Research & Teaching
- Ahmed, Dr Md Shakil (Lecturer)
- Aladwani, Ms Tahani (Research Assistant)
- Almeida, Dr Ricardo (Research Associate)
- Anagnostopoulos, Dr Christos (Reader)
- Andrei, Dr Oana (Lecturer)
- Aragon Camarasa, Dr Gerardo (Senior Lecturer)
- Archibald, Dr Blair (Lecturer)
- Audonnet, Mr Florent (Research Assistant)
- Barr, Dr Matthew (Senior Lecturer)
- Bikanga Ada, Dr Mireilla (Lecturer)
- Boswell, Miss Elizabeth (Minerva Scholar)
- Brewster, Professor Stephen (Professor of Human-Computer Interactions)
- Bryson, Dr Kevin (Senior Lecturer)
- Calder, Professor Dame Muffy (Professor of Formal Methods)
- Calikli, Dr Handan Gul (Lecturer in Software Engineering)
- Cano Reyes, Dr Jose (Senior Lecturer)
- Cao, Dr Qi (Associate Professor)
- Chalmers, Professor Matthew (Professor of Computer Science)
- Chollet, Dr Mathieu (Lecturer in Healthcare Technologies)
- Colley, Dr Rachael (Research Associate)
- Cook, Dr Marco (Research Associate)
- Cutts, Professor Quintin (Professor of Computer Science Education)
- Dardha, Dr Ornela (Senior Lecturer)
- Das, Dr Susmoy (Research Associate)
- Deligianni, Dr Fani (Senior Lecturer)
- Deol, Mr Bikram (Research Assistant)
- Di Campli San Vito, Dr Patrizia (Research Associate in Human-AI Interaction)
- Ding, Dr Sharon (Senior Lecturer in Healthcare Technologies)
- Elkhatib, Dr Yehia (Reader)
- Enright, Dr Jessica (Reader)
- Evripidou, Mr Stefanos (Research Assistant)
- Foster, Dr Mary Ellen (Senior Lecturer in Human-Robot Interaction)
- Fowler, Dr Simon (Lecturer in Programming Language Foundations)
- Fraser, Mr Douglas (Research Assistant)
- Freeman, Dr Euan (Lecturer)
- Fringi, Dr Evangelia (Research Associate)
- Ganguly, Dr Debasis (Lecturer in Data Science)
- Gay, Professor Simon (Professor, Head of School)
- Giannakopoulos, Dr Yiannis (Senior Lecturer in Algorithms and Complexity)
- Glitzner, Mr Frederik (Minerva Scholar)
- Gontier, Dr Arthur (Research Associate)
- Goodge, Mr Thomas (Research Associate)
- Gooya, Dr Ali (Senior Lecturer in Machine Learning)
- Gregory, Dr Peggy (Senior Lecturer in Software Engineering)
- Gu, Dr Yue (Research Associate)
- Guha, Dr Tanaya (Senior Lecturer)
- Hafeez, Miss Sana (Research Assistant)
- Haris, Mr Jude (Research Associate)
- Harvey, Dr Paul (Lecturer in Low Carbon and Sustainable Computing)
- Henderson, Dr Paul (Lecturer in Machine Learning)
- Higham, Dr Catherine (Research Fellow)
- Hill, Mr John (MSc Project Supervisor)
- Hirskyj-Douglas, Dr Ilyena (Lecturer)
- Ho, Dr Edmond S. L (Senior Lecturer in Machine Learning)
- Holik, Dr Filip (Research Associate)
- Hunter, Mr Ethan (Minerva Scholarship)
- Jacob, Dr Dejice (Research Associate)
- Johnson, Mrs Fionnuala (Lecturer)
- Johnstone, Mr Ross (Research Assistant)
- Jose, Professor Joemon (Professor of Information Retrieval)
- Kallia, Dr Maria (Lecturer in Computing Science Education)
- Kaul, Dr Chaitanya (Research Fellow)
- Kawsar, Professor Fahim (Professor of Mobile Systems)
- Keoh, Dr Sye Loong (Associate Professor)
- Khamis, Dr Mohamed (Reader)
- Khan, Mr Irfanullah (Research Associate)
- Klampanos, Dr Iraklis (Senior Lecturer in Data Systems and Data Engineering)
- Klar, Dr Markus (Research Associate)
- Larios-Jones, Ms Laura (Minerva Scholarship)
- Lever, Dr Jake (Lecturer in Natural Language Processing / Information Retrieval)
- Li, Dr Emma (Senior Lecturer)
