Student Loans Company (SLC): Registration Confirmation

How are Student Loans released?

Education providers are requierd to download a Student Support Attendance Report (SSAR) from the SLC website, which contains details of all students who have had a Maintenance Loan approved. This file is processed through MyCampus to identify students who completed Academic Registration, and these details are then electronically uploaded to the SLC by Registry via the HEI portal, which will trigger the release of the Maintenance Loan.

This process is run daily from 1st August to the end of November when it then runs weekly until the end of term i.e. 31st July the following year.

Provisional payment dates will be listed on the students’ loan paperwork, however the student must complete at least academic registration on MyCampus before they can receive payment.

After the student completes registration on MyCampus it can take approximately 8 working days for their payment to reach them. Subsequent payments should be made closer to the dates listed on their loan paperwork.

For more information on Student Loans Company, please read the Financial Aid team's Fequently Asked Questions.