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Research & Teaching
- Ball, Dr Mark (Lecturer)
- Barrett, Dr Brian (Reader in Environmental Remote Sensing)
- Basiri, Professor Ana (Professor of Geospatial Data Science)
- Bass, Dr Adrian (Reader)
- Bobbette, Dr Adam (Lecturer in Political Geology)
- Botterill, Dr Kate (Senior Lecturer)
- Boyd, Miss Sophia (Research Associate)
- Brankamp, Dr Hanno (British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow)
- Brown, Dr David (Senior Lecturer in Volcanology and Sedimentology)
- Callard, Professor Felicity (Professor in Human Geography)
- Cameron, Dr Karen (Senior Lecturer)
- Chipato, Dr Farai (Lecturer in Black Geographies)
- Cormier, Dr Marc-Andre (Lecturer in Biogeomorphic Systems)
- Curley, Dr Edward (Lecturer)
- Daly, Dr Luke (Reader)
- Dixon, Professor Deborah (Professor of Geography)
- Domingo, Dr Justine Perry (Research Associate)
- Ehlers, Professor Todd A. (Professor, Head of School, Geographical & Earth Sciences)
- Einsle, Dr Joshua Franz (Lecturer in Computational Earth Materials)
- Eizenhoefer, Dr Paul (Senior Lecturer)
- Falkowski, Dr Sarah (Research Scientist - Noble Gas Thermochronology)
- Featherstone, Professor David (Professor of Political Geography')
- Floyd, Mr Cameron (Lecturer in Earth Sciences)
- Gerrits, Mr Petrus (Research Software Engineer: Data Scientist)
- Gilgannon, Dr James (Leverhulme Early Career Fellow)
- Gray, Mr Neil (Lecturer)
- Griffin, Dr Sammy (Research Associate)
- Grima, Dr Antoniette (Lecturer in Computational Geoscience)
- Hallis, Dr Lydia (Reader)
- Hurst, Dr Martin (Senior Lecturer in Landscape Dynamics)
- Jonell, Dr Tara (Research Associate)
- Karaliotas, Dr Lazaros (Senior Lecturer)
- Keller, Dr Tobias (Reader in Computational Geosciences)
- Kelliher, Dr Diarmaid (Lecturer in Human Geography)
- Kelly, Mr William (Senior Lecturer in Geospatial Science)
- Kerr, Miss Heather (Teaching Assistant)
- Lacsny, Dr Alice (Lecturer in Human Geography)
- Lai, Dr Jingtao (Research Scientist)
- Langlands, Mr Croy (Research Assistant)
- Laurie, Dr Emma (Senior Lecturer)
- Lee, Professor Martin (Professor of Planetary Science)
- MacDonald, Dr John (Senior Lecturer in Anthropogenic Geomaterials)
- Mathers, Dr Hannah (Senior Lecturer)
- McGeachan, Dr Cheryl (Senior Lecturer)
- Moreau, Dr John (Reader in Geomicrobiology & Environmental Geoscience)
- Moreau, Dr Miza (Leverhulme Early Career Research Fellow)
- Mutz, Dr Rer Nat Habil Sebastian (Senior Lecturer in Paleoclimate Modelling)
- Naylor, Professor Larissa (Professor of Geomorphology and Environmental Geography)
- Naylor, Professor Simon (Professor of Historical Geography)
- Neill, Dr Iain (Lecturer in Magmatic Processes)
- Nottingham, Mr Mark (Research Associate in Planetary Science)
- Oakley, Dr David (Research Associate in Landscape Modelling)
- Odum, Dr Princewill (Lecturer)
- Owen, Dr Amanda (Senior Lecturer)
- Parr, Professor Hester (Professor)
- Persano, Professor Cristina (Professor of Geosciences)
- Persaud, Dr Divya (Collaborative Research Fellowship)
- Petrie, Dr Elizabeth (Lecturer)
- Philo, Professor Christopher (Professor of Geography)
- Pokhrel, Mr Prakash (Research Associate in Fluvial Geomorphology)
- Prasojo, Mr Octria (Research Associate)
- Schaller, Dr Mirjam (Senior Research Scientist – Earth Surface Geochemistry)
- Shingleton, Mr Joseph (Research Software Engineering Scientist)
- Slaymark, Dr Charlotte (Lecturer)
- Smith, Dr Adam (Postdoctoral Research Associate in Numerical Modelling)
- Sojka, Dr Bozena (Research Associate)
- Sutherland, Dr Callum (Lecturer in Human Geography)
- Tang, Dr Wenguang (Research Associate)
- Thomas, Dr Rhian (Senior Lecturer in Physical Geography and Freshwater Science)
