Campus Card Expiry Dates

Campus Cards have an expiry date on them, which is normally a few weeks after the official end of the student’s programme of study.

Any changes made to a student’s end date in My Campus will be reflected in the card system overnight.

If the end date has been extended and the student needs a new card, they can request this online, or in person at the Fraser Building, Level 2, SSET (Student Services Enquiry Team).

LLL/UG/PGT Students

The end date in the Student Summary on MyCampus is reflected on the Campus Card. If this is not the case, for example the card has expired and you are unable to amend the MyCampus end date, please raise a call via Ivanti to the Registry Student Records Team.

PGR Students

The end date for Research students is reflected in their Research Summary page as the Actual End Date. The expiry date on the Campus Card will be their Actual End Date plus 4 months unless they have milestones added to their research summary, in which case it will be the most recent date plus 4 months. If there is an error with the student’s end date on the Research summary, the School/College Administrators are responsible for updating the Research Summary page.