Dr Nikos Ntarmos

  • Honorary Senior Research Fellow (School of Computing Science)

email: Nikos.Ntarmos@glasgow.ac.uk

Room S122, School of Computing Science, Sir Alwyn William's Building, Glasgow G12 8RZ

Import to contacts

ORCID iDhttps://orcid.org/0000-0001-8676-0948


I am a Senior Lecturer at the School of Computing Science at the University of Glasgow, UK, where I am a member of the IDA and GLASS sections and the IDEAS research lab. I received my PhD and MSc in Computing Engineering & Informatics from the University of Patras, Greece, in 2008 and 2004 respectively, and my undergraduate diploma (5-year MEng equivalent) in Electronic & Computer Engineering from the Technical University of Crete, Greece, in 2002.

From 2013 till 2017 I was a Lord Kelvin Adam Smith Fellow at the School of Computing Science, University of Glasgow, UK. Prior to that, I worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Patras, Greece, and as an adjunct assistant professor at the University of Ioannina, Greece. I am a member of the IEEE, the ACM, and the Technical Chamber of Greece (TEE). I have also worked as a research engineer, software engineer, senior systems administrator, and routinely contribute to open-source projects.

Personal site: https://ntarmos.info/

Research interests

My research interests lie in the areas of distributed computing and large-scale data management systems. My current research work focuses on issues pertaining to distributed (Big) data management, with a special interest in storage, indexing and query processing in distributed NoSQL data stores, graph databases, geo-distributed data management infrastructures, and joint in-rest and streaming data processing.

Within the School of Computing Science, I am a member of the Information, Data and Analysis (IDA) Section, the Glasgow Systems Section (GLASS) and the Information, Data, Events, Analytics at Scale (IDEAS) research lab.


Selected publications

Ntarmos, N. , Patlakas, I. and Triantafillou, P. (2014) Rank join queries in NoSQL databases. Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, 7(7), pp. 493-504.

Ntarmos, N. , Triantafillou, P. and Weikum, G. (2009) Distributed hash sketches: scalable, efficient, and accurate cardinality estimation for distributed multisets. ACM Transactions on Computer Systems, 27(1), Art. 2. (doi: 10.1145/1482619.1482621)

Ntarmos, N. , Triantafillou, P. and Weikum, G. (2009) Statistical structures for internet-scale data management. VLDB Journal, 18(6), pp. 1279-1312. (doi: 10.1007/s00778-009-0140-7)

Michel, S., Bender, M., Ntarmos, N. , Triantafillou, P., Weikum, G. and Zimmer, C. (2006) Discovering and exploiting keyword and attribute-value co-occurences to improve P2P routing indices. In: 15th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2006), Arlington, VA, USA, 6-11 Nov 2006,

All publications

List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2023 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2009 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003
Number of items: 52.


Al-Anqoudi, M., Bikanga Ada, M. , McQuistin, S. , Ntarmos, N. , Parkinson, J. and Moshfeghi, Y. (2023) Traditional Vs Non-Traditional Assessment Activities as Learning Indicators of Student Learning: Teachers’ Perceptions. In: 2023 IEEE Learning with MOOCS (LWMOOCS), Cambridge, MA, USA, 11-13 Oct 2023, ISBN 9798350315592 (doi: 10.1109/LWMOOCS58322.2023.10305928)

Paun, I., Moshfeghi, Y. and Ntarmos, N. (2023) White-box: on the prediction of collaborative filtering recommendation systems' performance. ACM Transactions on Internet Technology, 23(1), 8. (doi: 10.1145/3554979)


Paun, I., Moshfeghi, Y. and Ntarmos, N. (2021) Are we there yet? Estimating Training Time for Recommendation Systems. In: EuroMLSys ’21, 26 Apr 2021, pp. 39-47. ISBN 9781450382984 (doi: 10.1145/3437984.3458832)


