
You have accepted your offer. What do you do now?

Make sure you are registered!

Registration For New Students

All new students are required to register, both financially and academically, online before starting at the university using MyCampus. You should receive a notification near to your starting date with details.

This allows you to register and confirm your personal, academic and financial information and confirm that you agree to observe the University Oath, regulations and requirements.

Once complete you will become a fully registered student at the University of Glasgow.

The University's information for getting started with us in Glasgow is a great guide.

International Students can email the Support Welcome Team at:, who are on hand to answer any questions you have about coming to Glasgow and settling in. 


Having difficulty registering? Please watch the registration videos or go to the registration webpage.



The Graduate School, alongside the Researcher Development Team, provide annual induction events in early October and January/ February for new postgraduate research students. It's mandatory you attend one of these sessions.

The aim of the event is to welcome and introduce you to the Graduate School to discuss the formal requirements that must be adhered to, and issues surrounding good communication and research practices.

A key feature of the event are flash presentations from current postgraduate research students summarising their research. The event is partially online plus some live sessions which will either be held on Campus or over Zoom.

The elements are organised over a week, providing an exciting blend of activities, some of which are shared with students from across the university. 

The dates for October are as follows:

7th - 11th Oct 2024

The MVLS Graduate School and the Researcher Development Team will send you an email invite to sign-up, prompting you to book activities during induction week. 

The October timetable is still being confirmed. Below is an example or what the Graduate School organises:


TIMETABLE (example)

Monday 7th October 2024- booking TBC

10:00 - Researcher Development Team Welcome Video - The ARC, rm 237

10:30 - Dean's Welcome with Prof Stu Nicklin, followed by the Graduate School Welcome highlighting important info you'll need for the coming years.

11:00 - Meet Your Convenor - A chance to meet the postgraduate convenor of your school over coffee and pastries.

12.30 - End


Thursday 10th October 2024 - booking tbc

14:00 - 17:00 - Flash Presentations - Come and watch a fun session of current PGR students giving 3 minute flash presentations about their projects. Hosted by Prof Helen Wheadon and Dr Heather Jorgensen



The complete timetable for the full week, from the researcher development team, can be found on their dedicated webpage.



University Fees

Fees are charged each year and are quoted on your letter of admission.

International/EU fees charged at the overseas clinical and non-clinical fee rates remain static for the degree duration.

Fees for Home postgraduate students are subject to progress review and increase. The increase is normally nominal.

Fees for students supported by studentships from the UK research councils or charities (e.g. Wellcome Trust) will be paid directly to the university. 

Safety Regulations

Your safety while working in research whether the laboratory or in the field is of paramount importance. The university has to provide clear guidance on all potential hazardous procedures under the Health and Safety at Work Act (1974). 

These issues should be discussed with your supervisor who has a responsibility to advise you on safe working practices. If in doubt about the safety of a procedure or substances used, you must seek the advice of your supervisor or local safety officer. 

It is most important that you familiarise yourself with the safety regulations which relate to your own school and adhere to them at all times. 

All students working with chemicals must complete and sign risk assessment (COSHH) forms that outline the procedure to be used, the potential hazards that may be encountered and the steps that will be taken to minimise those hazards. 

When using toxic or potentially harmful chemicals, it is a legal requirement to complete a risk assessment form. 

The university produces a safety booklet which you are expected to read and abide by. Research students should aim to do the majority of their laboratory work during normal working hours. 

You must not undertake laboratory work that may be considered hazardous outside normal working hours unless a colleague is also present in the laboratory. 

Such work may be undertaken only after discussion with your supervisor and would be allowed only in exceptional circumstances. Please ensure that you always ‘sign in’ when in the building outside normal working hours. 

Local regulations regarding radiation protection and laser protection will differ depending on whether you are based in a university building or in a hospital. It is therefore extremely important that you follow the advice given by your own school or hospital. 

The university safety booklet and other relevant documentation can be found on the university’s Safety and Environmental Protection Service web page.

Data Protection

The protection of your data is a key concern for the university and we have welcomed the new data protection regulations that came into force in 2018.

These strengthen individual’s rights and bring new requirements on organisations to demonstrate accountability, matched by new penalties for non-compliance.

There is further information on how this affects the university and you as a student on the university’s GDPR web page. You should familiarise yourself with the Student Privacy Notice which outlines how the university will process your personal data. 

Student Contract

You are required to sign up to a Student Contract each year as part of your registration. This is an agreement between you and the University of Glasgow.

The contract sets out your rights and obligations as well as the university’s rights and obligations.

The Student Contract is legally binding and is made up of the following:

  • your offer from the university
  • our Student Terms and Conditions
  • our regulations as set out in the University Regulations
  • the Student Contract

Read the Student Contract and its associated documents prior to accepting an offer of a place at the university and/or before registration. The Student Contract is available on the university’s Senate Office web page.

Maintaining Contact

Please ensure that you keep in touch with your supervisors and they have up-to-date information on your address (both in Glasgow and your main home address if different) and phone number, where possible. 

Students do tend to move location and it is important that you update your records and keep us informed if you do. The easiest way to update your contact details is through MyCampus, which can be accessed through the MyGlasgow Student Portal.

Your university student email address, and/or,  is the address which will be used for all communications from university services (e.g. Library, Registry, Finance Office) and the Graduate School, as well as staff in your own school. Both addresses deliver to the same account, and there is no need to check them separately. 

An email from these official sources has the same weight as a written document; it is your responsibility to check your own account. Your student email address can be accessed via IT Services using your GUID credentials. Here you will also find instructions for configuring your email on an email client or mobile device. 

Graduate Skills Pathway

Researcher development is increasingly seen as a core part of any postgraduate research degree.

The College of MVLS provides a comprehensive professional and career development programme, called the PGR Graduate Skills Pathway, to help PGRs develop transferable skills that will be useful to them during their degree and in a wide variety of future careers.

This includes an extensive range of short workshops or online courses on topics which includes writing and presentation skills, information retrieval techniques, statistics, research design and ethical issues. 

Attendance at these workshops or online courses may be distributed over the duration of the study period, but you should be aware that the large majority of these are most relevant to you in your first year of study. 

Some of these courses are regarded as being ‘mandatory’ topics that should be attended by all students in order to achieve the requirements for progression into the next year of study (e.g. research integrity). 

Discuss your training needs with your supervisors, by making use of the Researcher Development Framework. Maintain a log book and personal development plan and discuss this with your supervisors.

The University of Glasgow has an online booking and e-portfolio system called Inkpath, which you will use to record, review and reflect upon your personal development planning. A record of the courses you have attended will be in your portfolio on Inkpath, which you are free to download. 

Please note that you are responsible for maintaining your portfolio and attending appropriate mandatory activities as outlined in the PGR Graduate Skills Pathway



Adding/Updating your postgraduate research profile

Postgraduate research student profiles are available to postgraduate research students, giving you a public facing profile to explain your research.

A link to your profile will appear on your supervisors' profiles and also on a student list within your school.

For help maintaining your profile view Managing postgraduate research profile

If you find any errors with your profile:

  • Need for change of name -  If your name is incorrect for any reason get in touch with and we can investigate.
  • Thesis project title error – If the title of your thesis is incorrect, please get in contact with your PGR administrator or MyCampus and they will investigate.

Sign up for your PGR profile