For Staff: Examinations
For Staff: Examinations
The Exams Team is located in the Fraser building. We are responsible for a range of areas relating to degree examination preparation, arrangements, grade integrity and invigilation.
Our areas of responsibility are:
- Timetabling degree exams in December, February, April/May and August exam diets
- Provide guidance on the creation and distribution of exam material
- Making exam arrangements for students that require additional examination support
- Scheduling and allocation of invigilators to degree exams
- Coordination of degree exam results publication and training
- Collating printed exam papers from the University Print Unit
- Point of contact for students that are enrolled in resit examinations
- International resit arrangements
Are you a student? Visit our Examination webpages for students

Important Information

For Exam Invigilators
- Student Conduct Team
- Session Dates (APG)
- 2024-25 Academic Calendar - (Dates for Invigilators)
- Academic Policy and Governance (APG)
- Moodle Login
- Staff Health & Wellbeing
- Public Holidays
- Human Resources
How do I become an Exam Invigilator?
Our 2023 recruitment drive has concluded.
Information regarding future opportunities to join our invigilation team will be shared here in 2024.
For current vacancies within the university, please visit our HR webpage.
What time of day do exams take place?
The University administers three exam diets annually: Summer (April-May), Resit (August), and Winter (December).
Exams are scheduled in the morning, afternoon, and evening on each day. Invigilators should be available without restrictions to work during any exam diet.
Please refer to the table below for exam times:
April-May | August | December | |
Morning | 09:30 | 09:30 | 09:30 |
Afternoon | 14:00 | 14:00 | 13:00 |
Evening | 18:30 | n/a | 16:30 |
What processesses and procedures do I need to know about?
Below is a list of resources used to facilitate the examination process:
- Invigilator Report Form (IRF)
- Exam Incident Report (EIR)
- Exam Announcements (student version) 2023
- Invigilator Handbook (temporarily removed for update)
How can Invigilators ensure that they stay informed about important communications regarding duties?
To maintain effective communication, it is crucial for Registry to have accurate contact details of Invigilators.
Invigilators are responsible for keeping their information current on the University HR CORE system. Please ensure that your landline/mobile contact details, address, and next of kin information are up-to-date.
Remember to notify reg-invigilation@glasgow.ac.uk when updating your mobile phone number or changing your address.
Invigilators must regularly check their university email, particularly leading up to and during each exam diet, to stay informed.

Disability Support
Disabled students are entitled to reasonable adjustments in exams, to ensure they are not disadvantaged relative to non-disabled peers. Following contact with disabled students, adjustments are set by the Disability Service and recorded on MyCampus, where students can check what adjustments have been agreed for them. The Exams Team uses the information on MyCampus to implement adjustments. Before each diet, the Exams Team shares information about adjustments with Schools, who email students to confirm what arrangements are in place.
What are the deadlines for students applying for exam adjustments?
To ensure efficient handling of exam adjustments, the University has established deadlines for both the agreement and recording of adjustments on MyCampus, as well as the submission of room details by Schools to the Registry.
We strongly encourage that students who may require adjustments but have not yet arranged them complete a Study Support Request (SSR) to register with the Disability Service with no delay. Any SSRs submitted after the deadline or without evidence may result in delays in implementing the necessary adjustments for the current or upcoming exam session. However, adjustments will be put in place for subsequent exam sessions.
In the event that Schools miss the deadline for returning room details to the Registry, we will face difficulties in arranging invigilation.
Please find the current and upcoming deadlines below.
Exam Diet | Exam Adjustment Deadline | Deadline for Schools to Respond to Exam Arrangements |
December | Friday, 4 November 2024 | Friday, 22 November 2024 |
February/March | TBC | TBC |
April/May | Friday, 14 March 2025 | Friday, 07 April 2025 |
August | Friday, 27 June 2025 | Friday, 11 July 2025 |
What arrangements are the Exams Team responsible for?
Room Bookings:
- We book rooms for students who need separate accommodations during exams. These rooms are allocated from a pool reserved by CTT. Changes to booked rooms are only possible under exceptional circumstances, and it may be necessary to involve Schools in invigilation and exam material delivery.
- Students who require separate rooms (but not to be entirely alone) can share a room with up to 15-20 other students. We allocate them to one shared room whenever possible.
- Students who require separate rooms (but not to be entirely alone) and computer usage are booked into one of the Computer Clusters in the Library.
Invigilation Coordination:
- We coordinate invigilation for all room bookings, including those arranged by Schools, within our deadlines.
- We provide invigilators with details of students' exam requirements in all exam venues, including early starts.
Material Delivery:
- Exam materials are delivered to all separate rooms booked within our deadlines. If a student needs a large font exam paper, we can only arrange delivery to exam venues if these papers are received by the Exams Team in the Fraser Building at least 4 days before the exam date. Otherwise, the school must deliver them on the day of the exam.
- We receive and securely store exam scripts for all separate rooms until they are collected by the School from the Fraser Building.
What arrangements are Schools responsible for?
Room Bookings:
- Schools book rooms for students who require a separate room (entirely on their own) and computer useage. Schools should inform the Exams Team of room details by the set deadline so we can arrange invigilation and delivery of exam materials.
Student Communications:
- Schools ensure that students are informed about all exam arrangements made for them, which include room bookings and early starts. It is important to note that extra time should always be allocated at the beginning of the exam, except in the following cases:
- In online exams, additional time will be appended to the end of the exam duration.
- In cases where 30 minutes per hour extra or 100% extra time is warranted, such accommodations will be tailored to individual needs and may be distributed between the beginning and end of the exam. The Exams Team will communicate these arrangements to Schools.
For students taking on-campus exams with entitlement to an extra 15 minutes per hour, the exam start times are as follows:
Official Exam Start Time | Exam Duration | Early Start Time |
09:30 | 60 mins | 09:15 |
09:30 | 90 mins | 09:07 |
09:30 | 120 mins | 09:00 |
09:30 | 150 mins | 08:52 |
09:30 | 180 mins | 08:45 |
13:00 | 60 mins | 12:45 |
13:00 | 90 mins | 12:37 |
13:00 | 120 mins | 12:30 |
13:00 | 150 mins | 12:22 |
13:00 | 180 mins | 12:15 |
14:00 | 60 mins | 13:45 |
14:00 | 90 mins | 13:37 |
14:00 | 120 mins | 13:30 |
14:00 | 150 mins | 13:22 |
14:00 | 180 mins | 13:15 |
16:30 | 60 mins | 16:15 |
16:30 | 90 mins | 16:07 |
- Schools coordinate the scheduling of scribes and readers for exams.
- They advise students requiring additional support to signal their presence to an invigilator upon entering the exam room, especially if they are seated in a main exam venue.
- They organise the collection of exam scripts from designated venues. Scripts from main hall venues are collected at the conclusion of the exam, while those from separate rooms (including cluster rooms) are returned to the Exams Team for collection by Schools from the Fraser Building upon notification.
- They ensure delivery of any supplementary exam materials to designated venues. School staff must verify any materials brought by students at the start of the exam.
- They facilitate the production of large print or coloured exam papers for individual students. These must be submitted to the Exams Team at least 4 days before the exam.
- They liaise with Library IT specialists for specific software or font requirements, such as Read and Write Gold or specialised fonts for language exams, well in advance of the exam date.
- They make necessary arrangements for students with temporary disabilities, subject to approval by the Clerk of Senate.
What arrangements are students responsible for?
- If needed, students may supply coloured acetate or overlays.