15 (Summer 2010) - Uniting Nations: Risks and Opportunities
eSharp Issue 15, Uniting Nations: Risks and Opportunities pertains to potential opportunities and risks involved in the unification and conjoining of nations. Submissions to this issue explore and reflect upon social, economic, cultural and political facets of internationalization and globalization through a variety of perspectives. These include the impacts of economic globalisation since the 1980s, as neoliberal globalisation and late industrialisation through focusing on Bretton Woods institutions and reflections on cultural exchanges among nations and the communal destruction through an analysis of W.G. Sebald’s novel Vertigo. The issue also takes in the concept of a globalised internationalist society with reference to The Speculator by David Greig, the subject of hybrid political orders with emphasis on the political realities of countries facing conflict and tensions associated with the political issues in the Gaza conflict. It also extends to present views on the role of intercultural dialogue in the construction of regional literary identity through the analysis of Nordic voices in Scottish literature and the notion of scriptural reasoning for the possibilities and tensions of bringing Abrahamic religions closer.
This collection of scholarly contributions on diverse topics perfectly corresponds to the vibrant postgraduate research community that eSharp represents and we are proud to present it to the readers.
Bates, Michael | 'Cultural Exchange, Communal Destruction in W.G. Sebald's Vertigo' | Abstract | 15 - Bates |
Hansen, Arve | 'Integration and Late Industrialisation: The Effects of Neoliberal Economic Globalisation on Development and Late Industrialisation' | Abstract | 15 - Hansen |
Lambkin, Magdalen | 'Can Scriptures Unite? A theological exploration of the interreligious practice of Scriptural Reasoning' | Abstract | 15 - Lambkin |
Mallet, Richard | 'Beyond Failed States and Ungoverned Spaces: Hybrid Political Orders in the Post-Conflict Landscape' | Abstract | 15 - Mallet |
McQueen, Pamela | 'Giving Voice to the Global Citizen: Characterization and Dialogue in David Greig's The Speculator.' | Abstract | 15 - McQueen |
Reeploeg, Silke | 'Intercultural Opportunities and Regional Identity: Nordic Voices in Scottish Literature' | Abstract | 15 - Reeploeg |
Sambaraju, Rahul and Kirkwood, Steve | ''We represent, here, the interests of the free world': Accountability in Israeli leaders' media talk on the Gaza Crisis (2008-2009)' | Abstract | 15 - Sambaraju and Kirkwood |