Research & Teaching
- Achcar, Dr Fiona (Bioinformatician / Computational Biologist)
- Addington, Dr Emily (Research Assistant)
- Akbar, Mr Moeed (Research Fellow)
- Alam, Dr Mahmood (Lecturer)
- Almedia Da Silva, Mr Gabriel Lamak (Research Assistant)
- Andrianova, Dr Lilya (Research Associate)
- Andrusaite, Ms Anna (Research Associate)
- Ansalone, Dr Cecilia (Research Associate)
- Ant, Dr THOMAS (Research Associate)
- Asamaphan, Dr Patawee (Research Associate)
- Ashraf, Dr Shirin (Research Associate)
- Attenborough, Dr Teresa (Bioinformatician)
- Babina, Dr Arianne (Lecturer in Bacteriology)
- Bakshi, Dr Siddharth (Research Associate)
- Balci, Dr Arda (Research Associate)
- Barrett, Professor Michael (Professor of Biochemical Parasitology)
- Berriman, Professor Matt (Professor)
- Bhella, Professor David (Professor of Structural Virology)
- Blow, Dr Frances (Bioinformatician)
- Bourke, Dr Claire (Senior Lecturer in Immunology)
- Boutell, Dr Chris (Programme Leader)
- Brennan, Dr Benjamin (Senior Research Fellow)
- Brewer, Professor James (Chair in Basic Immunology)
- Brierley, Dr Liam (Research Fellow)
- Burchmore, Dr Richard (Senior Lecturer)
- Byron, Professor Olwyn (Professor of Biophysics)(Director of Education)
- Camargo da Rosa, Dr Larissa (Research Associate)
- Campillo Poveda, Dr Marta (Research Associate)
- Cantoni, Dr Diego (Research Associate)
- Carruthers, Dr Lauren (Research Assistant)
- Carter, Dr Stephen (Research Fellow)
- Castello, Professor Alfredo (Professor in Systems Virology)
- Chapple, Dr Katie (Research Associate)
- Cingoz, Dr Oya (Senior Lecturer)
- Collados Rodriguez, Dr Milagros (Research Associate)
- Correa Mendonca, Dr Diogo (Research Associate)
- Cowton, Dr Vanessa (Investigator Scientist)
- Crouch, Dr Kathryn (Lecturer in Bioinformatics)
- Crowe, Ms Lindsay (Research Associate)
- Cunningham, Dr Kyle (Research Associate)
- Da Silva Filho, Dr Joao (Research Associate)
- Da Silva Filipe, Dr Ana (Head of CVR Viral Genomics)
- Dagan, Ms Yael (Research Associate)
- Damasceno, Dr Jeziel (Research Fellow)
- Davis, Dr Chris (Research Fellow)
- De Almeida Marques, Dr Catarina (Research Associate)
- De Koning, Professor Harry (Professor of Parasite Biochemistry and Pharmacology)
- Dee, Dr Kieran (Research Associate)
- Donald, Dr Claire (Lecturer in Microbiology (Virology))
- Douce, Dr Gillian (Senior Lecturer)
- Dritsa, Miss Clio (Research Assistant)
- Duncombe-Moore, Ms Josephine (Research Assistant)
- Dunlop, Dr James (Research Associate)
- Edgar, Professor Julia (Professor of Neurobiology, Head of School, Infection & Immunity)
- Elmesmari, Dr Aziza (Research Associate)
- Epifano, Dr Ilaria (Research Associate)
- Farrell, Dr Maxwell (Research Associate)
- Fasanella Masci, Dr Francesca (Research Associate)
- Fatica, Mr Mauro (Partner Fellow)
- Feehily, Dr Conor (Lecturer in Bacteriology)
- Fenton, Dr Tom (Research Associate)
- Fernandez-Martinez, Dr Lorena (Reader in Bacteriology)
- Ferraioli, Dr Mario (Partner Fellow)
- Ferreira Silva, Miss Mariana (Research Associate)
- Fletcher, Dr Adam (Research Fellow: UKRI Future Leadership Fellow)
- Fozard, Dr John (Research Associate)
- Frede, Dr Annika (Research Associate)
- Furnon, Dr Wilhelm (Research Associate)
- Gardner, Mrs Kirstyn (Research Assistant)
- Gibbins, Dr Matt (Welcome Early Career Award Research Fellow)
- Giordani, Dr Federica (Research Associate)
- Goodyear, Professor Carl (Professor of Translational Immunology, Director of Innovation, Engagement and Enterprise)
- Graham, Professor Gerard (Professor of Molecular and Structural Immunology)