Kyosev, I., Paun, I., Moshfeghi, Y. and Ntarmos, N. (2020) Measuring Distances Among Graphs En Route To Graph Clustering. In: 5th IEEE Workshop on Advances in High-Dimensional Big Data 2020, IEEE Big Data 2020, 10-13 Dec 2020, pp. 3632-3641. ISBN 9781728162515 (doi: 10.1109/BigData50022.2020.9378333)

Morgan, C., Paun, I. and Ntarmos, N. (2020) Exploring Contextual Paradigms in Context-Aware Recommendations. In: 4th IEEE Workshop on Human-in-the-Loop Methods and Future of Work in Big Data 2020, IEEE Big Data 2020, Atlanta, GA, USA, 10-13 Dec 2020, ISBN 9781728162515 (doi: 10.1109/BigData50022.2020.9377964)


Cahsai, A., Anagnostopoulos, C. , Ntarmos, N. and Triantafillou, P. (2019) Revisiting Exact kNN Query Processing with Probabilistic Data Space Transformations. In: 2018 IEEE International Conference on Big Data, Seattle, WA, USA, 10-13 Dec 2018, pp. 653-662. ISBN 9781538650356 (doi: 10.1109/BigData.2018.8621943)


Wang, J., Liu, Z., Ma, S., Ntarmos, N. and Triantafillou, P. (2018) GC: A Graph Caching System for Subgraph/Supergraph Queries. In: 44th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB 2018), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 27-31 Aug 2018, pp. 2022-2025. (doi: 10.14778/3229863.3236250)

Katsarou, F., Ntarmos, N. and Triantafillou, P. (2018) Hybrid Algorithms for Subgraph Pattern Queries in Graph Databases. In: 2017 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (IEEE BigData 2017), Boston, MA, USA, 11-14 Dec 2017, pp. 656-665. ISBN 9781538627150 (doi: 10.1109/BigData.2017.8257981)

Popescu, I., Portelli, K., Anagnostopoulos, C. and Ntarmos, N. (2018) The Case for Graph-Based Recommendations. In: 2017 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (IEEE BigData 2017), Boston, MA, USA, 11-14 Dec 2017, pp. 4819-4821. ISBN 9781538627150 (doi: 10.1109/BigData.2017.8258553)


Donaldson, P. , Ntarmos, N. and Portelli, K. (2017) A Systematic Review of the Potential of Machine Learning and Data Science in Primary and Secondary Education. Discussion Paper. Royal Society. (Unpublished)

Cahsai, A., Anagnostopoulos, C. , Ntarmos, N. and Triantafillou, P. (2017) Scaling k-Nearest Neighbors Queries (The Right Way). In: 2017 IEEE 37th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS), Atlanta, GA, USA, 5-8 June 2017, pp. 1419-1430. ISBN 9781538617939 (doi: 10.1109/ICDCS.2017.267)

Katsarou, F., Ntarmos, N. and Triantafillou, P. (2017) Subgraph Querying with Parallel Use of Query Rewritings and Alternative Algorithms. In: International Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT) 2017, Venice, Italy, 21-24 March 2017, pp. 25-36. ISBN 9783893180738 (doi: 10.5441/002/edbt.2017.04)

Wang, J., Ntarmos, N. and Triantafillou, P. (2017) GraphCache: A Caching System for Graph Queries. In: International Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT) 2017, Venice, Italy, 21-24 March 2017, pp. 13-24. ISBN 9783893180738 (doi: 10.5441/002/edbt.2017.03)

Wang, J., Ntarmos, N. and Triantafillou, P. (2017) Ensuring Consistency in Graph Cache for Graph-Pattern Queries. In: The 6th International Workshop on Querying Graph Structured Data (GraphQ '17), Venice, Italy, 21-24 Mar 2017,


Wang, J., Ntarmos, N. and Triantafillou, P. (2016) Indexing Query Graphs to Speed Up Graph Query Processing. In: EDBT: 19th International Conference on Extending Database Technology, Bordeaux, France, 15-18 March 2016, ISBN 9783893180707 (doi: 10.5441/002/edbt.2016.07)


Katsarou, F., Ntarmos, N. and Triantafillou, P. (2015) Performance and scalability of indexed subgraph query processing methods. Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, 8(12), pp. 1566-1577.

