Annotations that help navigate the text

Manuscript title/author's name added on fore-edge (or other edges)

163434 (title on fore-edge); Al-a.71 (partial); An-y.23 (item 1) and An-y.23 (item 2); An-y.38 (traces); Ap-x.1 (in horn window on front board); BC2-x.15; BC4-c.21 (item 2) & BC4-c.21 (item 3); BC4-c.22 (item 1) & BC4-c.22 (item 2) (traces of fore-edge title and indistinct coat of arms on top edge); BC7-y.11 (item 1) & BC7-y.11 (item 4) (16th-century titles on upper and lower edges); BC17-x.1 (item 1); BD1-d.4 (early title added to lower edge); BD7-b.7 (evidence of early manuscript title on fore-edge); BD7-c.1 (item 1) & BD7-c.1 (item 2); BD7-d.8 (author's name on fore-edge); BD7-d.19; BD7-e.1 (fore-edge title); BD7-e.7 (partial - indicating this was once bound with other works); BD9-a.8; BD9-b.1 (shelfmark? on top edge); BD9-b.5 (lower edge of text block); BD15-c.25 (partial on top-edge?); Be.3.1 (shelfmark on lower edge); Be.3.29 (item 1) & Be.3.29 (item 2) (fore-edge title); BE6-c.3; Bf.2.9 (title on lower edge); Bf.3.4; Bf.3.13 (item 1) & Bf.3.13 (item 2); Bg.3.18; Bh.1.16 (title on fore-edge); Bi7-a.2 (lengthy unread two line fore-edge inscription); Bm6-d.12 (evidence of fore-edge title); Bn7-b.4; Bv.2.7 (evidence of manuscript lettering on fore-edge); Bw.2.4 (title on lower edge); Bw.3.4; Bw.3.9; Bw.3.34 (title on fore-edge); Bx.1.13 (indistinct title on fore-edge); Bx.2.18 (painted coat of arms and deleted ownership inscription); Bx.3.22 (item 1), Bx.3.22 (item 2), Bx.3.22 (item 3), Bx.3.22 (item 4) & Bx.3.22 (item 5); Cm.1.3 (indistinct title on upper edge); Cn.1.2; Dp-b.3 (early title on upper and lower edges); Dp-e.4 (number "2" written on fore-edge); Dp-e.6 (title on lower edge); Dt-d.14 (fore-edge title); Eg7-c.10 (zodiacal sign for Leo impressed into top edge of text block at early date); Eg8-a.18 (fore-edge title); Eg8-b.9 (fore-edge title); K.T. f1 (item 1) & K.T. f1 (item 2); Mu11-y.1 (fore-edge title); Mu27-e.5Mu48-b.2 - continuation of markings present on fore-edge of Mu48-b.4; T.C.L. f10, 11 (title on lower edges)

Manuscript titles/running titles/chapter headings/authors or book/chapter numbering added in early hand