- Graham, Professor Sheila (Professor of Molecular Virology)
- Green, Dr Tabitha (Research Associate)
- Grove, Dr Joe (Senior Lecturer)
- Gu, Dr Quan (Research Scientist)
- Halstead, Dr Susan (Research Associate)
- Hammarton, Dr Tansy (Senior Lecturer)
- Hanna, Dr Jack (Research Assistant)
- Harding, Dr Clare (Senior Lecturer in Parasitology)
- Harnett, Professor Margaret (Professor of Immune Signalling)
- Herder, Dr Vanessa (Research Fellow, Veterinary Experimental Pathologist)
- Hosie, Professor Margaret (Professor of Comparative Virology)
- Huesa, Dr Carmen (Versus Arthritis Career Development Fellow)
- Hughes, Dr Joseph (Bioinformatician)
- Hughes, Dr Katie (Research Associate)
- Hunter, Ms Leah (Research Assistant)
- Hutchinson, Professor Edward (Professor of Molecular and Cellular Virology)
- Illingworth, Dr Chris (Senior Lecturer)
- Imrie, Dr Ryan (Research Associate)
- Iselin, Ms Louie (Research Assistant)
- Kamel, Dr Wael (Research Associate)
- Kuchi, Dr Srikeerthana (Bioinformatician)
- Kurowska-Stolarska, Professor Mariola (Professor of Immune Pathology and Homeostasis)
- Lamb, Mr Kieran (Computational Biologist)
- Lefteri, Dr Daniella (Research Associate)
- Li, Ms Xiang (Research Assistant)
- Liu, Ms Dan (Marie Sklowdowska Curie Fellow)
- Logan, Miss Nicola (Research Associate)
- Loustalot, Dr Nathan (Research Assistant)
- Lung, Dr Ping Sai (Daphne Jackson Fellow)
- MacDonald, Dr Lucy (Research Associate)
- MacLean, Dr Andrew (Sir Henry Welcome Postdoctoral Research Fellow)
- MacLeod, Dr Megan (Senior Lecturer)
- MacRitchie, Dr Neil (Research Associate)
- Maffia, Professor Pasquale (Professor of Cardiovascular Immunology)
- Maizels, Professor Rick (Professor)(Director of Research)
- Maloy, Professor Kevin (Professor Mucosal Immunology)
- Mark, Dr David (Research Associate)
- Marti, Professor Matthias (Professor)
- Martinez, Dr Julien (Research Associate)
- Mathie, Dr Heather (Research Associate)
- McCaughey, Dr Laura (Senior Lecturer)
- McCulloch, Professor Richard (Professor)
- McDonald, Dr Melanie (Research Associate)
- McGonigal, Dr Rhona (Research Fellow)
- McGuinness, Dr Dagmara (Research Associate)
- McHugh, Dr Rebecca (Research Associate)
- McNamara, Mr Cameron (Research Assistant)
- Meir Ben Efraim, Dr Amit (Research Associate)
- Milling, Professor Simon (Professor of Immunology)
- Modrzynska, Dr Katarzyna (Research Fellow)
- Mojsiejczuk, Dr Laura (Bioinformatician/Evolutionary Biologist)
- Mollentze, Dr Nardus (Research Associate)
- Montes Gomez, Mr Alfredo (Research Associate)
- Morton, Mr Fraser (Bioinformatician)
- Munday, Dr Jane (Research Associate)
- Murcia, Professor Pablo (Professor of Integrative Virology)
- Ndwiga, Mr Leonard (Research Assistant)
- Ngotho, Dr Priscilla (Research Associate)
- Nibbs, Professor Rob (Professor of Chemokine Biology)
- Noerenberg, Dr Marko (Research Fellow)
- Oliver, Dr Michael (Research Associate)
- Orton, Dr Richard (Research Scientist)
- Otto, Professor Thomas (Professor of Computational Biology)
- Ovciarikova, Miss Jana (Research Assistant)
- Pagura, Dr Lucas (Research Associate)
- Palmarini, Professor Massimo (Director of Centre for Virus Research)
- Parry, Dr Ewan (Research Assistant)
- Parvy, Dr Jean-Philippe (Research Associate)
- Patel, Professor Arvind (Professor of Viral Vaccinology)
- Pevsner, Dr Roland (Research Assistant)
- Pingen, Dr Marieke (Research Fellow)
- Pitmon, Miss Elise (Research Associate)
- Pondeville, Dr Emilie (Senior Research Fellow)
- Poulton, Miss Beth (Research Assistant)
