Non-registered Students
All students are required to register for each year of their course. It is the responsibility of academic units (Colleges, Schools and Research Institutes) to ensure that all students attending the University complete registration and that those not in attendance, or who do not complete registration, are withdrawn so that student records can be updated in MyCampus, tuition fees recalculated, and in the case of Tier 4 students, our visa sponsorship cancelled.
The MyCampus report UOG_REG_NOTREG_TUITION should be run by Colleges, Schools and Research Institutes on a regular basis to identify non-registered students. The report can be filtered to remove students with a start date in the future.
All students
If you have cases where students fail to engage with your reasonable attempts to assist them to complete registration, for example, lack of response to e-mail/meeting requests please follow the administrative withdrawal process.
It is likely that some students will be unable to register because they cannot pay their tuition fees or have a debt to the University. In these cases please contact Student Collections at Please note in circumstances where Student Collections confirm that a student’s financial situation is, in their view, intractable and will not enable a student to meet the requirements of financial registration for the current term, they cannot continue to attend University and you should inform the student and submit an administrative withdrawal.
Student Visas
As the University has issued these students with a Confirmation of Acceptance of Studies (CAS), UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) expect these students to be registered and in attendance until we inform them that we have cancelled our sponsorship by withdrawing the student.
Student Visa holders whose programs have started but who you identify are not attending University must be withdrawn immediately so that we can cancel our sponsorship of these students with UKVI. To withdraw a student, you should submit an administrative withdrawal form via Ivanti. In cases where students have not attended University in the current term (i.e. they are no shows) please record the last date of attendance as 01/08 of the current term and this will ensure that the tuition fee is cancelled.