Availability of Materials

Publications should include a statement on how the underlying materials - such as data, samples or models - can be accessed. It is not necesssary that the data be openly accessible if there are compelling reasons against this. For more information, please see the Data Management Support pages.

You should include a data availability statement in any published work. This is a statement explaining whether and where data underpinning a publication can be accessed, ideally with a link to the dataset record in a repository. A statement should be included even where there are no data associated with the article or the data are inaccessible. Award holders should note that UKRI require that research articles must include a Data Access Statement, and CRUK require a patient data citation where patient data has been used (see point 4 in their Open Access Policy).

For further guidance on data availability statements, includin some examples of suggested text, please see https://edshare.gla.ac.uk/1419/.

Please contact research-datamanagement@glasgow.ac.uk if you need any assistance with your data, e.g., storage space or a persistent identifier to include in your paper.