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Global Glasgow Day

23 October 2023 (online)

Our 2nd annual online international partner event will take place on the 23 October 2023.

Launched last year under the title, ‘The Future of Internationalisation’, Global Glasgow Day is an online event which celebrates the power of collaboration and teamwork that is at the heart of the University of Glasgow’s international strategy, Global Glasgow 2025.

As a University, we are committed to forming mutually beneficial and reciprocal partnerships with our international partners which are founded in trust and respect, and which harness the power of collective expertise to make a positive impact on a local, national and global scale. We truly believe that when we work together, we can achieve the impossible.

As an institution we succeed when our partners succeed, and it is this ethos of concerted effort and the collective good that underpins Global Glasgow 2025 and Global Glasgow Day.

Register your interest in attending Global Glasgow Day