Issue 8 (Autumn 2006): Un/Worldly Bodies
Issue 8 (Autumn 2006): Un/Worldly Bodies
The body in all its manifestations is the theme for this eighth issue, 'Un/Worldly Bodies'. We are proud to publish a range of articles which approach this exciting topic from a refreshing variety of theoretical perspectives. From masks and figures on pottery in Ancient Greece to the abject female body in nineteenth century Gothic fiction; from post-colonial Marxist readings of the body in contemporary Indian drama to the ideal parental body in British law, this issue really does cover a wide range of subjects and, we feel, is a fitting addition to eSharp's rapidly-growing archive of multi-disciplinary publications.
Articles are in PDF format. If you do not already have Adobe Reader on your computer, you can download it for free from
Debra Strickland | Introduction to 'Un/Worldly Bodies' | 8 - Strickland | |
Kirsten Bedigan | Changed Appearances: The Use of Masks on the Ceramics from the Theban Kabeirion in Greece | Abstract | 8 - Bedigan |
Melissa Ann Crowder | Beside My Self: The Abject In Charlotte Perkins Gilman's The Yellow Wallpaper | Abstract | 8 - Crowder |
Holly Luhning | Manacles of Madness: Haywood's The Distress'd Orphan; Or Love in A Madhouse | Abstract | 8 - Luhning |
Elena Martin | Golden Mouths and Speaking Bodies: John Chrysostom's Depiction of Christian Martyrs | Abstract | 8 - Martin |
Shital Pravinchandra | The Third-World Body Commodified: Manjula Padmanabhan's Harvest | Abstract | 8 - Pravinchandra |
Michelle Weldon | The Parental Body in Law: An Examination of how the Working Parent is Conceptualized in UK Labour Law | Abstract | 8 - Weldon |