Wang, J., Ntarmos, N. and Triantafillou, P. (2015) Towards a subgraph/supergraph cached query-graph index. In: IEEE International Conference on Big Data (IEEE BigData 2015), Santa Clara, CA, USA, 29 Oct - 1 Nov 2015,


Ntarmos, N. , Patlakas, I. and Triantafillou, P. (2014) Rank join queries in NoSQL databases. Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, 7(7), pp. 493-504.


Karavarsamis, S., Ntarmos, N. , Blekas, K. and Pitas, I. (2013) Detecting pornographic images by localizing skin ROIs. International Journal of Digital Crime and Forensics, 5(1), pp. 39-53. (doi: 10.4018/jdcf.2013010103)

Sfakianakis, G., Patlakas, I., Ntarmos, N. and Triantafillou, P. (2013) Interval indexing and querying on key-value cloud stores. In: 29th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE 2013), Brisbane, Australia, 8-11 Apr 2013, pp. 805-816. (doi: 10.1109/ICDE.2013.6544876)


Ntarmos, N. , Patlakas, I., Sfakianakis, G. and Triantafillou, P. (2012) Rank Join Queries in Cloud Stores. Technical Report. Longitudinal Analytics of Web Archive Data, Saarbrücken, Germany.

Sfakianakis, G., Patlakas, I., Ntarmos, N. and Triantafillou, P. (2012) Interval Indexing and Querying on Key-Value Cloud Stores. Technical Report. Longitudinal Analytics of Web Archive Data, Saarbrücken, Germany.

Pitoura, T., Ntarmos, N. and Triantafillou, P. (2012) Saturn: range queries, load balancing and fault tolerance in DHT data systems. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 24(7), pp. 1313-1327. (doi: 10.1109/TKDE.2010.266)

Karavarsamis, S., Pitas, I. and Ntarmos, N. (2012) Recognizing pornographic images. In: The 14th ACM Workshop on Multimedia and Security, Coventry, UK, 6-7 Sep 2012, pp. 105-108. (doi: 10.1145/2361407.2361425)


Altanis, A., Patlakas, I., Ntarmos, N. and Triantafillou, P. (2011) Joins and Selects on Clouds. Technical Report. Longitudinal Analytics of Web Archive Data, Saarbrücken, Germany.

Ntarmos, N. , Patlakas, I. and Triantafillou, P. (2011) Decentralized Rank Join Queries. Technical Report. Longitudinal Analytics of Web Archive Data, Saarbrücken, Germany.

Sfakianakis, G., Patlakas, I., Ntarmos, N. and Triantafillou, P. (2011) Interval Queries on the Cloud. Technical Report. Longitudinal Analytics of Web Archive Data, Saarbrücken, Germany.

Kaidos, C., Pasiopoulos, A., Ntarmos, N. and Triantafillou, P. (2011) SNFS: design and implementation of a social network file system. In: 4th Workshop on Social Network Systems (SNS '11), Salzburg, Austria, 10 Apr 2011,

Karavarsamis, S., Ntarmos, N. and Blekas, K. (2011) InFeRno: an intelligent framework for recognizing pornographic web pages. In: European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases, Athens, Greece, 5-9 Sep 2011,

Koloniari, G., Ntarmos, N. , Pitoura, E. and Souravlias, D. (2011) One is enough: distributed filtering for duplicate elimination. In: 20th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, Glasgow, UK, 24-28 Oct 2011,

Loupasakis, A., Ntarmos, N. and Triantafillou, P. (2011) eXO: decentralized autonomous scalable social networking. In: 5th Biennial Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research (CIDR 2011), Asilomar, CA, USA, 9-12 Jan 2011,

Weikum, G., Ntarmos, N. , Spaniol, M., Triantafillou, P., Benczur, A., Kirkpatrick, S., Masanes, J. and Williamson, M. (2011) Longitudinal analytics on web archive data: it's about time! In: 5th Biennial Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research (CIDR 2011), Asilomar, CA, USA, 9-12 Jan 2011,