77723 (chapter numbers); 160826 (running headings in red); 160836 (one heading in red); 167501 (book headings in 17th century hand); 167513 (17th century title); 167525 (running headings in red); 167532 (sermones numbered in an early hand); Ag-x.11; Ag-y.9; Ah-a.30 (heavily washed manuscript title); Ah-a.73; Al-b.47Am-z.44 (labelled vellum tabs); An-y.21An-y.29; An-y.36; Ap-x.1 (running book numbers in red); Ap-x.2; Ap-x.3, 4 (running headings in red and books numbers in red and blue); Ap-x.5, 6 (running headings in red and books numbers in red and blue); Bb.2.29 (running headings); BC2-f.14; BC12-y.17; BC14-a.1 (item 1: interlinear numeration in early chapter headings); BC14-a. 1 (item 2: running headlines); BC17-x.1 (item 1); BC28-f.7BD1-c.28; BD7-b.13 (running book numbers); BD7-b.15; BD7-c.1 (item 2: 18th century); BD7-d.10; BD7-d.16; BD7-d.20 (running headings); BD7-d.21BD7-e.13; BD7-f.10; BD9-a.4; BD9-a.8; BD9-a.10 (rubrics added in black to top outer corners of recto leaves); BD9-c.8 (running headings in an early hand and early manuscript title); BD9-d.1; BD9-e.2; BD12-a.7 (chapter numbers in 15th/16th century & 17th century hands; book numbers); BD12-a.9; BD12-a.11 (book numbers); BD12-a.12 (book numbers); Be.1.5; Be.1.12 (item 1: book numbers added by rubricator); Be.1.14; Be.2.1 (early running headings; 18th century manuscript title); Be.2.3; Be.2.4; Be.2.9; Be.2.10 (some early running headings); Be.2.14 (running sermo headings); Be.2.16; Be.2.19 (book numbers); Be.3.14 (item 1); Be.3.18Be.3.20; Be.3.23 (item 1); Be.3.27; Be.3.28; Bf.1.6; Bf.1.11 (evidence of book numbers - heavily washed); Bf.1.13 (chapter headings); Bf.1.18 (headings); Bf.2.2Bf.2.8 (chapter numbers added by rubricator); Bf.2.12 (book numbers added in red); Bf.2.16 (book numbers); Bf.3.2 (manuscript title: 18th century); Bf.3.4; Bf.3.5 (a few psalms numbered); Bf.3.6, 7 (running headings in humanist hand); Bf.3.9 (18th century title); Bf.3.10 (item 1: book numbers added); Bf.3.10 (item 2: enarrationes numbered, title added in upper margin); Bf.3.13 (item 1); Bf.3.14; Bg.1.4 (traces of book numbering - mostly cropped); Bg.1.5; Bg.1.7 ('quaestio' numbering in red); Bg.1.8 ('quaestio' numbering in red); Bg.1.9 (occasional running headings); Bg.1.13 (item 1: manuscript title); Bg.2.3 (manuscript title written in red crayon on [a1r]); Bg.2.13; Bg.2.16 (occasional evidence of chapter headings); Bg.2.22; Bg.2.24Bg.2.27; Bg.3.1; Bg.3.6; Bg.3.8; Bg.3.24; Bh.1.17 (item 2: running headings); Bh.1.18 (book numbers); Bh3-e.14; Bh5-a.15 (17th-century title; running book numbers in blue and red); Bh6-d.4 (every 10th line numbered by hand); Bh20-a.11; Bk5-g.22 (item 1); Bk6-d.1 (running book numbers); Bl5-e.2Bm4-e.3 (item 2); Bm5-f.16; Bm9-d.11 (numbering of regula); Bn6-c.5Bn6-d.3; Bn8-d.2Bo2-i.15; Bv.1.1 (running headings); Bv.1.2 (running headings); Bv.1.4 (running headings); Bv.1.5 (book and chapter numbers and chapter titles added by rubricator); Bv.1.7 (book numbers and chapter headings supplied in red); Bv.2.24 (title on front free endpaper in 18th century hand); Bw.1.5; Bw.1.6 (chapter headings and numbers; running book numbers in red); Bw.1.8-9; Bw.1.10; Bw.2.7Bw.2.9 (book numbers added by rubricator); Bw.2.11; Bw.2.17 (book numbers); Bw.2.18 (occasional marginal numbering); Bw.2.19; Bw.2.21; Bw.3.10; Bw.3.11; Bw.3.13; Bw.3.19 (chapter numbers); Bw.3.31 (manuscript title); Bx.1.5 (book numbers added by rubricator); Bx.1.6 (book numbers added by rubricator); Bx.1.7 (chapter titles); Bx.1.9 (chapter numbers in red); Bx.1.10 (book numbers); Bx.1.12 (manuscript title; chapter numbers added by rubricator); Bx.2.3 (book and chapter numbers); Bx.2.7 (chapter headings and book numbers in red); Bx.2.9 (running headings); Bx.2.10 (book numbers); Bx.2.11 (item 1); Bx.2.11 (item 3); Bx.2.16Bx.2.17; Bx.2.18 (book numbers); Bx.3.16Bx.3.19 (item 1: alphabet letters corresponding to arrangement of terms in text); Bx.3.37Bx.3.41; Bx.3.43; Bx.3.44; By.1.1 (book numbers and titles; chapter numbers in red); By.1.2 (book numbers); By.1.3 (16th/17th century chapter numbers; book numbers); By.1.7 (headings and book numbers); By.2.5 (occasional traces of numbering of gatherings); By.2.10; By.2.11 (running headings); By.2.19 (some epistles, and references to all epistles in tabula, have manuscript numbering); By.3.3; By.3.9 (every fifth line of poem numbered); Cm.1.4 (running title); Cm.1.5 (running book numbers in red); Da-a.2 (book names written in an early hand on vellum tabs); Df-b.28; Dr.2.11 (item 2: chapter numbers added in 17th cent hand); Ds.2.3 (chapter and verse numbering added); Eg5-a.16 (item 1); Eg7-b.6 (topic headings added intermittently); E.x.52; Mu27-e.5S.M. 105 (some numerals added corresponding to the numbering used in the running headline); T.C.L. e3; T.C.L. f2 (arabic numerals “1” to “4” (corresponding to the printed numbering in roman numerals of the Epistolae)); T.C.L. f9 (running "questio" numbers); T.C.L. f10, 11 (chapter numbers and headings in red)

