November 2023

Adam Smith's ethics: Psychological foundations in sympathy and normative aspirations to impartiality
Professor Christel Fricke, of the University of Oslo, Norway, discussed Smith's sympathetic process and how it provides a framework for developing modern codes of ethics and morality.

Prejudices of the Imagination: What Adam Smith Added to the Enlightenment Project
Professor Samuel Fleischacker discussed how Adam Smith employs techniques to change his readers’ prejudicial image of poor people
October 2023

Government's Role in Today’s Economy: What Would Adam Smith Say?
Professor Cecilia Rouse challenged common perceptions around Adam Smith’s ideas on the government’s role in the economy in this third and final Hunter Foundation Lecture at the British Embassy in Washington DC, USA.

Lisa Hill
Professor Lisa Hill, of the University of Adelaide, delivered her lecture at the University of Chile on Adam Smith, happiness, welfare and inequality.

Jacob Levy
Professor Jacob T. Levy (McGill University) delivered a thought-provoking lecture on Adam Smith as a political scientist.
September 2023

Ryan Hanley
Ryan Hanley, Professor of Political Science at Boston College, discussed ‘Adam Smith: War and the Laws of Nations’ at the University of Tokyo’s Library of Economics Templeton Lecture.

What is a wealthy nation?
This panel discussion discussed what defines the wealth of a nation. The participants were Professor Kezia Dugdale, Professor Graeme Roy, Fabian Zuleeg, Elizabeth Dirth and Rachel Lancry Beaumont.

Adam Smith's 'Coarse Clay' Political Realism
Watch this public lecture in which Professor Ryan Griffiths and the Research Group on Constitutional Studies at McGill University in Canada discussed how we can learn from Smith's work today.

Inequality, poverty, equal opportunities and subjective wellbeing
This two-day workshop was held by the Institute of Economic Analyisis (IAE-CSIC), the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and Fundació d'Economia Analítica (FEA) and highlighted how Smith's work affects us 300 years on.
August 2023

Chandran Kukathas
Professor Chandran Kukathas, Dean and Lee Kong Chian Chair Professor of Political Science at the School of Social Sciences at Singapore Management University, delivered the Fringe Tercentenary Lecture on 21 August at Panmure House in Edinburgh.

Revenue Scotland conference
Tue, 29 Aug 2023 16:36:00 BST
Adam Smith’s principles of taxation were the focus for Revenue Scotland’s biannual conference.
Tercentenary Week - June 2023

The power and perils of the "artificial hand": Considering AI through the ideas of Adam Smith
In the opening lecture of Adam Smith 300 Tercentenary Week, Gita Gopinath, First Deputy Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund, spoke on considering artificial intelligence through the ideas of Adam Smith.

Adam Smith - The first true liberal
Professor Deirdre McCloskey, Isaiah Berlin Chair in Liberal Thought at the Cato Institute, Washington, and Emerita Professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago, argued that Adam Smith was the first true liberal.

Economic failure or failure of economics?
Professor Sir Angus Deaton, who won the Nobel prize in Economic Science in 2015, spoke on 'Economic failure or failure of economics?' for his Adam Smith 300 Hunter Foundation lecture.

Adam Smith 300 Academic Workshops
Open workshop sessions designed to encourage deep thought into Adam Smith’s writings and his relevance to contemporary economic and policy debates.

RES PhD Conference
The Royal Economic Society PhD conference brings together young economists at different stages of their research for discussion and knowledge-sharing. The 2023 event took place at the University of Glasgow.

Adam Smith 300 Symposium
Day-long symposium at the University of Glasgow featuring international scholars and practitioners, who brought Smith into conversations with contemporary issues.
Smith's library and marginalia
This workshop brought together researchers interested in using analysis of the marginalia in Adam Smith’s personal library to provide insight into his intellectual biography.
June 2023

Marking the tercentenary of the birth of Adam Smith
Public lecture with Emeritus Professor Tony Aspromourgos at the School of Economics, recovering the genuine voice and thought of the historical Adam Smith.

Why Adam Smith Still Matters
This symposium discusses the impact Smith still has on the world today and why we should continue to talk and learn from Smith.
April 2023

Adam Smith 300 – Innovation and Sustainable Growth
In this event an expert panel considered drawing lessons from Adam Smith's work on innovation and investment to support sustainable growth.
RES and SES conference success
The Royal Economic Society and the Scottish Economic Society held a joint conference as part of the University commemorating Adam Smith’s tercentenary.

The theoretical legacy of Adam Smith
A discussion of the theoretical legacy of Adam Smith and the relevance of his ideas for today's social and economic issues.
March 2023

Triumph of the Market: What China's past and present tell us
This lecture examined China's patterns of economic growth and analysed the connections to Adam Smith's theories.

Adam Smith and the history of economic thought
At the Smith Around the World event at Peking University in Beijing an academic panel discussed Adam Smith and the history of economic thought.

Adam Smith's Case Against the British Empire
In this lecture Dr William Coleman critiqued Smith’s theoretical case that the British Empire was impoverishing of Great Britain.
February 2023

Are Adam Smith and his ideas misunderstood?
The second lecture in the series was delivered by Professor Sam Peltzman, who reflected on common public misunderstandings of Adam Smith's thinking.

Keith Tribe: Exploring Adam Smith's Ideas and Legacy
This podcast features Keith Tribe (Balliol College) in a discussion with Professor Graeme Roy about the dissemination and translation of Smith's ideas in modern times.
January 2023
Scottish Parliament Reception
The year started with a Reception at the Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh for around 80 distinguished guests.

Adam Smith 300 launch event
Our second event in January was the Adam Smith 300 launch. More than 100 people attended to hear leading scholars from the University of Glasgow discuss Smith’s contribution to economics, philosophy and the arts.

Launch of the Smith Around the World lecture series
The inaugural lecture focused on knowledge that solves real-world problems - such as income inequality, environmental and sustainability challenges - and fosters entrepreneurship culture.

Global Burns: Burns and Adam Smith 2023
In this online event, the Centre for Robert Burns Studies shared how Burns was informed and inspired by the works of Adam Smith.