- Power, Dr Joanne (Research Associate)
- Purusothaman, Dr Deepak Kumar (Research Associate)
- Rainey, Dr Stephanie (Research Associate)
- Ramaprasad, Dr Abhinay (Research Fellow)
- Raponi, Mrs Arianna (Research Assistant)
- Rasid, Dr Orhan (Sir Henry Wellcome Postdoctoral Fellow)
- Raut, Miss Namah (Marie Sklodowska-Curie Early Stage Researcher)
- Riedlova, Ms Patricia (Research Assistant)
- Robertson, Professor David (Head of CVR Bioinformatics)
- Roe, Professor Andrew (Professor of Molecular Microbiology)
- Rooney, Dr William (Research Associate)
- Rudkin, Dr Justine (Lecturer in Bacteriology)
- Ruscica, Dr Vincenzo (Research Associate)
- San Martin Martinez, Ms Carmen (Research Assistant)
- Sanders, Ms Anna (Research Assistant)
- Scales, Dr Hannah (Imaging Specialist/Lecturer)
- Schuette, Dr Fabian (Research Associate)
- Schultz, Dr Verena (Research Associate)
- Scott, Mr Harry (Research Assistant)
- Scott, Mr Sam (Research Assistant)
- Serrano, Dr Ester (Research Associate)
- Sharma, Dr Deepika (Research Associate)
- Sheiner, Professor Lilach (Professor)
- Sherry, Dr Lee (Research Associate)
- Sherry, Dr Leighann (Lecturer in Microbiology)
- Shikha, Dr Shikha (Research Associate)
- Simakou, Dr Theodoros (Research Associate)
- Sinkins, Professor Steven (Professor in Microbiology and Tropical Medicine)
- Sloan, Dr Megan (Research Fellow)
- Smollett, Dr Katherine (Research Scientist)
- Somma, Dr Domenico (Research Associate)
- Stefanov, Mr Kristian (Research Associate)
- Stewart, Ms Lynn (Research Associate)
- Stokes, Ms Barbara (Marie Curie Fellowship)
- Suzuki, Dr Ayumi (Research Associate)
- Swingler, Dr Simon (Daphne Jackson Fellow)
- Tavernelli, Dr Luis (Research Associate)
- Terhzaz, Dr Selim (Research Associate)
- Tulunay Virlan, Dr Aysin (Research Associate)
- Turnbull, Dr Matthew (Research Associate)
- Upfold, Dr Nicole (Research Associate)
- Vattipally, Dr Sreenu (Research Scientist)
- Veitch, Professor Nicola (Professor of Bioscience Education and Parasitology)
- Vidler, Ms Francesca (Research Associate)
- Vijayakrishnan, Dr Swetha (Research Fellow)
- Wall, Professor Daniel (Professor)
- Walsh, Dr Sarah (Research Associate)
- Waraich, Mr Kasim (Research Assistant)
- Waters, Professor Andy (Professor, Dean of Internationalisation)
- White, Mrs Ruby (Research Associate)
- Willett, Professor Brian (Professor of Viral Immunology)
- Williamson, Professor Deborah (Professor of Public Health Microbiology)
- Wilson, Dr Gillian (Research Fellow)
- Woolcock, Dr Kieran (Research Associate)
- Wright, Mr Derek (Bioinformatician / Computational Biologist)
- Yamamura, Dr Yuriko (Research Associate)
- Young, Dr Francesca (Data Scientist/Comp Biologist)
- Zakaria, Dr Mohammad Khalid (Research Associate)
- Basu, Professor Neil (Professor of Musculoskeletal Medicine & Vasculitis)
- Cavanagh, Professor Jonathan (Professor of Psychiatry)
- Challoumas, Mr Dimitris (Clinical Lecturer in Orthopedic Surgery)
- Coletto, Ms Lavinia (Clinical Research Fellow)
- Evans, Professor Tom (Professor of Molecular Microbiology)
- Gray, Professor Robert (Professor of Respiratory Medicine)
- Ho, Professor Antonia (Professor of Infectious Diseases)
- Jesudason, Dr Natasha (Clinical Research Fellow)
- Kelly, Dr John (Clinical Research Fellow)
- McGucken, Dr Andrew (Clinical Research Fellow)
- Millar, Professor Neal (Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery and Musculoskeletal Science)
- Moxon, Dr Christopher (Clinical Senior Lecturer)
- Najm, Dr Aurelie (Clinical Senior Research Fellow)
- Owen, Dr Leah (Clinical Research Fellow)