- Li, Miss Ning (Research Assistant)
- Li, Mr Xicheng (Research Assistant)
- Lindsay, Dr Stephen (Lecturer in Healthcare Technologies)
- Liu, Dr Dongzhu (Lecturer in Cybersecurity)
- Lowther, Mr Duncan (Minerva Scholar, Research Assistant)
- Luo, Mr Zeqi (Research Assistant)
- MacAvaney, Dr Sean (Lecturer in Machine Learning)
- Macdonald, Professor Craig (Professor of Information Retrieval)
- Macdonald, Dr Shaun (Research Associate)
- Madathil, Mr Jayakrishnan (Research Associate)
- Maguire, Dr Joseph (Senior Lecturer)
- Mahboob, Dr Tahira (Research Associate)
- Mahmoud, Dr Marwa (Lecturer in Socially Intelligent Technologies)
- Manlove, Professor David (Professor of Algorithms and Complexity)
- Marshall, Miss Danielle (Research Associate)
- McCaig, Dr Chris (Lecturer)
- McCreadie, Dr Richard (Senior Lecturer)
- McCreesh, Dr Ciaran (Research Fellow)
- McDonald, Dr Graham (Senior Lecturer)
- McGill, Dr Mark (Senior Lecturer)
- Meeks, Dr Kitty (Reader)
- Meng, Dr Zaiqiao (Lecturer)
- Meng, Mr Zhen (Research Associate)
- Miller, Professor Alice (Professor)
- Moawad, Mr Youssef (Research Assistant)
- Morrison, Dr Alistair (Lecturer)
- Mousavi, Dr Seyed (Research Fellow)
- Mueller, Ms Ariane (Research Assistant)
- Murray-Smith, Professor Roderick (Professor)
- Nabi, Dr Syed Waqar (Lecturer)
- Norman, Dr Gethin (Senior Lecturer)
- O'Hagan, Mr Joseph (Lecturer)
- Olaosebikan, Dr Sofiat (Lecturer in Algorithms and Complexity)
- Ounis, Professor Iadh (Professor of Information Retrieval)
- Papadopoulou, Dr Nikela (Lecturer in Low Carbon and Sustainable Computing)
- Parkinson, Dr Jack (Research Associate)
- Perkins, Dr Colin (Senior Lecturer)
- Pezaros, Professor Dimitrios (Professor of Computer Networks and RAEng Research Chair)
- Pugeault, Dr Nicolas (Reader)
- Puthiya Parambath, Dr Sham (Research Associate)
- Ramirez-Duque, Dr Andres (Research Associate)
- Ramsay, Mr Andrew (Research Associate)
- Raza, Professor Shahid (Professor in Cybersecurity)
- Richards, Mr Edward (Minerva Scholarship)
- Rodgers, Dr Phil (Research Associate/Software Engineer)
- Sampatakou, Dr Despoina (Research Associate in Immersive Interaction Design)
- Sanz-Cruzado Puig, Dr Javier (Research Associate)
- Seow, Dr Chee Kiat (Associate Professor)
- Sevegnani, Dr Michele (Senior Lecturer)
- Shah, Dr Awais Aziz (Lecturer)
- Shah, Mr Harsh (Research Assistant)
- Siebert, Dr Paul (Reader)
- Singer, Dr Jeremy (Reader in Programming Language Implementation)
- Sollazzo, Ms Anna (Minerva Scholarship)
- Somerville, Mr Derek (Lecturer)
- Stein, Dr Sebastian (Research Fellow)
- Storer, Dr Tim (Senior Lecturer)
- Stumpf, Professor Simone (Professor of Responsible and Interactive Artificial Intelligence)
- Sukys, Mr Danielius (Minerva Scholar)
- Taka, Dr Evdoxia (Research Associate)
- Tang, Dr Lai Meng (Assistant Professor in Computing Science)
- Tang, Dr Yutian (Lecturer in Software Engineering)
- Thamsen, Dr Lauritz (Lecturer in Computer Systems)
- Trinder, Professor Phil (Professor of Computing Science)
- Truong, Dr Nguyen (Lecturer in Cybersecurity)
- Urlea, Mr Cristian (Research Associate)
- Valkov, Mr Ivaylo (Lecturer)
- Vanderbauwhede, Professor Wim (Professor in Computing Science)
- Vinciarelli, Professor Alessandro (Professor of Computational Social Intelligence)
- Voinea, Miss Laura (Research Associate)
