Dr Iain Neill
- Lecturer in Magmatic Processes (School of Geographical & Earth Sciences)
01413 305477
Molema Building, University Avenue, G12 8QQ
BSc, Geoscience, University of St Andrews 2003-2007
PhD, "Tectono-magmatic evolution of the SE Caribbean Plate", Cardiff University 2007-2011
PDRA, "Orogenic Plateau Magmatism", Durham University 2011-2014
University Teacher, University of Glasgow 2014-2016
Lecturer, University of Glasgow 2016-2018
PgCAP, University of Glasgow 2018
Lecturer in Magmatic Processes, University of Glasgow 2018-
Research interests
As a 'jack of all trades' I generate field, petrographic, geochemical and geochronological data largely from igneous, metamorphic and faulted rocks. I synthesise these and other diverse datasets to solve geological problems of relevance to society, including energy generation, resource exploration, and infrastructure development. Though my interests are global, I have a particular focus on the future of the Highlands of Scotland where was born.
I began my research career at Cardiff University as a NERC-funded PhD student, re-evaluating the origin and tectonic evolution of the Caribbean Plate. At the University of Durham, as a NERC-funded PDRA, I used fieldwork and whole-rock geochemistry to refine our models of how mantle-derived magmatism operates during continental collision, which introduced me to the geology of Iran and Armenia and to the integration of analogue data with geodynamic models.
After two years as a University Teacher at Glasgow (2014-2016), I maintained my regional research interests and started broadening their application into areas of economic or societal importance. These include 1) fundamental connections between magma genesis, plate tectonics and the generation of geological resources, 2) hazards posed by tectonic and volcanic activity in collision settings, 3) low and high temperature geothermal energy sources, 4) the impact of the basement of the Caribbean Plate on modern subduction and 5) the use of Scotland's bedrock in resource generation, infrastructure, and rural development.
On a human level I am keen to work with those interested in economics, politics, and rural development, on the impact that geology may have in Scotland's future. In particular, if you are from or work in the Highlands of Scotland and have an interest in rocks, give me a shout!
PI: NERC Isotope Facilities grant-in-kind, with Prof Rob Strachan (Portsmouth) and Nick Roberts and Dan Condon (British Geological Survey) 2024: What's in a Date? A systematic approach to improving the geological interpretation of zircon U-Pb studies. £66,675.
PI: NERC Isotope Facilities grant-in-kind, with Prof Javier Escuder Viruete (Instituto Geológico y Minero de España) and Prof Julie Prytulak (University of Durham) 2023: Testing a two-arc model of Caribbean Plate evolution using mantle source forensics. £19,950.
Co-I: Carnegie Trust 2023 and 2024 with Paul Eizenhofer and Antoniette Greta Grima on i) zircon dating and geochemistry with respect to landscape evolution in northern Asia and ii) geodynamic modelling of flat slab scenarios. £30,000.
Co-I: NERC, with University of Hull 2023-2024: Barcoding magmas: Applying machine learning in zircon geochemistry to increase provenance accuracy. £80,764.
Co-I: Oil and Gas Innovation Centre, with Getech 2018: Predicting the presence of weathered fractured granite basement reservoirs. £71,000.
Co-I: National Academy of Sciences of Armenia (foreign collaborator) for fieldwork in 2016 and 2017: Archaeovolcanological and achaeoseismological studies in Armenia applying 14C, Ar-Ar and 3He isotope age estimates. €2500.
PI: Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland Research Incentive Grant 2016: Fire and shaking in the South Caucasus: connecting geo-archaeology and hazards in Armenia. £7459.
PI: Geological Society of London Elspeth Matthews Fund 2016: Fire and Shaking in the South Caucasus: carbon dating Armenia's recent geological past. £1930.
Current students:
Mmapula Phesodi, "The cratonic mantle beneath Botswana using kimberlite xenocrystic records as lithospheric probes: a comparative study", in revision, Eleanor Emory PhD scholarship.
Careen Macrae, Magmatism and Mineralisation at Strontian and the relationship of the "Newer Granites" to the Great Glen Fault System, MSc by Research.
Chloe Gemmell, Re-investigating magmatism and mineralisation at the Black Stockarton Moor porphyry copper deposit, MSc by Research.
Nathan Brammer, Revised stratigraphy of the Devonian of Kintyre, MSc by Research
Co-I, PhD: Tong Chai (China Scholarship Council), Jose del Angel Lozano, Savana van Mesdag (IAPETUS), Amanda Stubbs (IAPETUS)
Co-I, MSc by Research: Shona Swan, Ryan Mooney, Ciara Fallon, Kimberley Pentland
Available supervision:
PhD: State-funded PhD projects are available on topics of interest. Note any prospective student must arrange to have funds in place from a sponsor to cover tuition, living costs and the cost of research itself. Research costs should be a minimum of £10,000 for a PhD project.