- Robinson, Dr Nicola (Clinical Senior Research Fellow)
- Siebert, Professor Stefan (Professor of Inflammation Medicine and Rheumatology)
- Sunzini, Miss Flavia (Clinical Research Fellow)
- Thomson, Professor Emma (Professor in Infectious Diseases)
Tutors & Demonstrators
- Abraham, Mrs Lizette (Demonstrator)
- Alhindi, Professor Adnan I H (Tutor)
- Arme, Mr Thomas (Demonstrator)
- Arnold, Mr Matthew (Demonstrator)
- Carvajal, Mr Robin (Demonstrator)
- Ceesay, Mrs Fatima (Demonstrator)
- Chakala, Ms Keerthi Priya (Demonstrator)
- Cheng, Ms Yiyi (Demonstrator)
- Chunara, Dr Raheema (Demonstrator)
- Cox, Miss Amelia (Demonstrator)
- Das, Mr Chiranjit (Demonstrator)
- Doohan, Mr Marcus (Demonstrator)
- Farthing, Mr Andrew (Demonstrator)
- Frew, Mr Jack (Demonstrator)
- Gill, Professor Geoff (Tutor)
- Gill, Miss Grace (Demonstrator)
- Heslop, Ms Rhiannon (Demonstrator)
- Hossain, Mr Ridwan (Demonstrator)
- Jaggi, Miss Ritika (Demonstrator)
- Johnson, Miss Carla (Demonstrator)
- Kabagenyi, Ms Joyce (Demonstrator)
- Kitoyi, Ms Rose (Demonstrator)
- Laidlaw, Mr Ross (Demonstrator)
- Lamprou, Mr Alexandros (Demonstrator)
- McCluskey, Mr Andrew (Demonstrator)
- Odero, Mr Joel (Demonstrator)
- Onaolapo, Ms Olayinka (Demonstrator)
- Roy, Mr Kiron (Demonstrator)
- Shearer, Mr Patrick (Demonstrator)
- Smith, Mrs Annabelle (Demonstrator)
- Tennant, Mr Connor (Demonstrator)
- Tucker, Ms Samantha (Demonstrator)
- Ubiaru, Mr Prince (Demonstrator)
- Wright, Mr Tom (Demonstrator)
- Young, Mr Alex (Demonstrator)
Professional, Administrative & Support
- Adam, Mr Abdelhakeem (Technician)
- Ahmed, Miss Urwa (Facility Administrator)
- Allan, Miss Megan (Administrative Assistant)
- Allen, Ms Dana (Research Software Engineer)
- Anderson, Mr David (Research Technician)
- Arkison, Mr Scott (Systems Administrator)
- Arnott, Miss Maxine (Senior Research Nurse Manager)
- Ashok, Miss Adithya (Technician)
- Aumeunier, Dr Aude (Biological Safety Manager)
- Awan, Mr Hanan (Administrative Assistant)
- Bah, Dr Saikou Y (Programmer & Data Analyst)
- Baillie, Mrs Susan (Technician)
- Barrie, Mrs Jennifer (Senior Research Technician)
- Beraldi, Dr Dario (Software Engineer)
- Bhide, Miss Avanti (Technician)
- Boyd, Mr Andrew (Building and Technical Technician)
- Broos, Ms Alice (Research Technician / Laboratory Manager)
- Burchmore, Miss Annie (DTMH Graduate Assistant)
- Burnham, Mr Phillip (Finance Administrator)
- Burns, Mrs Sharon (Safety Officer)
- Canu, Ms Giulia (Administrative Assistant)
- Cartledge, Miss Ellie (Administration Modern Apprentice)
- Castro, Miss Andreia (Student Staff Partner)
- Catchpole, Mrs Anne (Receptionist / Administration Assistant)
- Cheung, Mr Gary (System Administrator)
- Ciancia, Miss Claire (Technician)
- Clarke, Mr Andrew (Research Technician)
- Cunningham, Dr Madeleine (Project Co-ordinator)
- Donachie, Ms Anne Marie (Technician)
- Doonan, Dr James (Orthopaedic Research Manager)
- Dornan, Mr Edward (Technician)
- Douglas, Mrs Kerrena (Administrative Assistant)
- Elliott, Mr Donald (Laboratory Assistant)
- Eszterhas, Miss Rita (Technician)
- Farthing, Mr Andrew (Technician)
- Ferguson, Ms Melanie (Administrative Assistant, Receptionist / Administative Assistant)
- Floria, Ms Iris (Administrative Assistant)
- Friel, Miss Lauryn (Student Staff Partner)
- Galloway, Miss Lauren (Technician)
- Gannon, Dr Susan (Building Technical Manager)
- Graham, Mrs Fiona (HR Assistant / Office Supervisor)
- Gupta, Ms Ishita (Technician)
- Hohne, Mr Richard (Technician)
- Hughes, Miss Alison (Project Coordinator)