- Wang, Dr Yi (Senior Lecturer in Software Engineering)
- Williamson, Dr John (Senior Lecturer)
- Williamson, Dr Julie (Senior Lecturer)
- Wilson, Dr Graham (Research Fellow)
- Xu, Mr Wenning (Research Assistant)
- Yanagida, Dr Ryo (Research Associate)
- Yang, Mr Yilong (Research Associate)
- Yau, Dr Peter C Y (Assistant Professor in Computing Science (Singapore))
- Zacharias, Dr Thomas (Lecturer in Cybersecurity)
- Zakariyya, Dr Idris (Research Associate)
- Zhang, Mr Yusen (Research Assistant)
- Zhu, Mr Guangxun (Research Assistant)
Tutors & Demonstrators
- Acar, Mr Rojhat (Assistant Demonstrator)
- Agub, Ms Regine (Assistant Demonstrator)
- Akbari Movahed, Mr Reza (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Al Baiaty Suarez, Mr David (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Alkan, Mr Muhammet (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Alsakar, Miss Noora (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Alsharif, Mrs Ghadeer (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Alsubhi, Mrs Arwa (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Alyahyan, Mrs Eyman (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Anwender, Miss Scarlett (Demonstrator)
- Arif, Mr Muhammad (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Ashkenazi, Mr Shaul (Tutor)
- Aswani, Ms Khushbu (Assistant Demonstrator)
- Ayegba, Ms Peace (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Ayranci, Mr Talha Enes (PhD Student (Tutor))
- Azam, Ms Naila (Tutor)
- Aziz, Miss Maryam (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Babalola, Mr Omodolapo (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Balfour, Miss Kirsty (Assistant Demonstrator)
- Bin Mohd Suhaimi, Mr Nik (Assistant Demonstrator)
- Blain, Mr Daniel (Assistant Demonstrator)
- Blair, Mr Andrew (PhD Student (Tutor))
- Borgstedt, Miss Jacqueline (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Chaichakan, Miss Tanatta (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Chalermchaikosol, Mr Naral (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Christie, Mr Iain (PhD Student (Tutor))
- Clark, Mr Hamish (Assistant Demonstrator)
- Cooper-Brown, Mr Felix (Assistant Demonstrator)
- Coull, Mr Connor (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- D'Agata, Ms Lara (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Dam, Mr Jackson (Assistant Demonstrator)
- de Almeida, Miss Palliya Ralalage Melani (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Dick, Ms Alyson (Assistant Demonstrator)
- Dimitri, Ms Serena (Tutor)
- Dixon, Ms Ella (Assistant Demonstrator)
- Dong, Mr Shijia (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Dong, Mr Zeyu (PhD Student (Tutor))
- Dyer, Mr Lewis (Tutor)
- Dymarkowski, Mr Hubert (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Eden, Ms Amy (Assistant Demonstrator)
- Edgar, Mr Drew (Assistant Demonstrator)
- Elfleet, Mr Morad (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Elsherbeny, Ms Hana (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Fallon, Mr Connor (Assistant Demonstrator)
- Fan, Mr Shiyu (PhD Student (Tutor))
- Feng, Mr Kai (Tutor)
- Feng, Mr Zejian (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Feng, Mr Zhixiang (Assistant Demonstrator)
- Fiani, Miss Cristina (PhD Student (Tutor))
- Fitzgerald, Mr John (Assistant Demonstrator)
