Vision and Mission
In contributing to the University of Glasgow’s strategy, ‘World Changers Together’, the Adam Smith Business School embraces the values of being passionate, professional and progressive in supporting the School’s organisation, development and culture globally.
Adam Smith’s legacy informs our values, reflected in him founding modern economics and writing holistically about society and human interaction. Resonating with Smith, we promote and reflect upon our values in being engaging, entrepreneurial and enlightening.
We are:
- Passionate in fostering our creativity and curiosity in research, alongside our commitment to sharing knowledge and engaging with our students, alumni, research partners, and corporate and policy connections.
- Professional and enterprising as we identify and address vital questions of public policy and interest, business practice, and corporate organising, pursuing these with a sense of citizenship and a commitment to supporting talent and potential regardless of background.
- Progressive and enlightened in furthering the principles of ethics, responsibility and sustainability, and contributing to societal understandings of these as we work with students, colleagues and stakeholders.
As a research-informed and professionally-focused business school, the Adam Smith Business School aspires to be world-changing, with distinct expertise in finance and enterprise.
We will:
- Position ourselves among a group of leading international business schools, promoting among stakeholders our expertise in finance and enterprise.
- Mobilise our relationships in a thriving, world-renowned university and city, pursuing global ambitions through our programmes in research and teaching, and in partnership with our corporate connections and a small number of well-aligned schools
- Enhance the professional credentials of our colleagues and students.
The Adam Smith Business School sustains and fosters a place of outstanding quality, research-informed and professionally-focused, bringing together inspiring people for the purposes of research, learning and teaching, and engaging with corporate and policy connections, with impact locally and globally.
- Empower our students and colleagues to acquire, deploy and reflect upon their professional skills and capabilities in an enlightening and enterprising manner.
- Extend our reach and influence globally through enhancing our relationships with well-aligned higher education and research institutions, corporate and policy connections, and our alumni.
- Enhance the qualities of our activities in implementing, monitoring and reviewing our strategy regularly through a number of processes within the School, the University and with our accrediting associations.