PRES 2019

PRES 2019

The 2019 survey ran from February to May 2019 with a response rate of 45%.

  • 85% of respondents to PRES 2019 agreed or strongly agreed that they were satisfied with the overall experience of their research degree programme, compared with an 81% sector average for this question
  • 85% agree that they were confident of completing on time, compared with a 79% sector average
  • Respondents were particularly satisfied with supervision (feedback from supervisors and support for identifying training needs), access to resources and working space and opportunities to develop transferable skills and research skills)

Infographic depicting PGR experience survey results 2019. 85% are satisfied with overall experience & completion on time. 77% say their supervisor helped them identify their training needs.  89% agree their supervisor gave them helpful feedback. 84% agreed they had a suitable working space.

Survey results