Manuscript index/contents added in early hand

160836 (contents of the book added in ink to the front cover); Ak-x.38; An-y.10; Bb.2.29 (partial index); BD9-d.10; Be.2.1; Be.2.15 (? obscured); Be.3.27; Bg.3.23; Bh.1.17 (item 1) & Bh.1.17 (item 2) (list of contents written in ink on exposed wood of front board); Bh8-e.8; Bv.1.7 (2 leaves of); Bw.1.8-9Bw.3.5; Bw.3.30Bx.1.6; Bx.1.10 (23 pages index); Bx.2.20; By.3.3; By.3.27Ck.2.1 (additions to printed index); Dt-a.9 ("registrum" added in an early hand); Eg6-e.20

Early manuscript signatures/quiring added

160836 (gatherings numbered in an early hand); 167501 (printed signature amended by hand); 167505 (evidence of); 167510 (traces); 167512 (printed signature corrected); 167514167517; 167525167531 (first gathering signed by hand); Ag-y.8 (printed signatures corrected); Ag-y.9 (printed signatures corrected); Ah-a.22; Ah-a.73; Ah-b.23Ah-f.55 (gatherings numbered in a 17th-century hand); Al-b.86An-x.18An-y.6 (one omitted by printer supplied in manuscript); An-y.20; An-y.25; An-y.32An-y.34; Ap-x.1 (gatherings numbered in two early hands, one in red); Ap-x.3, 4 (occasional evidence); Ap-x.5, 6 (occasional); BC4-c.22 (item 1: signatures omitted by printer supplied in manuscript in an early hand); BD1-c.41; BD7-b.14; BD7-c.1 (item 1) & BD7-c.1 (item 2); BD7-c.6 (several erroneous printed signatures corrected); BD7-c.7 (item 1); BD7-c.8; BD7-d.11 (occasional evidence); BD7-d.19 (one printed signature corrected); BD7-d.22 (traces); BD7-d.23; BD9-a.1 (signatures and numbering in a different hand); BD9-a.4; BD9-a.5, 6BD9-a.9; BD9-a.10 (evidence of early manuscript signatures); BD9-a.11 (early numbering of preliminary leaves in red); BD9-b.2 (one printed signature corrected by hand); BD9-c.4; BD9-c.8 (evidence of early manuscript signatures and gathering numbering); BD9-d.13 (traces); BD9-d.20; BD12-a.12 (traces); BD12-a.13, 14 (evidence of); BD15-c.25 (one signature added); Be.1.2, 3 (evidence of); Be.1.5; Be.1.11; Be.1.12 (item 1) & Be.1.12 (item 2); Be.1.14 (occasional traces); Be.2.1 (evidence of early signatures); Be.2.9; Be.2.11 (printed signatures repeated in manuscript; gatherings numbered in an early hand); Be.2.12 (evidence of gatherings numbered in arabic numerals); Be.3.4 (gatherings signed on first recto); Be.3.16 (item 1: gatherings numbered); Be.3.16 (item 2: gatherings numbered); Be.3.16 (item 3: gatherings numbered); Be.3.18Be.3.25; Be.3.29 (item 1: one printed signature corrected); Be.3.29 (item 2: some signatures added in manuscript); Bf.1.2; Bf.1.3 (evidence of early gathering numbering); Bf.1.13 (early manuscript signatures); Bf.1.14 (misprinted signatures corrected by hand); Bf.1.17 (traces); Bf.1.18 (traces); Bf.2.3 (vestiges of early signatures); Bf.2.4 (misprinted signatures corrected in manuscript); Bf.2.5; Bf.2.9; Bf.2.11 (gatherings numbered); Bf.2.13; Bf.2.14; Bf.2.19 (evidence of early signatures); Bf.3.5; Bf.3.9; Bf.3.15 (item 1: evidence of early signatures); Bf.3.17 (evidence of); Bf.3.18; Bg.1.1 (missing signatures supplied in manuscript); Bg.1.3; Bg.1.8 (manuscript signature added on first leaf of each gathering); Bg.1.14; Bg.2.6; Bg.2.11 (evidence that first leaves of gatherings numbered at top right-hand corner in arabic numerals in an early hand (most cropped); Bg.2.24; Bg.3.7 (traces); Bg.3.9 (evidence of early signatures and gathering numbering); Bg.3.10 (printed signature corrected); Bg.3.12 (traces of early signatures); Bg.3.16 (one printed signature corrected); Bh.1.3 (occasional evidence of); Bh.2.6 (printed signatures corrected); Bh.2.19Bh.2.21 (erroneous printed signatures corrected by hand - probably in the printing house); Bh10-d.11 (printed signatures corrected); Bn6-d.3 (one number omitted by printer supplied in manuscript); Bn7-b.4; Bv.1.2 (one printed signature corrected); Bv.1.1 (evidence of); Bv.1.4Bv.1.5 (gatherings numbered in an early hand; evidence of early signatures); Bv.1.7 (gatherings numbered); Bv.1.9 (very occasional evidence of early signatures); Bv.2.7 (signature errors in gathering m corrected in pen-and-ink); Bw.1.1 (erroneous signature corrected in red - in printer's office?); Bw.1.2, 3Bw.1.7 (signature omitted by printer added in manuscript); Bw.1.12 (occasional manuscript signatures); Bw.2.2; Bw.2.3 (traces); Bw.2.5 (missing or erroneous signatures supplied in manuscript); Bw.2.10 (very occasional evidence of early signatures); Bw.2.11Bw.2.18 (traces); Bw.2.23 (traces); Bw.3.22 (traces); Bx.1.5 (very occasional evidence of early signatures); Bx.1.6; Bx.1.7 (very occasional); Bx.1.8 (very occasional); Bx.1.9 (several gatherings numbered); Bx.1.12 (traces); Bx.2.3 (evidence); Bx.2.4 (traces); Bx.2.9; Bx.2.12 (18th century); Bx.2.19 (occasional printed signatures repeated in manuscript in red ink); Bx.2.20; Bx.2.21 (traces); Bx.2.23; Bx.3.11 (two sets of early manuscript signatures); Bx.3.18Bx.3.35 (First leaf of gathering [a] numbered “1” and first leaf of gathering [b] numbered “2” in an early hand); By.1.7By.1.8 (gatherings numbered); By.1.9, 10 (15th/16th-century signatures supplied in brown ink); By.1.12, 13 (gatherings  By.2.7 (some printed signatures corrected); By.2.17 (single signature corrected); By.3.3; By.3.4 (evidence of early signatures); By.3.11 (item 3); By.3.11 (item 4 - continues numbering of item 3); By.3.13 (?unidentified symbols); By.3.20 (item 1) and By.3.20 (item 2, continuing numbered gatherings of item 1); By.3.27 (signatures corrected - probably by the printer); By.3.28 (gatherings have the first leaf recto numbered at the top right-hand corner (most cropped)); By.3.30; By.3.39; Cm.1.2; Cm.1.4 (evidence of); Cm.1.5Dp-b.3; Dq-a.1, 2Dq-a.16Dq-b.10 (signature corrected in manuscript); Dn-b.7, 8 (some cropped); Dv-d.14 (printed signature corrected); E.1939.65.1381 (traces); Mu11-y.1 (traces); Mu16-f.29 (added by rubricator); T.C.L. e2; T.C.L. e3; T.C.L. f1 (one printed signature corrected); T.C.L. f3; T.C.L. f53 (one printed signature corrected)

