Dr Ye Yuan

  • Lecturer in Flight Sciences (Autonomous Systems & Connectivity)
  • Affiliate (School of Engineering)


My research focuses on aircraft flight dynamics, handling qualities, and model-based design and optimisation, with a particular emphasis on rotorcraft and eVTOL systems. Recently, my interests and teaching have expanded to include UAVs and wind turbine systems, as well as any rotating system that interacts with its surrounding aerodynamics.

I am deeply convinced that electric air vehicle technology is the future—not only offering a transformative shift in urban mobility but also playing a crucial role in reducing carbon emissions and promoting sustainable aviation. My work aims to push the boundaries of next-generation aerial systems, combining advanced modelling, simulation, and optimisation techniques to improve their performance, efficiency, and safety.

Research interests

  • Aircraft Design
  • Helicopter and UAV Flight Dynamics
  • Aircraft Flying and Handling Qualities
  • Autonomous Systems
  • Aircraft Safety
  • Aerospace System
  • Model-based optimisation
  • Uncertainty Quantification


Selected publications

Rasher, D. B. et al. (2020) Keystone predators govern the pathway and pace of climate impacts in a subarctic marine ecosystem. Science, 369(6509), pp. 1351-1354. (doi: 10.1126/science.aav7515) (PMID:32913100)

Mao, J., Burdett, H. L., McGill, R. A.R. , Newton, J. , Gulliver, P. and Kamenos, N. A. (2020) Carbon burial over the last four millennia is regulated by both climatic and land-use change. Global Change Biology, 26(4), pp. 2496-2504. (doi: 10.1111/gcb.15021) (PMID:32100446)

McCoy, S. J. and Kamenos, N. A. (2018) Coralline algal skeletal mineralogy affects grazer impacts. Global Change Biology, 24(10), pp. 4775-4783. (doi: 10.1111/gcb.14370) (PMID:30030870)

McCoy, S. J., Kamenos, N. A. , Chung, P., Wootton, T. J. and Pfister, C. A. (2018) A mineralogical record of ocean change: decadal and centennial patterns in the California mussel. Global Change Biology, 24(6), pp. 2554-2562. (doi: 10.1111/gcb.14013) (PMID:29314468)

van der Heijden, L.H. and Kamenos, N.A. (2015) Reviews and syntheses: Calculating the global contribution of coralline algae to total carbon burial. Biogeosciences, 12(21), pp. 6429-6441. (doi: 10.5194/bg-12-6429-2015)

McCoy, S. J. and Kamenos, N. A. (2015) Coralline algae (rhodophyta) in a changing world: integrating ecological, physiological, and geochemical responses to global change. Journal of Phycology, 51(1), pp. 6-24. (doi: 10.1111/jpy.12262)

Kamenos, N.A. (2010) North Atlantic summers have warmed more than winters since 1353 and the response of marine zooplankton. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 107(52), pp. 22442-22447. (doi: 10.1073/pnas.1006141107)

All publications

List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019
Number of items: 13.


Yuan, Y. , Thomson, D. and Anderson, D. (2022) Aerodynamic uncertainty quantification for tiltrotor aircraft. Aerospace, 9(5), 271. (doi: 10.3390/aerospace9050271)


Yuan, Y. , Thomson, D. and Anderson, D. (2021) Manoeuvrability Investigation for Tiltrotor Aircraft with an Integrated Simulation Engine. In: 47th European Rotorcraft Forum, 07-09 Sep 2021, p. 17.

Chen, R., Yuan, Y. and Thomson, D. (2021) A review of mathematical modelling techniques for advanced rotorcraft configurations. Progress in Aerospace Sciences, 120, 100681. (doi: 10.1016/j.paerosci.2020.100681)

Yuan, Y. , Thomson, D. and Anderson, D. (2021) Use of Uncertainty Quantification to Determine the Impact of Manufacturing Error on the Handling Qualities of Tiltrotor Aircraft. In: 77th Vertical Flight Society (VFS) Annual Forum, 10-14 May 2021, pp. 2007-2013. ISBN 9781713830016


Yuan, Y. , Chen, R. and Thomson, D. (2020) Propeller design to improve flight dynamics features and performance for coaxial compound helicopters. Aerospace Science and Technology, 106, 106096. (doi: 10.1016/j.ast.2020.106096)

Yuan, Y. , Thomson, D. and Anderson, D. (2020) Application of automatic differentiation for tilt-rotor aircraft flight dynamics analysis. Journal of Aircraft, 57(5), pp. 985-990. (doi: 10.2514/1.C035811)

Yuan, Y. , Thomson, D. and Chen, R. (2020) Variable rotor speed strategy for coaxial compound helicopters with lift-offset rotors. Aeronautical Journal, 124(1271), pp. 96-120. (doi: 10.1017/aer.2019.113)


Yuan, Y. , Thomson, D. and Anderson, D. (2019) Dynamic Performance Investigation for Tilt-Rotor Aircraft. In: Vertical Flight Society 76th Annual Forum & Technology Display, Virginia Beach, VA, USA, 06-08 Oct 2020,

