Incunabula: authors/editors/translators etc index A-Z

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

Names associated with each book, including authors, editors, translators, attributed authorship etc (but not printers/publishers for which there is a separate index). Also included are occasional 'name in title' headings as used by ISTC/Goff.

Headings used are mainly those favoured by ISTC, with cross references from the variant forms frequently found in other catalogues of incunabula; other cross references are given from Library of Congress forms of headings (as used in the rare books search records). Dates are supplied mainly from Bod-inc's 'Index of authors, translators, editors, dedicatees' (vol. 6, pp. 2749-2831); it should be noted that these dates sometimes differ from the dates given for the same person by Library of Congress.

References are to authorship of works, unless otherwise stated.


Kamintus, Benedictus -- see Knutsson, Bengt

Kamisius, Benedictus -- see Knutsson, Bengt

Kanuti, Benedictus -- see Knutsson, Bengt

Karoch, Samuel -- see Samuel de Monte Rutilo

Karoch von Lichtenberg -- see Samuel de Monte Rutilo

Käsenbrod, Augustin -- see Augustinus Moravus

Kellner von Kircheim, Johannes -- see Ketham, Johannes de

Kempf, Nikolaus (1397-1497)

Attributed name: Eg6-e.20 (item 3)

Kempis, Thomas à -- see Thomas à Kempis

Ketham, Johannes de [pseudo-] (fl. 15th cent.)


Kircheim, Hans von -- -- see Ketham, Johannes de

Kircheimer, Johannes -- see Ketham, Johannes de

Klerk, Jan de -- see Clerk, Jan de

Knutsson, Bengt (d. 1462)

Attributed name: By.3.18 (item 2)

Konrad, von Mure -- see Conradus de Mure

Kramer, Heinrich -- see Institoris, Henricus