- Hunter, Miss Yasmin (Technician)
- Hurst, Mr James (Technician)
- Ilia, Mr George (Technician)
- Inkster, Mrs Jill (SULSA Operations Officer)
- Jack, Mr Alexander (Software Engineer)
- Kavanagh, Miss Julie (Administrative Assistant)
- Keillor, Mrs Victoria (Rheumatology Research Nurse)
- Kerr, Ms Karen (Research Project Support)
- Kerrigan, Mr David (Technician)
- Khaliq, Dr Farzana (Technician)
- Krasilnikova, Ms Marija (Technician)
- Kulkarni, Miss Sai (Laboratory Assistant)
- Lake, Ms Annette (CL3 Coordinator)
- Lapsley, Mr Craig (Technician)
- Lau, Mr Tyrone (Research Nurse)
- Little, Miss Sarah (Research Technician)
- Loney, Mr Colin (Bioimaging Manager)
- Lu, Ms Alice (Administrative Assistant)
- Lyden, Mrs Sandra (PA to Director)
- MacDonald, Miss Caroline (Laboratory Assistant)
- MacDonald, Dr Claire (Business Development & Liaison Manager)
- MacGregor, Mr Ruaraidh (Technician)
- Mackay, Ms Alex (Administrator)
- Mackay, Mrs Sharon (Technician)
- Macpherson, Mrs Donna (CVR Business Manager)
- Magill, Mr Callum (Technician)
- Mair, Mr Daniel (Laboratory Manager)
- Mankad, Dr Parini (Research Manager)
- Marshall, Ms Alison (Head Of Professional Services)
- Martin, Dr Julie (Lab Manager)
- Mason, Miss Lois (Communications & Engagement Coordinator)
- McDonald, Dr Sarah (Biobank Manager)
- McElwee, Dr Marion (Research Project Support)
- McFarlane, Mr Steven (Research Project Support)
- McGregor, Mrs Stefanie (Laboratory Assistant)
- McIntosh, Dr Alison (SULSA Director)
- McIntosh, Mrs Evelyn (Finance Assistant)
- McKay, Ms Claire (RACE Centre Administrator/Manager)
- McLachlan, Dr Deirdre (Microscopist and Bioimaging Specialist)
- McLean, Mrs Lauren (Administrative Assistant)
- McMonagle, Mrs Linda (Head of Operations)
- McNairn, Miss Rona (Technician)
- Miller, Mrs Samantha (Lab Manager)
- Mitchell, Mrs Joyce (Containment Level (CL3) Operations Manager)
- Mohamed, Mr Tnany (Laboratory Assistant)
- Morrison, Dr Lesley (Technician)
- Morton, Miss Rachel (Technician)
- Mrvova, Miss Lucia (Technician)
- Mullin, Mrs Margaret (Technician)
- Murdochy, Mr Shivan (Insectary Manager)
- Mylet, Mrs Dawn (Deputy Head of Professional Services)
- Naveh, Miss Claire (Technician)
- Nguyen Phan, Dr Cam Tu (Technician)
- O'Connell, Dr Caroline (Building & Technical Manager)
- O'Connor, Mr Liam (Technician)
- Olmo, Miss Paula (Project Manager)
- Parker, Miss Gillian (Laboratory Manager)
- Paterson, Miss Caron (Rheumatology Lead Project Manager)
- Pearson, Mrs Michelle (Stores Officer)
- Peedell, Ms Megan (Technician)
- Purnell, Mr Tom (Technician)
- Raveendran, Mrs Savitha (Research Technician)
- Rice, Mrs Rita (Washroom Supervisor)
- Ritchie, Mr Ryan (Laboratory Technician)
- Ross, Mr Donald (DTMH Project Manager)
- Rushworth, Dr Linda (Research Support Coordinator)
- Sowar, Miss Hanna (Technician)
- Stapleton, Dr Kako (Senior Cryo-EM Data Scientist)
- Stevenson, Mr Andrew (Technician)
- Straiton, Miss Katy (Research Nurse Manager)
- Streetley, Dr James (SCMI Facility Manager)
- Sym, Miss Deborah (Technician)
- Szemiel, Dr Agnieszka (CRUSH Facility Manager)
- Taggart, Ms Aislynn (Technical Services Manager, Laboratory Manager)
- Tang, Mr Mingcan (Data Scientist)
- Tate, Mr Alex (Technician)
- Thompson, Mrs Marie (Laboratory Assistant)
- Tong, Mr Andrew (Technician)
- Tong, Dr Lily (Research Project Support)
- Vincent, Mr David (Laboratory Assistant)
- Wojciechowska, Miss Martyna (Washroom Assistant)
- Wright, Mrs Claire (Alliance Manager)
- Zuniga, Miss Gina (Laboratory Assistant Supervisor)
- Afonso, Dr Maria (Affiliate)