- Flagstad, Mr Jens (Assistant Demonstrator)
- Fu, Mr Junchen (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Ghanta, Mr Yogendra Naga Satwik (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Ghosh, Mr Bishal (PhD Student (Tutor))
- Ginel Camacho, Mr Pedro (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Gort Tarrus, Miss Emma (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Guo, Ms Jingjing (PhD Student (Tutor), Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- He, Mr Zhuo (Tutor)
- Ibrahim, Mr Ahmed (Assistant Demonstrator)
- Ivanova, Ms Daniela (Tutor, Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Jakab, Miss Zsofia (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Johnston, Mr Alistair (Assistant Demonstrator)
- Katalanou, Miss Paraskevi (Assistant Demonstrator)
- Kiehlmann, Mr Patrick (Graduate Teaching Assistant, Assistant Demonstrator)
- Kiss, Mr Zoltan (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Kitazos, Mr Petros (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Krishnamohan, Mr Theviyanthan (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Kyriacou, Mr Ioannis (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- La Riva Perez, Mr Andres (Assistant Demonstrator)
- Lambrou, Mr Constantinos (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Lameg, Mr Arturo Miguel (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Le Brun, Mr Matthew Alan (Tutor)
- Li, Mr Shuxuan (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Liu, Mr Harry (Assistant Demonstrator)
- Lowe, Ms Cara (Assistant Demonstrator)
- Luo, Miss Lin (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Lyall, Mr Alastair (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- MacDonald, Mr Maximilian (Assistant Demonstrator)
- Marney, Mr Euan (Assistant Demonstrator)
- McClure, Mr James (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- McIlree, Mr Matthew (PhD Student (Tutor))
- Mendoza Granada, Mr Fabricio (Tutor)
- Meng, Mr Zhaohan (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Menzies, Mr Richard (Tutor)
- Moncrieff, Mr Zander (Assistant Demonstrator)
- Morrison, Mr Ben (Assistant Demonstrator)
- Mulkana, Ms Sundas Rafat (PhD Student (Tutor))
- Nahalka, Mr Martin (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Noolkar, Mr Amey (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Nurdin, Mr James (Assistant Demonstrator, Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Ola, Ms Agnese (Tutor)
- Parker, Mr Joseph (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Parry, Mr Andrew (PhD Student (Tutor))
- Patil, Mr Sujay (Assistant Demonstrator)
- Payne, Miss Florence (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Perrone, Mr Francesco (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Petrov, Mr Aleksandr (Tutor)
- Phetmanee, Mr Surasak (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Qin, Miss Ruyan (Assistant Demonstrator)
- Qureshi, Miss Mahnoor (Assistant Demonstrator)
- Radulescu, Mr Andrei (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Remeika, Mr Matas (Assistant Demonstrator, Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Rodriguez Bacallado, Mr José Antonio (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Ru, Mr Yingdong (PhD Student (Tutor))
- Saha, Mr Rappy (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Sattar, Mr Raaed (Demonstrator)