Ntarmos, N. , Triantafillou, P. and Weikum, G. (2009) Statistical structures for internet-scale data management. VLDB Journal, 18(6), pp. 1279-1312. (doi: 10.1007/s00778-009-0140-7)

Ntarmos, N. , Triantafillou, P. and Weikum, G. (2009) Distributed hash sketches: scalable, efficient, and accurate cardinality estimation for distributed multisets. ACM Transactions on Computer Systems, 27(1), Art. 2. (doi: 10.1145/1482619.1482621)


Ntarmos, N. and Triantafillou, P. (2006) Statistical Structures for Internet-Scale Query Optimization. Technical Report. R.A. Computer Technology Institute, Greece.

Aekaterinidis, N., Ntarmos, N. , Pitoura, T. and Triantafillou, P. (2006) Towards efficient complex data management services in peer-to-peer networks. In: Baldoni, R. (ed.) Global Data Management. Series: Emerging communication: studies in new technologies and practices in communication, 8. IOS Press: Amsterdam, The Netherlands. ISBN 9781586036294

Michel, S., Bender, M., Ntarmos, N. , Triantafillou, P., Weikum, G. and Zimmer, C. (2006) Discovering and exploiting keyword and attribute-value co-occurences to improve P2P routing indices. In: 15th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2006), Arlington, VA, USA, 6-11 Nov 2006,

Ntarmos, N. , Triantafillou, P. and Weikum, G. (2006) Counting at large: Efficient cardinality estimation in internet-scale data networks. In: 22nd International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE 2006), Atlanta, GA, USA, 3-8 Apr 2006,

Pitoura, T., Ntarmos, N. and Triantafillou, P. (2006) Replication, load balancing and efficient range query processing in DHTs. In: 10th International Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT 2006), Munich, Germany, 26-31 Mar 2006,


Ntarmos, N. , Pitoura, T. and Triantafillou, P. (2005) Range query optimization leveraging peer heterogeneity in DHT data networks. In: 3rd International Workshop on Databases, Information Systems and Peer-to-Peer Computing (DBISP2P'05), Trondheim, Norway, 28-29 Aug 2005,

Pitoura, T., Ntarmos, N. and Triantafillou, P. (2005) Replication, load balancing and efficient range query processing in DHTs. In: 4th Hellenic Data Management Symposium, Athens, Greece, 25-26 Aug 2005,


Ntarmos, N. , Pitoura, T. and Triantafillou, P. (2004) The RangeGuard: Range Query Optimization in Peer-to-Peer Data Networks. Technical Report. R.A. Computer Technology Institute, Greece.

Ntarmos, N. and Triantafillou, P. (2004) Sizeof() in P2P Networks: Hash Sketches over DHTs. Technical Report. R.A. Computer Technology Institute, Greece.

Pitoura, T., Ntarmos, N. and Triantafillou, P. (2004) HotRoD: Load Balancing and Efficient Range Query Processing in Peer-to-Peer Data Networks. Technical Report. R.A. Computer Technology Institute, Greece.

Triantafillou, P., Ntarmos, N. and Yannakopoulos, J. (2004) A cache engine for E-content integration. IEEE Internet Computing, 8(2), pp. 45-53. (doi: 10.1109/MIC.2004.1273485)

Ntarmos, N. and Triantafillou, P. (2004) AESOP: Altruism-endowed self organizing peers. In: 2nd International Workshop on Databases, Information Systems and Peer-to-Peer Computing (DBISP2P'04), Toronto, Canada, 29-30 Aug 2004,

Ntarmos, N. and Triantafillou, P. (2004) SeAl: managing accesses and data in peer-to-peer data sharing networks. In: 4th IEEE International Conference in Peer-to-Peer Computing (P2P2004), Zurich, Switzerland, 25-27 Aug 2004, pp. 116-123. (doi: 10.1109/PTP.2004.1334938)