- Agbo, Mrs Elizabeth (Visiting Research Student)
- Al-Wasity, Mr Salim (Affiliate)
- Ansari, Dr Mohamad Azim (Affiliate)
- Arnold, Mr Matthew (Affiliate)
- Atim, Ms Stella (Affiliate)
- Attipa, Dr Charalampos (Affiliate Researcher)
- Ball, Dr David (Affiliate Researcher)
- Bartolini, Mr Robin (Research Associate, Honorary Research Associate)
- Batista, Dr Jose (Affiliate Researcher)
- Bialic, Miss Hannah (Affiliate Administrator)
- Black, Dr Jennifer Ann (Affiliate Researcher)
- Bolton, Miss Victoria (Affiliate Researcher)
- Bonilha, Mr Caio (Affiliate Researcher)
- Bredemeyer, Miss Claudia (Research Affiliate)
- Brewer, Mr Robert (Affiliate Researcher)
- Briggs, Miss Emma (Affiliate)
- Brock, Dr James (Affiliate Researcher)
- Brunker, Dr Kirstyn (Affiliate)
- Bucklain, Dr Hassan (Affiliate)
- Buitrago, Dr Geraldine (Affiliate)
- Caiazzo, Miss Elisabetta (Affiliate Researcher)
- Carragher, Professor Neil (Affiliate)
- Carroll, Professor Miles (Affiliate)
- Chen, Mr Hanting (Affiliate)
- Chhan, Ms Megan (Affiliate)
- Christodoulou, Dr Maria-Ioanna (Affiliate)
- Clarke, Mr Andrew (Affiliate)
- Cocchiara, Mr Pietro (Affiliate Researcher)
- Coyle, Dr Sean (Affiliate)
- Crespo Garcia, Dr Eva (Affiliate Researcher)
- Curtis, Dr Vickie (Affiliate)
- Davies, Mr Kelsey (Affiliate)
- Davison, Professor Andrew (Affiliate)
- de Laurent, Ms Zaydah (Affiliate)
- De Lorenzo, Dr Giuditta (Affiliate)
- Delargy, Dr Hugh (Affiliate Researcher)
- Diaz Terenti, Miss Barbara (Affiliate Researcher, Affiliate)
- Dickie, Dr Emily (Affiliate Researcher)
- Dietrich, Dr Isabelle (Affiliate)
- Divinagracia, Ms Madeleine (Affiliate)
- Donnelly, Mrs Iona (Affiliate)
- Dornan, Dr Anthony (Deputy Lead Cellular Analysis Facility)
- Dummunee, Miss Krittika (Affiliate)
- Embarc, Dr Azman (Affiliate)
- Fairweather, Dr Neil (Affiliate - Life Sciences)
- Fares, Dr Mazigh (Affiliate)
- Fegen, Ms Margaret (Research Coordinator)
- Filgueiras, Mr Igor (Visiting Research Fellow)
- Firmansyah, Dr Nurhadi Eko (Affiliate)
- Fitzmaurice-O'Neill, Miss Isabelle (Affiliate)
- Galarion, Ms Ma Jowina (Affiliate)
- Gamble, Mr Alistair (Affiliate Researcher, Affiliate Researcher)
- Garside, Professor Paul (Affiliate Researcher)
- Gifford, Dr Robert (Affiliate)
- Girasol, Mr Mark (Affiliate Researcher)
- Gowland, Mr Andrew (Affiliate)
- Gurgone, Dr Danila (Affiliate Researcher)
- Hamdan, Miss Farah (Affiliate Researcher)
- Hamilton, Mrs Alana (Affiliate)
- Hasler, Ms Sina (Technician)
- Havyarimana, Mr Enock (Affiliate Researcher)
- Hayes, Mr Alan (Affiliate Researcher)
- Haynes, Mr Matthew (Affiliate)
- Hentzschel, Dr Franziska (Affiliate Researcher)
- Hewson, Professor Roger (Affiliate)
- Hongsrichan, Dr Nuttanan (International Funded Visiting Academic)
- Iselin, Ms Louie (Affiliate)
- Jackson Ireland, Mx Hollie (Affiliate)
- Jarrett, Professor Ruth (Affiliate)
- Jia, Miss Li (PhD Student)
- Johansson, Dr Cecilia (Affiliate - Life Sciences)
- Johnson, Miss Carla (Affiliate)
- Johnson, Miss Natasha (Affiliate)
- Kamraoui, Miss Islay (Affiliate Researcher)
- Karumbo, Ms Brenda (Affiliate Researcher)
- Kelly, Dr Christopher (Affiliate Researcher)
- Kelly, Professor Paul (Affiliate)
- Khanra, Dr Supriya (Affiliate Researcher)
- Kirk, Miss Anna (Affiliate)
- Kitson, Miss Susan (Affiliate Researcher)
- Kohl, Professor Alain (Affiliate)
- Kugler, Ms Marina (Affiliate)
- Kurniawan, Professor Agnes (Affiliate)
- Kwok, Ms Kirsty (Affiliate)
- Langejan, Ms Nicole (Affiliate)
- Lewin, Mr Josh (Affiliate)
- Lewis, Miss Charlotte (Affiliate)
