Research Fellow)
- McAslan, Mr Steven (Honorary Lecturer)
- Mias, Miss Caroline (Honorary Research Associate)
- Mohseni, Dr Ehsan (Honorary Lecturer)
- Murray-Smith, Professor David (Honorary Senior Research Fellow)
- Needham, Ms Alice (Honorary Lecturer)
- O'Leary, Dr Richard (Honorary Lecturer)
- O'Reilly, Professor John (Honorary Senior Research Fellow)
- Oxland, Dr Richard (Honorary Research Associate)
- Page, Professor Richard (Honorary Lecturer)
- Parnianifard, Dr Amir (Honorary Lecturer)
- Parry, Mr Nathan (Honorary Lecturer)
- Perry, Mr John (Visiting Research Fellow)
- Pierce, Professor Stephen Gareth (Honorary Lecturer)
- Premkumar, Mr Benjamin (Honorary Lecturer)
- Qi, Professor Jin (Honorary Lecturer)
- Qi, Ms Linyi (Honorary Lecturer)
- Qiu, Ms Jingshu (Honorary Lecturer)
- Radice, Dr Gianmarco (Honorary Lecturer)
- Ridler, Professor Nick (Honorary Professor)
- Sasagawa, Dr Keisuke (Honorary Research Fellow)
- Shanks, Mr Andrew (Honorary Lecturer)
- Shanks, Professor Ian (Honorary Professor)
- Shen, Miss Yanqin (Honorary Lecturer)
- Shojaei Baghini, Professor Maryam (Visiting Professor)
- Simons, Mr Ian (Visiting Research Fellow)
- Stratoudaki, Dr Theodosia (Honorary Lecturer)
- Summers, Mr Tim (Honorary Professor)
- Sun, Ms Catherine (Honorary Lecturer)
- Tan, Professor Alfred (Honorary Lecturer)
- Tang, Ms Hongyan (Honorary Lecturer)
- Tant, Dr Katy (Honorary Lecturer)
- Tatipamula, Dr Mallik (Honorary Professor)
- Tay, Ms Mui Hua (Honorary Lecturer)
- Teng, Dr Yunlong (Honorary Research Associate)
- Thayne, Prof Iain (Honorary Research Fellow)
- Tian, Ms Jing (Honorary Lecturer)
- Tian, Mr Jing (Honorary Lecturer)
- Wang, Mr Peng Cheng (Honorary Lecturer)
- Wang, Ms Xiaoyu (Honorary Lecturer)
- Wei, Ms Tingeing (Honorary Lecturer)
- Wen, Ms Jing (Honorary Lecturer)
- Wen, Ms Qing (Honorary Lecturer)
- Wheeler, Professor Simon (Honorary Senior Research Fellow)
- Whyte, Dr William (Honorary Research Fellow)
- Windmill, Professor James (Honorary Lecturer)
- Woo, Dr Kang Wei (Honorary Lecturer)
- Wu, Ms Fei (Honorary Lecturer)
- Wu, Professor Zhe (Honorary Lecturer)
- Xiong, Ms Li (Honorary Lecturer)
- Xiong, Dr Wenhui (Honorary Lecturer)
- Xu, Professor Tianrui (Honorary Senior Research Fellow)
- Yan, Professor Bo (Honorary Lecturer)
- Yang, Dr Lian (Honorary Lecturer)
- Yang, Professor Yuan Wang (Honorary Lecturer)
- York, Dr Christopher (Honorary Lecturer)
- Yu, Dr Bo (Honorary Lecturer)
- Yu, Dr James (Visiting Professor)
- Yu, Miss Wen (Honorary Lecturer)
- Yuan, Ms Yiwei (Honorary Lecturer)
- Zeng, Ms Rong (Honorary Lecturer)
- Zhang, Ms Hongmei (Honorary Lecturer)
- Zhang, Professor Huixiong (Honorary Lecturer)
- Zhang, Dr Linhua (Honorary Lecturer)
- Zhang, Ms Peipei (Honorary Lecturer)
- Zhang, Professor Qiushu (Honorary Lecturer)
- Zhao, Dr Huapeng (Honorary Research Associate)
- Zhou, Ms Nan (Honorary Lecturer)
- Zhu, Mr Chong (Honorary Lecturer)
- Zhu, Ms Jiangqin (Honorary Lecturer)
- Zhu, Professor Xiaozhang (Honorary Lecturer)
- Ziang, Professor Dame Jing (Honorary Lecturer)