Mr Octria Prasojo
- Research Associate (School of Geographical & Earth Sciences)
Octria has an undergraduate degree in Geology from Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia and a master in Geoscience and Reservoir Engineering from Institut Français du Pétrole, France. Before commencing his PhD, he worked as a geoscience lecturer at Universitas Indonesia where he started to develop his research interests in quantitative and theoretical sedimentology while also actively teaching and growing his research environment. In 2019, Octria started his PhD at the University of Glasgow to work with Prof Trevor Hoey, Dr Amanda Owen and Prof Richard Williams to build scaling relationships of global river deltas. Octria is now a postdoctoral research associate (PDRA) for the GALLANT project, a NERC-funded (£10.2M) partnership between the University of Glasgow and Glasgow City Council that will use Glasgow as a living lab to trial new sustainable solutions throughout the city. He is in charge of Work Package 1 which will address fluvial and tidal flood risk using a participatory modelling approach to applying nature-based solutions along the River Clyde.
Research interests
My research interest focuses on understanding fundamental processes within fluvial and deltaic environments. This includes decoding and understanding climatic signals, autogenic and allogenic processes, and tectonic influences that affect geomorphic landforms and their associated deposits (e.g. fluvial, delta, estuary, coastal systems). I use a variety of methods and datasets including satellite imagery analysis, study of modern and ancient sedimentary deposits, and numerical modelling.
My work aims to predict how current and future climates trajectories influence the landforms we live in and to learn how the climatic signal from the past was recorded in the rock record through a quantitative stratigraphy approach.
Research themes include:
1. Delta, fluvial, and estuary morphodynamic and sedimentology
2. Numerical modelling of morpho-hydrodynamic that relates to flood risk management, synthetic stratigraphy and proving theoretical concepts
3. Nature-based solution through a participatory modelling approach
4. Environmental impact on gravel or sand mining on river and delta systems
5. Interdisciplinary approach
6. Stratigraphic storage and shredding threshold