- Lewis, Mr Daniel (Flow Cytometry Support Technician)
- Lindsay, Dr Susan (Affiliate Researcher)
- Litherland, Dr Gary (Affiliate Researcher)
- Lytras, Mr Spyros (Affiliate)
- MacDonald, Dr Andrew (Affiliate - Life Sciences)
- MacKay, Dr Kirsty (Affiliate)
- Mallewa, Dr Jane (Affiliate Researcher)
- Manali, Miss Maria (Affiliate)
- Mancini, Dr Maria Vittoria (Affiliate)
- Maringer, Dr Kevin (Affiliate)
- McCormack, Miss Mhairi (Affiliate)
- McIlroy, Ms Azenor (Research Affiliate)
- McIntyre, Dr Donna (Affiliate Researcher)
- McLauchlan, Professor John (Affiliate)
- McShane, Ms Lucy (Affiliate Researcher)
- Meehan, Dr Gavin (Affiliate Researcher)
- Meissner, Professor Markus (Affiliate Professor)
- Melville, Dr Andrew (Clinical Research Fellow)
- Merlet, Miss Capucine (Affiliate Researcher)
- Millar, Mr Scott (Research Affiliate)
- Minotto, Mr Thomas (Research Affiliate)
- Mitchell, Mr Jonathan (Affiliate)
- Modha, Ms Sejal (Affiliate)
- Montague, Dr Paul (Affiliate Researcher)
- Montero Vale, Mrs María Mercedes (Affiliate Researcher)
- Mouzakiti, Miss Sofia (Affiliate)
- Mshana, Miss Stacy Owano (Affiliate Researcher)
- Muchaamba, Dr Gillian (Affiliate Researcher)
- Murtagh, Dr Ross (Affiliate)
- Namuwulya, Ms Prossy (Affiliate)
- Naula, Dr Christina (Affiliate Researcher)
- Nemri, Dr Adnane (Research Affiliate)
- Ng, Dr Rong Xiang (Affiliate Lecturer, DTMH)
- Niebel, Dr Marc (Affiliate)
- O Boyle, Dr Nicky (Affiliate Researcher)
- Orr, Mrs Anne (Affiliate Researcher)
- Osii, Mr Rowland (Affiliate Researcher)
- Parkinson, Dr Joel (Affiliate Researcher)
- Parr, Dr Yasmin (Affiliate)
- Philippon, Mrs Eva (Affiliate Researcher)
- Pollock, Dr Louisa (Affiliate)
- Quistrebert, Dr Jocelyn (Affiliate)
- Ray, Miss Meghan (Visiting Student)
- Ritchie, Professor Craig (Affiliate Researcher)
- Rivers, Miss Eilidh (Affiliate)
- Saju, Miss Blessy (Affiliate Researcher)
- Santos da Silva, Mr Marcelo (Visiting Professor)
- Sarode, Mr Aditya (Affiliate Researcher)
- Sato, Professor Kei (Visiting Professor)
- Schmidt, Ms Caroline Cooper (Affiliate Researcher)
- Scott, Dr Janet (Affiliate)
- Sephton, Ms Victoria (Affiliate)
- Shah, Dr Rajiv (Affiliate)
- Shaw, Mr Tyler (Affiliate)
- Shepherd, Dr James (Affiliate)
- Shi, Dr Xiaohong (Affiliate)
- Sims, Miss Anna (Affiliate)
- Singh, Dr Shashi (Research Associate)
- Smith, Dr Keenan (Clinical Research Fellow)
- Smith, Dr Linda (Lead GMP Development Scientist)
- Sollelis, Miss Lauriane (Affiliate Researcher)
- Sood, Dr Shatakshi (Affiliate Researcher)
- Stephenson, Ms Ingrid (Affiliate Administrative Assistant)
- Stockdale, Dr Alex (Affiliate)
- Suarez, Dr Nicolas (Affiliate)
- Sulicka Grodzicka, Dr Joanna (Affiliate)
- Sundaramoorthy, Dr Ramasubramanian (Affiliate)
- Talbot, Dr Ben (Affiliate)
- Vaughan, Ms Diane (Affiliate)
- Venugopal, Dr Kannan (Affiliate Researcher)
- Vink, Dr Elen (Affiliate)
- Walker, Professor Daniel (Affiliate, Affiliate)
- Weir, Mr Daniel (Affiliate)
- Wilkes, Dr Jonathan (Affiliate Researcher)
- Wilson, Professor Sam (Affiliate)
- Worrell, Dr Julie (Affiliate Researcher)
- Xu, Dr Damo (Affiliate Researcher)
- Young, Mr Matthew (Affiliate Researcher)
- Zhao, Dr Huailong (Affiliate)
Honorary & Visiting
- ALIVERNINI, Dr STEFANO (Honorary Professor)
- Allen, Dr Sam (Honorary Clinical Senior Lecturer)
- Atherton, Miss Caroline (Honorary Clinical Lecturer)
- Barnett, Professor Susan (Honorary Senior Research Fellow)
- Barry, Professor J (Honorary Senior Research Fellow)
- Bayes, Dr Hannah (Honorary Clinical Senior Lecturer)
- Blyth, Mr Mark (Honorary Clinical Associate Professor)
