Dr Martin Macauley

  • Honorary Research Fellow (School of Engineering)

email: Martin.Macauley@glasgow.ac.uk

R516 Level 5, Eng - Systems Power & Energy, Rankine Building, Glasgow G12 8LT

Import to contacts

Research interests


B.Sc. in Natural Philosophy
Ph.D. in Nuclear Physics
Experimental investigation of the properties of nuclei by the scattering of high energy electrons and theoretical shell model calculations.
Currently Lecturer in Electronics and Electrical Engineering


Research Interests

Real Time control of grid-connected hydro-turbine and wind generators with Harry Davie, David Fraser and Dave Winning.
Study of the visual system of land crabs with Jon Barnes, Geoff Horseman and Aaron Johnson.
The physics of stringed musical instruments with Nick Bailey.



Real time computer systems at the hardware software interface



List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2016 | 2011 | 2008 | 2007 | 2004 | 2002 | 2001
Number of items: 12.


Han, G. et al. (2016) Facile surfactant-free synthesis of p-type SnSe nanoplates with exceptional thermoelectric power factors. Angewandte Chemie (International Edition), 55(22), pp. 6433-6437. (doi: 10.1002/anie.201601420) (PMID:27094703)


Horseman, B.G., Macauley, M.W.S. and Barnes, W.J.P. (2011) Neuronal processing of translational optic flow in the visual system of the shore crab Carcinus maenas. Journal of Experimental Biology, 214(9), pp. 1586-1598. (doi: 10.1242/jeb.050955)


Barnes, J., Macauley, M., Neidhardt, J. and Layne, J. (2008) Varying the sign and gain of optomotor feedback provides insights into mechanisms of course control in walking land crabs, Cardisoma guanhumi. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. Part A: Molecular and Integrative Physiology, 150(3), S130. (doi: 10.1016/j.cbpa.2008.04.306)


Watts, C., McGookin, E. and Macauley, M. (2007) Modelling and control of a biomimetic underwater vehicle with a tendon drive propulsion system. In: Oceans 2007 - Europe, Aberdeen, 18-21 Jun 2007, pp. 1-6. (doi: 10.1109/OCEANSE.2007.4302245)

Watts, C., McGookin, E. and Macauley, M. (2007) Biomimetic propulsion Systems for mini-autonomous underwater vehicles. In: Oceans 2007, Vancouver, B.C., 29 Sep - 4 Oct 2007, pp. 1-5. (doi: 10.1109/OCEANS.2007.4449245)

Watts, C., Mcgookin, E.W. and Macauley, M. (2007) Modelling and Control of a Biomimetric Underwater Vehicle with a Tendon Drive Propulsion System. In: IEEE/OES Oceans 2007 Europe, Aberdeen,


Johnson, A.P., Barnes, W.J.P. and Macauley, M.W.S. (2004) Effects of light intensity and pattern contrast on the ability of the land crab, Cardisoma guanhumi, to separate optic flow-field components. Visual Neuroscience, 21, pp. 895-904. (doi: 10.1017/S0952523804216091)

Johnson, A.P., Barnes, W.J.P. and Macauley, M.W.S. (2004) Local mechanisms for the separation of optic flow-field components in the land crab, Cardisoma guanhumi: a role for motion parallax? Visual Neuroscience, 21, pp. 905-911. (doi: 10.1017/S0952523804216108)


Barnes, W.J.P., Johnson, A.P., Horseman, G.B. and Macauley, M.W.S. (2002) Computer-aided studies of vision in crabs. Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology, 35, pp. 37-56. (doi: 10.1080/10236240290025608)

Johnson, A.P., Horseman, B.G., Macauley, M.W.S. and Barnes, W.J.P. (2002) PC-based visual stimuli for behavioural and electrophysiological studies of optic flow field detection. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 114, pp. 51-61.


Barnes, W.J.P., Horseman, B.G. and Macauley, M.W.S. (2001) The detection and analysis of optic flow by crabs: from eye movements to electrophysiology. In: Wiese, K. (ed.) The Crustacean Nervous System. Springer: Berlin, Germany, pp. 468-485. ISBN 9783540669005

Johnson, A. and Macauley, M. (2001) High precision timing within Microsoft Windows: threads, scheduling and system interrupts. Microprocessors and Microsystems, 25, pp. 297-307.

