Research Projects
- Arts of Inclusion (TAI): Examining the Role of Performing Arts for Peace Education in Conflict, The
- Building capacity of Vietnam schools to implement fundamental and comprehensive reforms
- Can dual apprenticeships create better and more equitable social and economic outcomes for young people? A comparative study of India and Mexico
- Centre for Sustainable, Healthy and Learning Cities and Neighbourhoods
- Children's Neighbourhoods Scotland
- Counter-mapping for peri-urban social justice: accounting for spatial narratives of community resistance and dispossession in urban transition
- Developing inclusive lifelong learning policies and practices in the Global South
- Development of middle leadership in schools in Wales: a desktop study, The
- Educational Reform in Vietnam
- Empirical and normative aspects of inequality in access to education at different stages of development
- Employability in programme development (EPD): Establishing a labour market to higher education feedback loop drawing on local labour market intelligence
- Evaluation of Glasgow Science Centre CONNECT programme
- Evaluation of Glasgow Science Centre J.P. Morgan Foundation Initiative - STEM Futures
- Evaluation of Inclusion plus
- Evaluation of the FAST (Families and Schools Together) Programme in Scotland
- Gendered Journeys: the trajectories of STEM students and graduates through higher education and into employment, in India and Rwanda
- Geothermally Sourced Combined Power and Freshwater Generation for Eastern Africa
- Groundwork and preparation for a research study
- Inequality in access to education at different stages of economic development
- Is it Possible to Decommodify Education? Evidence and Lessons from the Chilean Education Market Reform
- Language, livelihoods and well-being in multilingual countries: Reaching the research-frontier with secondary data for Ghana
- Long-term and residual impact of Link Community Development’s School Performance Review work in Malawi and Uganda
- Political Economy of Education Systems in Conflict-Affected Contexts, The
- Researching and supporting the ‘Every Dundee Learner Matters’ educational strategy
- Role of Music Practices for Peace Education in Conflict (MuPPEC), The
- School Improvement Partnership Programme: Using collaboration and enquiry to tackle educational inequality
- Support for developing collaborative action research / self-evaluation at St Kentigern’s High School in the context of the Attainment Challenge
- Value of FE Colleges to the Economy