Ntarmos, N. and Triantafillou, P. (2004) SeAl: selfishness and altruism in peer-to-peer data sharing networks. In: 3rd Hellenic Data Management Symposium, Athens, Greece, 28-29 Jun 2004,


Triantafillou, P., Ntarmos, N. , Nikoletseas, S. and Spirakis, P. (2003) NanoPeer networks and P2P worlds. In: 3rd IEEE International Conference in Peer-to-Peer Computing (P2P2003), Linköping, Sweden, 1-3 Sept 2003,

Triantafillou, P., Ntarmos, N. and Yannakopoulos, J. (2003) D.I.C.E. and CO.In.S: a data integration cache engine for a content integration system. In: 4th International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering (WISE 2003), Rome, Italy, 10-12 Dec 2003, pp. 339-342. (doi: 10.1109/WISE.2003.1254507)

Triantafillou, P., Ntarmos, N. and Yannakopoulos, J. (2003) The HyperHotel application built over DICE and COINS. In: 4th International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering (WISE 2003), Rome, Italy, 10-12 Dec 2003, pp. 359-362. (doi: 10.1109/WISE.2003.1254511)

Triantafillou, P., Xiruhaki, C., Koubarakis, M. and Ntarmos, N. (2003) Towards high performance peer-to-peer content and resource sharing systems. In: Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research (CIDR 2003), Asilomar, CA, USA, 5-8 Jan 2003,

This list was generated on Mon Oct 14 16:44:49 2024 BST.
Number of items: 52.


Paun, I., Moshfeghi, Y. and Ntarmos, N. (2023) White-box: on the prediction of collaborative filtering recommendation systems' performance. ACM Transactions on Internet Technology, 23(1), 8. (doi: 10.1145/3554979)

Katsarou, F., Ntarmos, N. and Triantafillou, P. (2015) Performance and scalability of indexed subgraph query processing methods. Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, 8(12), pp. 1566-1577.

Ntarmos, N. , Patlakas, I. and Triantafillou, P. (2014) Rank join queries in NoSQL databases. Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, 7(7), pp. 493-504.

Karavarsamis, S., Ntarmos, N. , Blekas, K. and Pitas, I. (2013) Detecting pornographic images by localizing skin ROIs. International Journal of Digital Crime and Forensics, 5(1), pp. 39-53. (doi: 10.4018/jdcf.2013010103)

Pitoura, T., Ntarmos, N. and Triantafillou, P. (2012) Saturn: range queries, load balancing and fault tolerance in DHT data systems. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 24(7), pp. 1313-1327. (doi: 10.1109/TKDE.2010.266)

Ntarmos, N. , Triantafillou, P. and Weikum, G. (2009) Statistical structures for internet-scale data management. VLDB Journal, 18(6), pp. 1279-1312. (doi: 10.1007/s00778-009-0140-7)

Ntarmos, N. , Triantafillou, P. and Weikum, G. (2009) Distributed hash sketches: scalable, efficient, and accurate cardinality estimation for distributed multisets. ACM Transactions on Computer Systems, 27(1), Art. 2. (doi: 10.1145/1482619.1482621)

Triantafillou, P., Ntarmos, N. and Yannakopoulos, J. (2004) A cache engine for E-content integration. IEEE Internet Computing, 8(2), pp. 45-53. (doi: 10.1109/MIC.2004.1273485)

Book Sections

Aekaterinidis, N., Ntarmos, N. , Pitoura, T. and Triantafillou, P. (2006) Towards efficient complex data management services in peer-to-peer networks. In: Baldoni, R. (ed.) Global Data Management. Series: Emerging communication: studies in new technologies and practices in communication, 8. IOS Press: Amsterdam, The Netherlands. ISBN 9781586036294

Research Reports or Papers

Donaldson, P. , Ntarmos, N. and Portelli, K. (2017) A Systematic Review of the Potential of Machine Learning and Data Science in Primary and Secondary Education. Discussion Paper. Royal Society. (Unpublished)

Ntarmos, N. , Patlakas, I., Sfakianakis, G. and Triantafillou, P. (2012) Rank Join Queries in Cloud Stores. Technical Report. Longitudinal Analytics of Web Archive Data, Saarbrücken, Germany.