- Burden, Professor David (Honorary Professor)
- Burgess, Dr Karl (Honorary Senior Lecturer)
- Campbell, Dr John (Honorary Professor)
- Chaudhuri, Dr Rekha (Honorary Professor)
- Clark, Dr Duncan (Honorary Senior Lecturer)
- Coles, Dr Jonathan (Honorary Research Fellow)
- Cowan, Dr Douglas (Honorary Clinical Senior Lecturer)
- Crilly, Dr Anne (Honorary Lecturer)
- Dale, Dr James (Honorary Clinical Senior Lecturer)
- De Ree, Dr Johannes (Honorary Senior Lecturer, Honorary Senior Lecturer)
- Divala, Dr Titus (Honorary Clinical Senior Lecturer)
- Ferrell, Professor William (Honorary Senior Research Fellow)
- Fleming, Dr Kathryn (Honorary Research Fellow)
- Fragkoulis, Dr Georgios (Honorary Research Fellow)
- Fraser, Dr Alasdair (Honorary Senior Lecturer)
- Frleta-Gilchrist, Dr Marina (Honorary Clinical Lecturer)
- Gemmell, Professor Curtis (Honorary Senior Research Fellow)
- Gilchrist, Dr Derek (Honorary Clinical Senior Lecturer)
- Goodwin, Dr Richard (Honorary Professor)
- Griffiths, Dr David (Honorary Senior Research Fellow)
- Gunson, Dr Rory (Honorary Professor)
- Han, Dr Sai (Honorary Clinical Associate Professor)
- Herron, Dr James (Honorary Clinical Senior Lecturer)
- Holmes, Dr Susan (Honorary Clinical Associate Professor)
- Humphrey, Dr Suzie (Honorary Research Fellow)
- Igoli, Dr John (Honorary Research Fellow)
- Jenkins, Mr Paul (Honorary Clinical Associate Professor)
- Jimenez, Dr Melanie (Honorary Research Fellow)
- Johnsson, Dr Hanna (Honorary Clinical Lecturer)
- Jones, Dr Brian (Honorary Professor)
- Khanra, Dr Supriya (Honorary Research Fellow)
- Krzywinski, Dr Jaroslaw (Honorary Senior Lecturer)
- Leanord, Professor Alistair (Honorary Clinical Associate Professor)
- Liew, Prof Foo (Emeritus Professor)
- Linington, Professor Chris (Honorary Senior Research Fellow, Honorary Senior Lecturer)
- Maciewicz, Dr Rose (Honorary Professor)
- Martin, Dr Sarah-Jane (Honorary Clinical Lecturer)
- McSharry, Dr Charles (Honorary Clinical Senior Lecturer)
- Medina-Ruiz, Dr Laura (Honorary Senior Lecturer)
- Mipando, Dr Mwapatsa (Honorary Associate Professor)
- Morrison, Dr Vicky (Honorary Research Fellow)
- Mowat, Professor Allan (Honorary Senior Research Fellow)
- Mühleip, Dr Alexander (Honorary Research Fellow)
- Nakashima, Dr Masaaki (Visiting Research Fellow)
- Namalima, Dr Takondwa (Honorary Research Assistant)
- Nave, Professor Klaus-Armin (Visiting Professor)
- Ndovi, Mr Charles (Honorary Research Assistant)
- Niedbala, Dr Wanda (Honorary Research Fellow)
- Nyasulu, Miss Watipenge (Honorary Research Assistant)
- Nyirenda, Mr James (Honorary Research Assistant)
- Nyoloka, Mr Nelson (Honorary Research Assistant)
- Ormsby, Dr Michael (Honorary Research Fellow)
- Penades, Prof Jose R (Honorary Professor)
- Perona-Wright, Dr Georgia (Honorary Senior Lecturer)
- Porter, Dr Duncan (Honorary Professor)
- Quain, Professor David (Honorary Senior Research Fellow)
- Raptis, Dr George (Honorary Clinical Senior Lecturer)
- Reed, Dr Michael (Honorary Senior Lecturer)
- Rutherford, Dr Matthew (Honorary Clinical Lecturer)
- Selzer, Dr Paul (Honorary Professor)
- Sichone, Mr Simon (Honorary Research Fellow)
- Stott I, Professor David (Emeritus Professor of Molecular Immunology and Honorary Senior Research Fellow)
- Thomson, Professor Neil (Honorary Senior Research Fellow)
- Turner, Professor Michael (Honorary Professor)
- Willison, Professor Hugh (Emeritus)
- Wilson, Dr Kyle (Honorary Clinical Fellow)
- Yousafzai, Dr Yasar (Honorary Research Fellow)
- ZGAMBO, Miss ISABEL (Honorary Research Assistant)