MSc by Research: Self-funded MSc by Research projects are available to start each October (https://www.gla.ac.uk/postgraduate/research/geology/). I would like students to focus on fieldwork, petrography and geochronology on Scottish rocks, with a raft of ideas to suit different tastes available by discussion. The research component lasts for one year with a further year to hand in a thesis. The cost is 1 x year of tuition (can be covered by a state loan) plus a compulsory bench fee of at least £1000. The fee covers basic analytical expenses so any prospective student must be willing to cover field studies if included. We would work to augment a project beyond the basic premise if further funding is available.
- Brammer, Nathan
The sedimentological and igneous framework of the Devonian rocks of Kintyre, Scotland - Chai, Tong
Economic eruptions: modelling the formation of MtAp deposits - Del Angel Lozano, Jose Porfirio
A comparison of atmospheric CO2 capture with steel slags in Mexico and the United Kingdom. - Fallon, Ciara
The Impact of Glacial Retreat on the Geomorphology of the Black Sea Region - Gemmell, Chloe
Timing and distribution of post-subduction magmatism in the Southern Uplands of Scotland and its implications for regional geodynamics - MacRae, Careen
The Geochronology of Plutonism Associated with the Great Glen Fault, Northern Scottish Highlands - Pentland, Kimberley
Quantifying the mineralogical controls on precious metal enrichment in the Rum layered intrusion, NW Scotland - Stubbs, Amanda Rebecca
Natural atmospheric CO2 mineralisation in unexpected places - Swan, Shona
2D modelling of shallow crustal magma chambers - Van Mesdag, Savanna
Anthropogenic biodiversity and geodiversity – can legacy industrial waste help offset falling global biodiversity?
PI, MSc by Research: Euan McIntosh (Glasgow) "Economic mineralisation of the Loch Maree Group and Tectonic Correlation of the Lewisianoid inliers of Scardroy and Orrin", 2021. Destination: Freelance Exploration Geologist, Western Gold.
PI, MSc by Research: Eilidh Milne (Glasgow), "The Great Glen Caledonian Igneous Suite", 2020. Destination: Ecological Consultancy, Highland Ecology and Development Ltd.
Co-I, PhD: Joshua Brown (Durham, IAPETUS).
Co-I, MSc by Research: Andrew Hattie (Glasgow), Christopher Holdsworth (Glasgow).
Level 3 Geology BSc
- Igneous and Metamorphic Geology
- Geological Skills
- Leader of day field courses
- Leader of Northern Highlands Terrane residential field course
Level 4 Geology BSc
- Independent Research Dissertation supervision (2020-)
MSc Earth Futures
- Critical Metals for a Sustainable Future
- Research Methods
- Field trip to Cruachan and the Great Glen
- Level 1 Earth Science laboratories, minerals and resource geology
- Level 2 Earth Science materials and igneous geology
- Level 2 Arran residential field trip
- Level 3 Tenerife residential field trip
- Level 3 Oban, Mull, Ullapool, Fort William residential trips
- Level 3 Igneous Geochemistry and Metamorphic geology (stand-alone)
- Level 4 Earth Science Independent Laboratory Research Projects
- Level 3/4 Geological Synthesis and Application
- Level 5 Analytical Methods
- MSc Academic and Professional Skills
Research datasets
Additional information
I am potentially available for new collaborations and/or consultancy work, particularly related to Scottish geology. Please contact by e-mail in the first instance.
Senior Adviser of Studies for Geology and Environmental Geoscience (2022)
Learning and Teaching Enhancement Officer for Geographical and Earth Sciences (2019-2023).
Co-ordinator for the Earth Systems Research Group MSc by Research degree in GES (2020-).
Co-ordinator for Honours Geology (2022-2023).
Careers and Further Education co-ordinator for Level 4-5 Geology and Environmental Geoscience (2019-).
Advisor of Studies in Geology or Environmental Geoscience (2016-).
Mental health first aid-trained (2016-).
Nominee for 'Best Thesis Supervisor' at the SRC Teaching Awards, 2017, for 'Best Feedback', 2018 and for 'Outstanding Contribution', 2022.
Associate Editor for Scottish Journal of Geology (2023-) and Results in Earth Sciences (2023-).
Member of the Editorial Board for Lithos (2016-).
NERC Exploring the Frontiers Panel (2023).
Overseas reviewer for the Government of Ireland scholarship and fellowship schemes (2021).
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.co.uk/citations?user=uNqMLsoAAAAJ&hl=en.
TV: Great Coastal Railway Journeys, Freemantle Media for the BBC, Season 1, Episode 17, Broadcast 15th February 2022 (Contributer).
Written media: Atlas Obscura on the use of slate for the World stone skimming championships https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/stone-skimming-championship-spaceship-studies.