Sfakianakis, G., Patlakas, I., Ntarmos, N. and Triantafillou, P. (2012) Interval Indexing and Querying on Key-Value Cloud Stores. Technical Report. Longitudinal Analytics of Web Archive Data, Saarbrücken, Germany.

Altanis, A., Patlakas, I., Ntarmos, N. and Triantafillou, P. (2011) Joins and Selects on Clouds. Technical Report. Longitudinal Analytics of Web Archive Data, Saarbrücken, Germany.

Ntarmos, N. , Patlakas, I. and Triantafillou, P. (2011) Decentralized Rank Join Queries. Technical Report. Longitudinal Analytics of Web Archive Data, Saarbrücken, Germany.

Sfakianakis, G., Patlakas, I., Ntarmos, N. and Triantafillou, P. (2011) Interval Queries on the Cloud. Technical Report. Longitudinal Analytics of Web Archive Data, Saarbrücken, Germany.

Ntarmos, N. and Triantafillou, P. (2006) Statistical Structures for Internet-Scale Query Optimization. Technical Report. R.A. Computer Technology Institute, Greece.

Ntarmos, N. , Pitoura, T. and Triantafillou, P. (2004) The RangeGuard: Range Query Optimization in Peer-to-Peer Data Networks. Technical Report. R.A. Computer Technology Institute, Greece.

Ntarmos, N. and Triantafillou, P. (2004) Sizeof() in P2P Networks: Hash Sketches over DHTs. Technical Report. R.A. Computer Technology Institute, Greece.

Pitoura, T., Ntarmos, N. and Triantafillou, P. (2004) HotRoD: Load Balancing and Efficient Range Query Processing in Peer-to-Peer Data Networks. Technical Report. R.A. Computer Technology Institute, Greece.

Conference Proceedings

Al-Anqoudi, M., Bikanga Ada, M. , McQuistin, S. , Ntarmos, N. , Parkinson, J. and Moshfeghi, Y. (2023) Traditional Vs Non-Traditional Assessment Activities as Learning Indicators of Student Learning: Teachers’ Perceptions. In: 2023 IEEE Learning with MOOCS (LWMOOCS), Cambridge, MA, USA, 11-13 Oct 2023, ISBN 9798350315592 (doi: 10.1109/LWMOOCS58322.2023.10305928)

Paun, I., Moshfeghi, Y. and Ntarmos, N. (2021) Are we there yet? Estimating Training Time for Recommendation Systems. In: EuroMLSys ’21, 26 Apr 2021, pp. 39-47. ISBN 9781450382984 (doi: 10.1145/3437984.3458832)

Kyosev, I., Paun, I., Moshfeghi, Y. and Ntarmos, N. (2020) Measuring Distances Among Graphs En Route To Graph Clustering. In: 5th IEEE Workshop on Advances in High-Dimensional Big Data 2020, IEEE Big Data 2020, 10-13 Dec 2020, pp. 3632-3641. ISBN 9781728162515 (doi: 10.1109/BigData50022.2020.9378333)

Morgan, C., Paun, I. and Ntarmos, N. (2020) Exploring Contextual Paradigms in Context-Aware Recommendations. In: 4th IEEE Workshop on Human-in-the-Loop Methods and Future of Work in Big Data 2020, IEEE Big Data 2020, Atlanta, GA, USA, 10-13 Dec 2020, ISBN 9781728162515 (doi: 10.1109/BigData50022.2020.9377964)

Cahsai, A., Anagnostopoulos, C. , Ntarmos, N. and Triantafillou, P. (2019) Revisiting Exact kNN Query Processing with Probabilistic Data Space Transformations. In: 2018 IEEE International Conference on Big Data, Seattle, WA, USA, 10-13 Dec 2018, pp. 653-662. ISBN 9781538650356 (doi: 10.1109/BigData.2018.8621943)