- Sayed, Mr Jalal (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Senic, Mr Luka (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Sim, Miss Taylor (Assistant Demonstrator)
- Sivangi, Mr Kaushik (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Sohaib, Ms Ayleen (Assistant Demonstrator)
- Stoica, Mr Andrei (Assistant Demonstrator, Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Sulaiman, Mr Yiliyasi (Tutor)
- Summerell, Mr Oliver (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Szafarczyk, Mr Robert (Tutor)
- Tammjarv, Mx Izzie (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Trevor, Mr Jacob (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Vuckovic, Mr Stefan (Assistant Demonstrator)
- Wan, Mr Yuting (PhD Student (Tutor))
- Wang, Miss Jie (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Wang, Mr Julian (Assistant Demonstrator)
- Wang, Mr Qiyuan (Tutor)
- Wang, Miss Weiyun (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- West, Miss Kathleen (PhD Student (Tutor))
- Weston, Ms Olivia (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Wijaya, Mr Bima (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Woods, Mr Calum (Assistant Demonstrator)
- Wruk, Ms Aleks (Tutor)
- Xie, Mr Yuxuan (PhD Student (Tutor))
- Xu, Ms Songpei (Tutor)
- Xu, Mr Wenning (PhD Student (Tutor))
- Yang, Miss Mingjie (PhD Student (Tutor))
- Yu, Ms Wanshu (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Zamily, Mr Ezad (Assistant Demonstrator)
- Zhang, Mr Boning (PhD Student (Tutor))
- Zhang, Mr Xi (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Zheng, Mr Zhiwei (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Zhuang, Miss Lipeng (PhD Student (Tutor))
- Zurawski, Mr Szymon (Assistant Demonstrator)
Professional, Administrative & Support
- Adeola, Mr Temiloluwa (GUSS Software Engineer)
- Ahmed, Mr Abdulhafith (GUSS Software Engineer)
- Al-Rushadi, Mr Mojahed (GUSS Software Engineer)
- Alam, Mrs Alia (STACS Tutor)
- Alhussaini, Mr Saleh (GUSS Software Engineer)
- Arberk, Mr Hasan (GUSS Software Engineer)
- Ariani, Miss Aulia (Learning and Teaching Administrator)
- Ayranci, Mr Talha Enes (GUSS Software Engineer)
- Bandyopadhyay, Mr Sayan (GUSS Software Engineer)
- Berecova, Miss Lucia (GUSS Software Engineer)
- Bin Mohd Suhaimi, Mr Nik (GUSS Software Engineer)
- Border, Mrs Helen (Learning & Teaching Administrator)
- Brennan, Mr Lewis (GUSS Software Engineer)
- Brougham-Pickard, Mrs Amanda (STACS Tutor)
- Burnett, Miss Ruth (STACS Tutor)
- Cassells, Ms Heather (Learning and Teaching Administrator)
- Chalermchaikosol, Mr Naral (GUSS Software Engineer)
- Collins, Mr Thomas (GUSS Software Engineer)
- Colquhoun, Mr Christopher (GUSS Software Engineer)
- Cruickshank, Mr Elliot (GUSS Software Engineer)
- Daly, Miss Ashleen (GUSS Software Engineer)
- Darragh, Miss Una Marie (Learning and Teaching Team Manager)
- Dassani, Ms Sayonee (Software Development Service Assistant Manager)
- Di Pasquale, Mrs Laura (STACS Tutor)
- Dick, Ms Alyson (GUSS Software Engineer)
- Donachie, Mr Gregor (GUSS Software Engineer)
- Dornan, Ms Michelle (STACS Tutor)
- Doyle, Mrs Anna (Graduate Apprenticeship Programme Manager)
- Dykes, Ms Jill (Business Development Executive)
- Ewing, Miss Emilie (GUSS Software Engineer)
- Ghanta, Mr Yogendra Naga Satwik (GUSS Software Engineer)