- Todd, Dr Jay (Leverhulme Research Fellow)
- Tolentino, Miss Pamela (Research Assistant)
- Toney, Professor Jaime (Professor in Environmental and Climate Science)
- Turton, Dr Ian (Research Software Data Scientist)
- Wang, Dr Mingshu (Reader)
- Wang, Mr Yu (Geospatial Artificial Intelligence Research Scientist)
- Williams, Professor Richard (Professor of River Science)
- Wu, Dr Meiliu (Lecturer in Geospatial Information Science)
- Zhang, Dr Wenxin (Reader in Ecosystem-Geosphere Modelling)
Tutors & Demonstrators
- Al Bahri, Miss Asayil (Assistant Demonstrator)
- Alam, Mr Md Jahangir (Demonstrator, Tutor)
- Barre, Ms Elizabeth (Demonstrator, Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Beggan, Mr Declan (Assistant Demonstrator)
- Cai, Miss Yuwei (Demonstrator)
- Calton, Ms Iara (Tutor)
- Chai, Ms Tong (Demonstrator)
- Daniels, Miss Lucy (Demonstrator)
- Deng, Mr Rui (Demonstrator)
- Dickinson Rodrigues de Souza, Mrs Heloisa (Demonstrator, Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Divers, Mr Matthew (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Dowd, Miss Ailsa (Assistant Demonstrator)
- Ebeler, Ms Laura (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Edwards, Mr David (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Feather, Miss Grace (Tutor)
- Gakpe, Mr Edward (Demonstrator, Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Gibson, Ms Heather (Tutor)
- Glazer, Mr Joshua (Demonstrator - School of Geographical & Earth Sciences)
- Green, Miss Simla (Demonstrator)
- Gribble, Miss Lara (Assistant Demonstrator)
- Haller, Mr Robin (Demonstrator, PhD Student (Tutor))
- Hawkins, Miss Rhiannon (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- He, Ms Zhimeng (Demonstrator)
- Hilal, Ms Raghd (Graduate Teaching Assistant, Demonstrator)
- Hoey, Miss Daisy (Assistant Demonstrator)
- Hundeboell, Mr Victor (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Kang, Miss Binyue (Graduate Teaching Assistant, Demonstrator, Demonstrator)
- Karssenberg, Miss Maria (PhD Student (Tutor), Demonstrator)
- Kim, Mr Hyunseong (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Langley, Miss Bethan (PhD Student (Tutor), Demonstrator)
- Li, Miss Yue (Demonstrator)
- Lisica, Mr Karlo (Demonstrator)
- MacRae, Miss Careen (Demonstrator)
- MacWilliam, Miss Charlotte (Assistant Demonstrator)
- Mahooana, Miss Papali (Demonstrator)
- Martin, Mr Pierre-Etienne (Tutor, Demonstrator)
- Merz, Ms Nina (Demonstrator, PhD Student (Tutor), Graduate Teaching Assistant, Demonstrator)
- Milne, Mr Andrew (Assistant Demonstrator)
- Moosbrugger, Ms Kassandra (Demonstrator)
- Nugraha, Mr Idham (Demonstrator)
- Pentland, Ms Kimberley (Demonstrator)
- Perrone, Mr Francesco (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Printy Currie, Mrs Nicole (Tutor)
- Stevenson, Miss Amy (Demonstrator)
- Stolpmann, Ms Lea (PhD Student (Tutor))
- Sutherland, Miss Edana (Assistant Demonstrator)
- Venu, Miss Haritha (Demonstrator, Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Wang, Miss Yuchen (Demonstrator, PhD Student (Tutor), Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Xian, Ms Xinyan (Demonstrator)
- Xie, Mr Kang (Demonstrator, PhD Student (Tutor), Demonstrator)
- Yang, Mr Xin (Demonstrator, PhD Student (Tutor), Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Yuan, Miss Xinyi (PhD Student (Tutor), Demonstrator)
- Zhang, Mr Kangyong (Demonstrator, PhD Student (Tutor))
- Zhong, Mr Chang (Graduate Teaching Assistant, Demonstrator)
Professional, Administrative & Support
- Bradshaw, Mrs Dawn (Head of Professional Services, School of Geographical and Earth Sciences)
- Brolly, Dr Connor (Technician)