Wang, J., Liu, Z., Ma, S., Ntarmos, N. and Triantafillou, P. (2018) GC: A Graph Caching System for Subgraph/Supergraph Queries. In: 44th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB 2018), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 27-31 Aug 2018, pp. 2022-2025. (doi: 10.14778/3229863.3236250)

Katsarou, F., Ntarmos, N. and Triantafillou, P. (2018) Hybrid Algorithms for Subgraph Pattern Queries in Graph Databases. In: 2017 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (IEEE BigData 2017), Boston, MA, USA, 11-14 Dec 2017, pp. 656-665. ISBN 9781538627150 (doi: 10.1109/BigData.2017.8257981)

Popescu, I., Portelli, K., Anagnostopoulos, C. and Ntarmos, N. (2018) The Case for Graph-Based Recommendations. In: 2017 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (IEEE BigData 2017), Boston, MA, USA, 11-14 Dec 2017, pp. 4819-4821. ISBN 9781538627150 (doi: 10.1109/BigData.2017.8258553)

Cahsai, A., Anagnostopoulos, C. , Ntarmos, N. and Triantafillou, P. (2017) Scaling k-Nearest Neighbors Queries (The Right Way). In: 2017 IEEE 37th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS), Atlanta, GA, USA, 5-8 June 2017, pp. 1419-1430. ISBN 9781538617939 (doi: 10.1109/ICDCS.2017.267)

Katsarou, F., Ntarmos, N. and Triantafillou, P. (2017) Subgraph Querying with Parallel Use of Query Rewritings and Alternative Algorithms. In: International Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT) 2017, Venice, Italy, 21-24 March 2017, pp. 25-36. ISBN 9783893180738 (doi: 10.5441/002/edbt.2017.04)

Wang, J., Ntarmos, N. and Triantafillou, P. (2017) GraphCache: A Caching System for Graph Queries. In: International Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT) 2017, Venice, Italy, 21-24 March 2017, pp. 13-24. ISBN 9783893180738 (doi: 10.5441/002/edbt.2017.03)

Wang, J., Ntarmos, N. and Triantafillou, P. (2017) Ensuring Consistency in Graph Cache for Graph-Pattern Queries. In: The 6th International Workshop on Querying Graph Structured Data (GraphQ '17), Venice, Italy, 21-24 Mar 2017,

Wang, J., Ntarmos, N. and Triantafillou, P. (2016) Indexing Query Graphs to Speed Up Graph Query Processing. In: EDBT: 19th International Conference on Extending Database Technology, Bordeaux, France, 15-18 March 2016, ISBN 9783893180707 (doi: 10.5441/002/edbt.2016.07)

Wang, J., Ntarmos, N. and Triantafillou, P. (2015) Towards a subgraph/supergraph cached query-graph index. In: IEEE International Conference on Big Data (IEEE BigData 2015), Santa Clara, CA, USA, 29 Oct - 1 Nov 2015,

Sfakianakis, G., Patlakas, I., Ntarmos, N. and Triantafillou, P. (2013) Interval indexing and querying on key-value cloud stores. In: 29th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE 2013), Brisbane, Australia, 8-11 Apr 2013, pp. 805-816. (doi: 10.1109/ICDE.2013.6544876)

Karavarsamis, S., Pitas, I. and Ntarmos, N. (2012) Recognizing pornographic images. In: The 14th ACM Workshop on Multimedia and Security, Coventry, UK, 6-7 Sep 2012, pp. 105-108. (doi: 10.1145/2361407.2361425)

Kaidos, C., Pasiopoulos, A., Ntarmos, N. and Triantafillou, P. (2011) SNFS: design and implementation of a social network file system. In: 4th Workshop on Social Network Systems (SNS '11), Salzburg, Austria, 10 Apr 2011,

Karavarsamis, S., Ntarmos, N. and Blekas, K. (2011) InFeRno: an intelligent framework for recognizing pornographic web pages. In: European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases, Athens, Greece, 5-9 Sep 2011,

Koloniari, G., Ntarmos, N. , Pitoura, E. and Souravlias, D. (2011) One is enough: distributed filtering for duplicate elimination. In: 20th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, Glasgow, UK, 24-28 Oct 2011,