This list was generated on Mon Feb 10 00:15:19 2025 GMT.
Number of items: 12.


Han, G. et al. (2016) Facile surfactant-free synthesis of p-type SnSe nanoplates with exceptional thermoelectric power factors. Angewandte Chemie (International Edition), 55(22), pp. 6433-6437. (doi: 10.1002/anie.201601420) (PMID:27094703)

Horseman, B.G., Macauley, M.W.S. and Barnes, W.J.P. (2011) Neuronal processing of translational optic flow in the visual system of the shore crab Carcinus maenas. Journal of Experimental Biology, 214(9), pp. 1586-1598. (doi: 10.1242/jeb.050955)

Barnes, J., Macauley, M., Neidhardt, J. and Layne, J. (2008) Varying the sign and gain of optomotor feedback provides insights into mechanisms of course control in walking land crabs, Cardisoma guanhumi. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. Part A: Molecular and Integrative Physiology, 150(3), S130. (doi: 10.1016/j.cbpa.2008.04.306)

Johnson, A.P., Barnes, W.J.P. and Macauley, M.W.S. (2004) Effects of light intensity and pattern contrast on the ability of the land crab, Cardisoma guanhumi, to separate optic flow-field components. Visual Neuroscience, 21, pp. 895-904. (doi: 10.1017/S0952523804216091)

Johnson, A.P., Barnes, W.J.P. and Macauley, M.W.S. (2004) Local mechanisms for the separation of optic flow-field components in the land crab, Cardisoma guanhumi: a role for motion parallax? Visual Neuroscience, 21, pp. 905-911. (doi: 10.1017/S0952523804216108)

Barnes, W.J.P., Johnson, A.P., Horseman, G.B. and Macauley, M.W.S. (2002) Computer-aided studies of vision in crabs. Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology, 35, pp. 37-56. (doi: 10.1080/10236240290025608)

Johnson, A.P., Horseman, B.G., Macauley, M.W.S. and Barnes, W.J.P. (2002) PC-based visual stimuli for behavioural and electrophysiological studies of optic flow field detection. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 114, pp. 51-61.

Johnson, A. and Macauley, M. (2001) High precision timing within Microsoft Windows: threads, scheduling and system interrupts. Microprocessors and Microsystems, 25, pp. 297-307.

Book Sections

Barnes, W.J.P., Horseman, B.G. and Macauley, M.W.S. (2001) The detection and analysis of optic flow by crabs: from eye movements to electrophysiology. In: Wiese, K. (ed.) The Crustacean Nervous System. Springer: Berlin, Germany, pp. 468-485. ISBN 9783540669005

Conference Proceedings

Watts, C., McGookin, E. and Macauley, M. (2007) Modelling and control of a biomimetic underwater vehicle with a tendon drive propulsion system. In: Oceans 2007 - Europe, Aberdeen, 18-21 Jun 2007, pp. 1-6. (doi: 10.1109/OCEANSE.2007.4302245)

Watts, C., McGookin, E. and Macauley, M. (2007) Biomimetic propulsion Systems for mini-autonomous underwater vehicles. In: Oceans 2007, Vancouver, B.C., 29 Sep - 4 Oct 2007, pp. 1-5. (doi: 10.1109/OCEANS.2007.4449245)

Watts, C., Mcgookin, E.W. and Macauley, M. (2007) Modelling and Control of a Biomimetric Underwater Vehicle with a Tendon Drive Propulsion System. In: IEEE/OES Oceans 2007 Europe, Aberdeen,

This list was generated on Mon Feb 10 00:15:19 2025 GMT.


I supervise a team of Electronics and Software Engineering students in Team Project ESE3 (Software) COMPSCI4044P, which is organised by the School of Computing Science.


I teach the following Electronics and Electrical Engineering courses :

  • Computer Architecture 2 ENG2014
  • Real Time Computer Systems 3 ENG3043
  • Computer Arch & Communications 4 ENG4040
  • Computer Communications II (Lans) ENG5021

and I assist with

  • Real Time Embedded Programming ENG5220.

I am the Quality Officer for the College of Science and Engineering.