- Catford, Miss Rebecca (Learning & Teaching Administrator)
- Currier, Ms Sarah (GALLANT Programme Manager)
- Dunlop, Mrs Anne (Learning & Teaching Administrator)
- Frankland, Mr Edward (Learning & Teaching Administrator)
- Harkness, Miss Molly (Administrative Assistant)
- Hopwood, Ms Makenna (Administrative Assistant)
- Hundeboell, Mr Victor (Project Intern)
- Keith, Mr Lyle (Geospatial Research Technician)
- Khan, Miss Leenah (Teaching Support and PGR Administrator)
- Lyle, Mrs Angela (L&T Team Manager)
- MacDonell, Mr Craig (Lead Geospatial Research Technician)
- Mackay, Mr Cameron (GALLANT Communications Coordinator)
- McPartland, Mrs Jean (Personal Assistant to Head of School)
- Mills-Wierda, Mrs Nicola (Learning & Teaching Administrator)
- Prentice, Mr Thomas (Modern Apprentice: Laboratory & Field Operations)
- Roberts, Mr Kenny (Environmental Analysis Laboratory (EAL) Lead Technician)
- Saeed, Ms Saba (GALLANT Monitoring and Evaluation Coordinator)
- Salik, Mr Mohammad Ali (Technician)
- Spruzeniece, Dr Liene (Microanalysis Experimental Officer)
- Thomson, Miss Carol (SAGES Administrator)
- Waterlot, Miss Zoe (Project Administrator)
- Wildman, Dr Mark (Analytical Geochemistry & Geochronology Technician)
- Amin, Dr Amin (Visiting Researcher)
- Bicakci, Dr Yunus Serhat (Research Software Engineering Scientist)
- Bodden, Dr Shawn (Affiliate Researcher for ESRC ‘Living with SAD’)
- Maxwell Beeton, Dr Jared (Visiting Researcher)
- Swan, Miss Shona (Affiliate Research Associate)
- Vovides, Dr Alejandra (Research Associate in Urban Wetland Ecology)
- Waldron, Professor Susan (Affiliate)
Honorary & Visiting
- Allison, Dr Iain (Honorary Research Fellow)
- Bagot, Dr Paul (Visiting Research Fellow)
- Bell, Dr Brian (Honorary Lecturer)
- Biswas, Professor Asit (Distinguished Visiting Professor)
- Boothroyd, Dr Richard (Honorary Research Associate)
- Boyle, Dr Louise (Honorary Research Fellow)
- Braithwaite, Dr Colin (Honorary Research Fellow)
- Briggs, Professor John (Honorary Research Fellow)
- Cavazzin, Ms Bianca (Honorary Research Associate)
- Chilongo, Miss Grace (Honorary Research Assistant)
- Chirwa Kajombo, Dr Marion (Honorary Research Fellow)
- Christou, Mr Evangelos (Honorary Researcher in Planetary Science)
- Chung, Mr Peter (Honorary Researcher & Microanalyst)
- Crawford, Professor John (Emeritus Professor of Sustainability and Complex Systems)
- Dickinson, Dr Gordon (Honorary Research Fellow)
- Fallick, Professor Anthony (Honorary Research Fellow)
- Forrest, Dr David (Honorary Research Fellow)
- Geiger, Dr Alessa (Honorary Research Associate)
- Gondwe, Mr Steven (Honorary Research Assistant)
- Hansom, Dr James (Honorary Associate Professor, Honorary Associate Professor)
- Harris, Dr Jeff (Honorary Research Fellow)
- Heslop, Dr Elaine (Honorary Fellow)
- Inall, Professor Mark (Honorary)
- Kadewa, Dr Wilfred (Honorary Research Fellow)
- Kamenos, Professor Nick (Honorary Lecturer in Marine Science)
- Lathrop, Dr Bailey (Honorary Lecturer)
- Li, Miss Qing (Honorary Researcher)
- Li, Dr Ziqi (Honorary Research Fellow)
- Lucas, Dr Adam (Honorary Research Fellow)
- Macgilchrist, Miss Morag (Honorary Researcher)
- Mohamed, Mr Hassan (Honorary Researcher)
- O'Hara, Dr Lorna (Honorary Lecturer in Human Geography)
- Owen, Dr Alan (Honorary Research Fellow)
- Paringit, Dr Enrico (Honorary Research Fellow)
- Perriam, Dr Geraldine (Honorary Research Associate)
- Quick, Dr Laura (Honorary Researcher)
- Rennie, Dr Alistair (Honorary Research Fellow)
- Shand, Mr Michael (Honorary Research Fellow)
- Smith, Dr Caroline (Honorary Professor)
- Spagnolo, Professor Matteo (SAGES Director)
- Waters, Dr Emma (Honorary Lecturer)
- Younger, Dr John Scott (Honorary Research Fellow)