Loupasakis, A., Ntarmos, N. and Triantafillou, P. (2011) eXO: decentralized autonomous scalable social networking. In: 5th Biennial Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research (CIDR 2011), Asilomar, CA, USA, 9-12 Jan 2011,

Weikum, G., Ntarmos, N. , Spaniol, M., Triantafillou, P., Benczur, A., Kirkpatrick, S., Masanes, J. and Williamson, M. (2011) Longitudinal analytics on web archive data: it's about time! In: 5th Biennial Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research (CIDR 2011), Asilomar, CA, USA, 9-12 Jan 2011,

Michel, S., Bender, M., Ntarmos, N. , Triantafillou, P., Weikum, G. and Zimmer, C. (2006) Discovering and exploiting keyword and attribute-value co-occurences to improve P2P routing indices. In: 15th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2006), Arlington, VA, USA, 6-11 Nov 2006,

Ntarmos, N. , Triantafillou, P. and Weikum, G. (2006) Counting at large: Efficient cardinality estimation in internet-scale data networks. In: 22nd International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE 2006), Atlanta, GA, USA, 3-8 Apr 2006,

Pitoura, T., Ntarmos, N. and Triantafillou, P. (2006) Replication, load balancing and efficient range query processing in DHTs. In: 10th International Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT 2006), Munich, Germany, 26-31 Mar 2006,

Ntarmos, N. , Pitoura, T. and Triantafillou, P. (2005) Range query optimization leveraging peer heterogeneity in DHT data networks. In: 3rd International Workshop on Databases, Information Systems and Peer-to-Peer Computing (DBISP2P'05), Trondheim, Norway, 28-29 Aug 2005,

Pitoura, T., Ntarmos, N. and Triantafillou, P. (2005) Replication, load balancing and efficient range query processing in DHTs. In: 4th Hellenic Data Management Symposium, Athens, Greece, 25-26 Aug 2005,

Ntarmos, N. and Triantafillou, P. (2004) AESOP: Altruism-endowed self organizing peers. In: 2nd International Workshop on Databases, Information Systems and Peer-to-Peer Computing (DBISP2P'04), Toronto, Canada, 29-30 Aug 2004,

Ntarmos, N. and Triantafillou, P. (2004) SeAl: managing accesses and data in peer-to-peer data sharing networks. In: 4th IEEE International Conference in Peer-to-Peer Computing (P2P2004), Zurich, Switzerland, 25-27 Aug 2004, pp. 116-123. (doi: 10.1109/PTP.2004.1334938)

Ntarmos, N. and Triantafillou, P. (2004) SeAl: selfishness and altruism in peer-to-peer data sharing networks. In: 3rd Hellenic Data Management Symposium, Athens, Greece, 28-29 Jun 2004,

Triantafillou, P., Ntarmos, N. , Nikoletseas, S. and Spirakis, P. (2003) NanoPeer networks and P2P worlds. In: 3rd IEEE International Conference in Peer-to-Peer Computing (P2P2003), Linköping, Sweden, 1-3 Sept 2003,

Triantafillou, P., Ntarmos, N. and Yannakopoulos, J. (2003) D.I.C.E. and CO.In.S: a data integration cache engine for a content integration system. In: 4th International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering (WISE 2003), Rome, Italy, 10-12 Dec 2003, pp. 339-342. (doi: 10.1109/WISE.2003.1254507)

Triantafillou, P., Ntarmos, N. and Yannakopoulos, J. (2003) The HyperHotel application built over DICE and COINS. In: 4th International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering (WISE 2003), Rome, Italy, 10-12 Dec 2003, pp. 359-362. (doi: 10.1109/WISE.2003.1254511)

Triantafillou, P., Xiruhaki, C., Koubarakis, M. and Ntarmos, N. (2003) Towards high performance peer-to-peer content and resource sharing systems. In: Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research (CIDR 2003), Asilomar, CA, USA, 5-8 Jan 2003,

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