Yuan, Y. , Thomson, D. and Chen, R. (2019) Investigation of lift offset on flight dynamics characteristics for coaxial compound helicopters. Journal of Aircraft, 56(6), pp. 2210-2222. (doi: 10.2514/1.C035190)

Yuan, Y. , Thomson, D. , Chen, R. and Dunlop, R. (2019) Heading control strategy assessment for coaxial compound helicopters. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 32(9), pp. 2037-2046. (doi: 10.1016/j.cja.2019.04.008)

Yuan, Y. , Thomson, D. and Chen, R. (2019) Propeller control strategy for coaxial compound helicopters. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 233(10), pp. 3775-3789. (doi: 10.1177/0954410018806796)

Yuan, Y. , Thomson, D. and Chen, R. (2019) Longitudinal Control Strategy Investigation for Coaxial Compound Helicopters. In: Vertical Flight Society 75th Annual Forum & Technology Display, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 13-16 May 2019,

Yuan, Y. , Chen, R. and Li, P. (2019) Trim investigation for coaxial rigid rotor helicopters using an improved aerodynamic interference model. Aerospace Science and Technology, 85, pp. 293-304. (doi: 10.1016/j.ast.2018.11.044)

This list was generated on Sat Feb 8 14:43:21 2025 GMT.
Number of items: 13.


Yuan, Y. , Thomson, D. and Anderson, D. (2022) Aerodynamic uncertainty quantification for tiltrotor aircraft. Aerospace, 9(5), 271. (doi: 10.3390/aerospace9050271)

Chen, R., Yuan, Y. and Thomson, D. (2021) A review of mathematical modelling techniques for advanced rotorcraft configurations. Progress in Aerospace Sciences, 120, 100681. (doi: 10.1016/j.paerosci.2020.100681)

Yuan, Y. , Chen, R. and Thomson, D. (2020) Propeller design to improve flight dynamics features and performance for coaxial compound helicopters. Aerospace Science and Technology, 106, 106096. (doi: 10.1016/j.ast.2020.106096)

Yuan, Y. , Thomson, D. and Anderson, D. (2020) Application of automatic differentiation for tilt-rotor aircraft flight dynamics analysis. Journal of Aircraft, 57(5), pp. 985-990. (doi: 10.2514/1.C035811)

Yuan, Y. , Thomson, D. and Chen, R. (2020) Variable rotor speed strategy for coaxial compound helicopters with lift-offset rotors. Aeronautical Journal, 124(1271), pp. 96-120. (doi: 10.1017/aer.2019.113)

Yuan, Y. , Thomson, D. and Chen, R. (2019) Investigation of lift offset on flight dynamics characteristics for coaxial compound helicopters. Journal of Aircraft, 56(6), pp. 2210-2222. (doi: 10.2514/1.C035190)

Yuan, Y. , Thomson, D. , Chen, R. and Dunlop, R. (2019) Heading control strategy assessment for coaxial compound helicopters. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 32(9), pp. 2037-2046. (doi: 10.1016/j.cja.2019.04.008)

Yuan, Y. , Thomson, D. and Chen, R. (2019) Propeller control strategy for coaxial compound helicopters. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 233(10), pp. 3775-3789. (doi: 10.1177/0954410018806796)

Yuan, Y. , Chen, R. and Li, P. (2019) Trim investigation for coaxial rigid rotor helicopters using an improved aerodynamic interference model. Aerospace Science and Technology, 85, pp. 293-304. (doi: 10.1016/j.ast.2018.11.044)

Conference Proceedings

Yuan, Y. , Thomson, D. and Anderson, D. (2021) Manoeuvrability Investigation for Tiltrotor Aircraft with an Integrated Simulation Engine. In: 47th European Rotorcraft Forum, 07-09 Sep 2021, p. 17.

Yuan, Y. , Thomson, D. and Anderson, D. (2021) Use of Uncertainty Quantification to Determine the Impact of Manufacturing Error on the Handling Qualities of Tiltrotor Aircraft. In: 77th Vertical Flight Society (VFS) Annual Forum, 10-14 May 2021, pp. 2007-2013. ISBN 9781713830016

Yuan, Y. , Thomson, D. and Anderson, D. (2019) Dynamic Performance Investigation for Tilt-Rotor Aircraft. In: Vertical Flight Society 76th Annual Forum & Technology Display, Virginia Beach, VA, USA, 06-08 Oct 2020,

Yuan, Y. , Thomson, D. and Chen, R. (2019) Longitudinal Control Strategy Investigation for Coaxial Compound Helicopters. In: Vertical Flight Society 75th Annual Forum & Technology Display, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 13-16 May 2019,

This list was generated on Sat Feb 8 14:43:21 2025 GMT.


1. Research in Residence Fellowship (50k, PI 2024-2026, Collaborator Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult)

Advanced technology for the UAV-embedded wind turbine inspection.

2. Transportation Research Innovation Grant (30k, PI 2021-2022)

Safety Evaluation of the Urban Air Mobility System