- Girotti, Miss Becca (Learning and Teaching Administrator)
- Harris, Mr Edmond (PGR Administrator)
- Holligan, Mr Andrew (GUSS Software Engineer)
- Inel, Ms Nil (GUSS Software Engineer)
- Jack, Mr David (STACS Tutor)
- Jankowski, Mr Maksymilian (GUSS Software Engineer)
- Jeanes, Ms Kimberley (STACS Tutor)
- Johnston, Ms Claire (Graduate Apprenticeship Programme Manager)
- Johnston, Mr Joe (GUSS Software Engineer)
- Jones, Miss Jennifer (Social Media and Admin Intern)
- Jorgenson, Ms Fiona (STACS Tutor)
- Kennedy, Ms Deborah (STACS Tutor)
- Kislay, Mr Brishketu (Software Development Service Assistant Manager)
- Kiss, Mr Zoltan (GUSS Software Engineer)
- Kitazos, Mr Petros (GUSS Software Engineer)
- Lamont, Mr Colin (STACS Tutor)
- Lang, Miss Juliette (SICSA Project and Events Officer)
- Langley, Miss Brittany (Administrative Assistant)
- Lestrange, Mr Finn (Software Engineer)
- Livingston, Mr Ollie (GUSS Software Engineer)
- Logan, Professor Mark (Professor in Practice -Technology Entrepreneurship)
- Lukowski, Mr Len (Finance Administrator: GUSS Project)
- Madill, Mr Andrew (STACS Tutor)
- Magaya, Mr Ryan (GUSS Software Engineer)
- McCart, Mr Brendan (STACS Project Lead)
- McDonald, Professor Andrew (Professor in Practice)
- McKee, Mr Matthew (GUSS Software Engineer)
- Mead, Mr David (GUSS Software Engineer)
- Momeni, Miss Dorsa (GUSS Software Engineer)
- Mondeke, Mr Romeo (GUSS Software Engineer)
- Motwani, Miss Khushi (GUSS Software Engineer)
- Murphy, Mr William (GUSS Software Engineer)
- Niewczas, Mr Joshua (GUSS Software Engineer)
- Nyuguto, Miss Grace Wangui (Social Media and Admin Intern)
- O'Toole, Mr Conor (STACS Tutor)
- Ojo, Mr Adeola (GUSS User Experience Designer)
- Oliver, Mr Charlie (GUSS Software Engineer)
- Orr, Mrs Aileen (Executive Assistant)
- Pallis, Mr Alex (GUSS User Experience Designer)
- Patil, Mr Sujay (GUSS Software Engineer)
- Pettersson, Dr William (Research Software Engineer)
- Poddar, Mr Swetank (Software Supervisor)
- Radulescu, Mr Andrei (GUSS Software Engineer)
- Reat, Mrs Gail (Learning & Teaching Team Leader)
- Rezaee, Mr Abuzar (Cloud AI Engineer)
- Sanachan, Mrs Chrissy (SICSA Executive Officer)
- Scullion, Miss Toni (STACS Project Lead)
- Shaw, Ms Morag (STACS Tutor)
- Shedden, Mr Graeme (Learning and Teaching Administrator)
- Shooshtarian, Mr Keivan (GUSS Software Engineer)
- Sinclair, Mr Craig (GUSS Software Engineer)
- Smith, Miss Sarah (Learning and Teaching Administrator)
- Tee, Mr Zhi Xi (GUSS Software Engineer)
- Trainer, Mr Ryan (STACS Tutor)
- Tuohy, Mrs Maggie (STACS Tutor)
- Turnbull, Mr Mark (GUSS Software Engineer)
- Vaughan, Ms Tess (Software Engineering Manager)
- Wahab, Mr Usmaan (GUSS Software Engineer)
- Wallace, Mrs Morag (Head of Professional Services)
- Whitaker, Miss Erin (GUSS Software Engineer)
- Whyte, Dr Laura (Operations Manager)
- Widger, Ms Isabella (Student Experience Team Leader)
- Yip, Mr Pan Chi (GUSS Software Engineer)
- Zurawski, Mr Szymon (GUSS Software Engineer, GUSS Software Engineer)
- Abdollahi, Ms Asrin (PhD Student)
- Ambatipudi, Ms Reethika (PhD Student)
- Apollonov, Miss Sofia (Project Co-ordinator)
- Bader-El-Den, Dr Mohamed (External Examiner)
- Bidossessi, Ms Arlette (PhD Student)
- Bose, Mr Inesh (Technical Adviser)
- Cao, Dr Qi (Associate Professor)
- Daniel, Miss Gillian (JP Morgan Affiliated Lecturer)