Early manuscript foliation added

167524; 167528; 895900 (misnumberings corrected in manuscript); Ag-x.11 (with errors); Ah-a.22Ah-a.73 (18th century, with errors); Ah-b.23; Ah-b.27Ah-y.8 (18th century); An-x.13; An-x.20; An-y.10; An-y.15; An-y.17An-y.20; An-y.26An-y.35 (continues the manuscript foliation of BD7-e.33); Bb.2.29; BC2-f.14 (with errors); BC2-x.15BC14-c.11 (item 2); BC33-d.8 (item 1); Bd.2.13; BD7-b.15; BD7-c.1 (item 1: 18th century, with errors); BD7-c.6; BD7-c.13 (later); BD7-d.10 (with errors); BD7-d.14; BD7-d.15; BD7-e.2BD7-e.8BD7-e.12BD7-e.13; BD7-e.33 (precedes the manuscript foliation of An-y.35); BD7-f.11; BD7-f.15BD9-a.8; BD9-a.5, 6BD9-d.3; BD9-d.10BD9-e.2; BD12-a.11; Be.1.2, 3Be.1.8 (spasmodic in 16th/17th century hand); Be.1.12 (item 2: foliation added by rubricator); Be.2.1; Be.2.7Be.2.10 (17th century); Be.3.2Be.3.3; Be.3.4; Be.3.7, 8Be.3.17 (18th century); Be.3.21; Be.3.27; Bf.1.13Bf.2.2; Bf.2.6 (with errors); Bf.2.7Bf.2.8 (occasional); Bf.2.9; Bf.3.6, 7Bf.3.9 (18th century); Bf.3.12; Bf.3.17 (various); Bg.1.5; Bg.1.6; Bg.2.12; Bg.2.17, 18 (heavily washed); Bg.2.24; Bg.3.5 (many numbers cropped by binder); Bg.3.6; Bg.3.8; Bg.3.12 (erroneous); Bg.3.13 (evidence of early foliation); Bg.3.19 (one folio only); Bg.3.23; Bh.1.2 (item 1); Bh.1.2 (item 2); Bh.1.3 (with occasional errors); Bh.1.11; Bh.1.17 (item 1: foliated in early hand where unnumbered by printer); Bh.1.17 (item 2: some leaves foliated in early hand); Bh.2.21 (evidence of); Bh.3.24; Bh8-e.8Bh9-d.1 (with errors); Bk5-g.22 (item 1); Bn6-c.5; Bv.1.1Bv.1.2; Bv.1.4; Bv.2.16Bw.1.8-9 (with errors); Bw.1.10; Bw.1.13 (foliated in red ink); Bw.2.2; Bw.2.4; Bw.2.6; Bw.2.7;  Bw.2.19 (erroneous); Bw.2.23; Bw.3.4Bw.3.12; Bw.3.17Bw.3.18; Bw.3.22Bw.3.26; Bx.1.6; Bx.1.7; Bx.1.8 (17th/18th century, with errors); Bx.1.10Bx.1.11 (foliated in red ink); Bx.1.13Bx.2.6; Bx.2.7; Bx.2.10 (with errors); Bx.2.11 (item 1: traces); Bx.2.11 (item 2: traces); Bx.2.11 (item 3: traces); Bx.2.12 (evidence of); Bx.2.20; Bx.2.21; Bx.2.24Bx.3.1; Bx.3.4; Bx.3.15; Bx.3.19 (item 1); Bx.3.19 (item 2); Bx.3.19 (item 3); Bx.3.19 (item 4); Bx.3.20 (traces); Bx.3.22 (item 5: possible - traces of numbering); Bx.3.30 (18th century); Bx.3.32; Bx.3.39 (using letters in alphabetical order); Bx.3.43; By.1.1By.1.5 (occasional & inaccurate); By.2.2 (faulty printed foliation corrected and folio numbers omitted by printer added); By.2.7; By.2.18; By.2.19By.3.3By.3.26 (item 2: foliated in an 18th century hand); By.3.28 (within each gathering the first four leaves recto are numbered “1”-“4” (most cropped)); By.3.30; By.3.32; By.3.38; Cm.1.2 (foliated, with errors, with reference to foliation in tabula); Cm.1.3Cn.2.21 (item 1) and Cn.2.21 (item 2) (continues the foliation of item 1); Da-a.2Dp-b.3; Ds.2.2; Dt-a.9; E.1939.65.2549Eg6-a.13; Mu27-e.5; Mu36-a.12 (corrects some printed foliation); RCPSG: Bookstore IBN(1) (with reference to foliation in index); T.C.L. e3; T.C.L. f4 (intermittant foliation)

Early manuscript pagination added

167501 (with errors, in a 17th century hand); Ag-y.9 (18th century); Bb.2.29 (irregular - in addition to foliation); BD7-c.1 (item 2: 18th century); BD7-c.13; BD9-e.12 (rectos only); Bg.1.3; Bg.2.19 (17th century); Bg.3.1 (17th century?); Bh10-d.9Bh20-a.11; Bm4-e.3 (item 2: 17th century); Bv.2.31 (item 2: 17th century); Bw.3.34 (17th/18th century, with errors)

Early manuscript catchwords added

167511; 167512; 167525An-y.17; BD7-c.1 (item 1); BD7-c.1 (item 2); Be.1.11; Bg.3.3Bg.3.8Bw.2.23Bw.3.15; Bw.3.26; Bx.2.12; Bx.2.20; By.3.21; Dq-a.1, 2 (at right-angles to text)