Quantum Circuits, Sensors & Spin Systems
Our group specialises in materials and devices for the most demanding sensing applications. Our sensing technologies span the energy range 100 eV – to 0.001 eV, placing single-molecule detection, infrared single-photon detection and terahertz detection all within reach.
Our research connects quantum technology, condensed matter and material science. We focus in fields of superconducting spintronics, quantum engineered nanoelectronic circuits and quantum information processing.
- Martin Weides
- Kaveh Delfanazari
Spin Systems & Photonics:
We are interested in the magnetic, spintronic, and photonic properties of matter. We explore cavity magnon-polaritons (hybridisation between magnons and photons), magneto-optical phenomena and metamaterials, and quantum states in molecular systems for a range of applications spanning information processing, sensing, and energy harvesting.

Nano-Technology & Device Modelling
Advanced Nanofabrication:
Our work is in the area of micro- and nano-fabrication. Our interests include the mechanical and thermal properties of devices and materials at the microscopic level. This includes the development of Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) sensors that permit measurements to be made on these length scales.
To enable successful device fabrication modelling is an essential tool. Researchers across our Device Modelling activities deliver both fundamental and commercially-driven research across a number of fields, including Flexible Electronic Systems, Statistical Variability, Quantum Transport, and Circuit Simulation.

Semiconductor Devices
The Semiconductor Device Group undertakes projects delivering semiconductor devices for applications in healthcare, security, environmental monitoring, manufacturing and position, navigation and timing using silicon nanowires, quantum technologies (MEMS gravimeters, micro cold atom systems, Ge on Si single photon avalanche detectors), integrated mid-infrared sensors and SiGe THz quantum cascade lasers.