- Dasgupta, Mr Bodhisattva (Lecturer)
- Dee, Dr Hannah-Mary (External Examiner)
- Di Campli San Vito, Dr Patrizia (Affiliate Research Associate)
- Gaddam, Mr Srinivas Sivaprasad (Lecturer)
- Gunda, Mrs Uma (JP Morgan Affiliated Lecturer)
- Hall, Mr Chris (Affiliate)
- Hamilton, Dr Andrew (Data Analytics Lead)
- Hoglund, Mr Rikard (PhD Student)
- Johnstone, Miss Kerry (JP Morgan Affiliated Lecturer)
- Joho, Professor Hideo (Honorary Research Fellow)
- Keoh, Dr Sye Loong (Associate Professor)
- Khan, Mrs Rabiya (JP Morgan Affiliated Lecturer)
- Lock, Dr Russell (External Examiner)
- Loidl, Dr Loidl (External Examiner)
- Luthra, Mr Vijay (Commercial Champion)
- MacDonald, Mr Alec-Angus (Affiliate)
- Marwick-Best, Miss Hollie (JP Morgan Affiliated Lecturer)
- McKenzie, Ms Emma (JP Morgan Affiliated Lecturer)
- Nguyen, Dr Hoang D. (Assistant Professor)
- Nioche, Dr Aurelien (Researcher)
- O'Hara, Dr Emily (Affiliate)
- Pohlmann, Dr Katharina (Research Assistant)
- Popa, Mr George (Lecturer)
- Samson, Mrs Gayle (JP Morgan Affiliated Lecturer)
- Sanifah, Ms Sani (Affiliate)
- Seow, Dr Chee Kiat (Associate Professor)
- Tang, Mr Mingcan (Affiliate)
- Uzcategui, Mrs Cleyra (JP Morgan Affiliated Lecturer)
- Whiteley, Mr Tom (Affiliate)
Honorary & Visiting
- Al-Dubaee, Dr Shawki Abdul Rakib Saif (Honorary Research Associate)
- Atmosukarto, Dr Indriyati (Honorary Lecturer)
- Benson, Dr Ian (Honorary Research Fellow)
- Cockshott, Dr William (Honorary Research Fellow)
- Cooper, Dr Richard (Honorary Research Fellow)
- Dai, Dr Hang (Honorary Research Fellow)
- Deshmukh, Dr Amol (Honorary Research Fellow)
- Devine, Mr Jim (Honorary Research Fellow)
- Flynn, Miss Gabriella (Honorary Research Fellow)
- Gray, Mr Philip (Honorary Research Fellow)
- Grizou, Dr Jonathan (Honorary Lecturer)
- Hamer, Dr John (Honorary Research Assistant)
- Hammer, Professor Per (Honorary Professor)
- Harkness, Mr Rob (Honorary Research Fellow)
- Irving, Dr Robert (Honorary Research Fellow)
- Jamieson, Dr Michael (Honorary Research Fellow)
- Jensen, Dr Bjorn (Honorary Research Fellow)
- Jouet, Dr Simon (Honorary Research Fellow)
- Mackenzie, Dr Lewis (Honorary Lecturer)
- Marnerides, Dr Angelos (Honorary Senior Lecturer)
- Michala, Dr Lito (Honorary Lecturer)
- Moshfeghi, Dr Yashar (Honorary Senior Research Fellow)
- Ntarmos, Dr Nikos (Honorary Senior Research Fellow)
- O'Donnell, Dr John (Honorary Lecturer)
- Omoronyia, Dr Inah (Honorary Lecturer)
- Panda, Mr Rabi (Honorary Research Fellow)
- Patterson, Dr John (Honorary Research Fellow)
- Peyton-Jones, Professor Simon (Honorary Professor)
- Poet, Dr Ron (Honorary Lecturer)
- Prosser, Dr Patrick (Honorary Lecturer)
- Purchase, Dr Helen (Honorary Senior Lecturer)
- Renaud, Professor Karen (Honorary Research Fellow)
- Rogers, Dr Simon (Honorary)
- Shankland, Professor Carron (Honorary Senior Research Fellow)
- Singh, Dr Satnam (Honorary Senior Research Fellow)
- Soldatos, Professor Ioannis (Honorary Senior Research Fellow)
- Tonellotto, Dr Nicola (Honorary Research Fellow)
- Triantafillou, Professor Peter (Honorary Senior Research Fellow)
- Van Rijsbergen, Professor Cornelis (Honorary Senior Research Fellow)
- Watt, Professor David (Honorary Senior Research Fellow)
- Welland, Professor Raymond (Honorary Senior Research Fellow)
- Yoshida, Professor Nobuko (Honorary Senior Research Fellow)