Issue 12 (Winter 2008): Technology and Humanity

Issue 12 (Winter 2008): Technology and Humanity

Koestler's Antidote to Headaches - X-Ray tabletseSharp's twelfth issue, 'Technology and Humanity', examines the effects of scientific innovation and its implications for the individual and society. The high number and quality of submissions suggests that technology in its various forms is an increasingly significant site of investigation for the academic world, and the issue contains articles from a number of different perspectives: from cyberliterature to the adoption of technological debate as a power strategy, from issues of authority in online encyclopedias to the advantages of a virtual, as opposed to operational, nuclear arsenal for the United Kingdom.

eSharp is proud to present this series of articles demonstrating the broad range of intellectual engagement that the theme of 'Technology and Humanity' provokes across disciplines, with contributing authors from universities in Hungary, the USA and throughout the UK.

Image credit: Gerson, E. S. Scenes from the past: x-ray mania: the x-ray in advertising, circa 1895. RadioGraphics 2004; 24:544-541.

Articles are in PDF format. If you do not already have Adobe Reader on your computer, you can download it for free from



Daniel Ashton Policy, productivity, passion and piracy: Drawing lines around innovation in a knowledge-based economy Abstract 12 - Ashton
Alistair Brown Rereading Posthumanism in The War of the Worlds and Independence Day Abstract 12 - Brown 
David Gill Reconsidering Virtual Nuclear Arsenals Abstract 12 - Gill
Eva Giraud McLibel to Mcspotlight: the impact of information and communications technology upon radical pamphleteering Abstract 12 - Giraud
Hannah Little Microfilm, Mormons and the Technology of the Archive Abstract 12 - Little
Adam Lowe Holding it Together: Postmodern Modes of Cohesion Abstract  12 - Lowe
Michael Morrison Beyond the perils and promise of human enhancement: the social shaping of enhancement technologies Abstract 12 - Morrison
Alexia Smit White Men with Scalpels: Technology, bodies and 'male melodrama' in Nip/Tuck Abstract 12 - Smit
Kathryn Tabb Authority and Authorship in a 21st-Century Encyclopaedia and a 'Very Mysterious Foundation' Abstract 12 - Tabb
Zsofia Anna Toth S1m0ne: Simulacrum and Simulation Incarnated in the Perfection of Humanoid Virtuality Abstract  12 -Toth
Campbell Wilson The Ecologist and the Alternative Technology movement, 1970-75: New Environmentalism confronts 'technocracy' Abstract 12 - Wilson