Colleague Engagement Survey – You Said - We Did…

Published: 29 September 2022

Our latest Colleague Engagement Survey opens on 5 October

Our latest Colleague Engagement Survey opens on 5 October and we hope that you will spare a few minutes to let us know your thoughts on working at the University.  Below we have outlined a few of the ways in which your previous feedback has influenced positive change across the University.

In our 2018 survey, 49% of you expressed that you felt supported to have a good work life balance. In response, we’ve modernised our flexible working policy and have invested in technology platforms so that where possible, colleagues can work in a more flexible and agile manner. Moreover, our People First: Enabling New Ways of Working initiative continues and extends this work encouraging managers to engage their teams in dialogue about how best to make the most of the flexibility available.

Also in 2018, only 22% reported that you felt change was managed effectively. Since then, new resources and training have been made available on managing change, and our Change Network is just one way where colleagues can get involved in the work of our Transformation team. By 2021, 45% of you felt the University managed change effectively.

Colleagues with disabilities highlighted that we could be doing more to support their health and wellbeing at work.  We introduced a Reasonable Adjustments passport and a portal for disabled & neurodivergent colleagues which supports colleagues and managers to discuss, explore and implement reasonable adjustments to remove or overcome barriers.

You also told us you would like more opportunities to connect with our most senior leaders and enhance management capability.  In response to this feedback, members of Senior Management Group regularly participate in informal catch-up events with colleagues from across the University, and throughout the pandemic, SMG members took part in regular Q&A sessions to remain accessible to you. 

Locally, many areas have worked hard to create informal networks and to use local newsletters, surveys, townhall meetings and other events to help keep you up to date with what’s going on. Further, we have introduced a new range of development programmes that provide support and development to the University’s leaders and managers at every career stage.

These are just some of the ways in which your input has been vital in helping shape improvements to how we work, and that our whole community can benefit from.  Please don’t miss your chance to have your say and help us to continue to both enhance and shape the University for the future.

The colleague engagement survey will be open again from 528 October 2022.

You can expect to receive your individual link to respond to the survey from People Insight, our survey partners, via email on Wednesday 5 October.  For colleagues who don’t use email in their day-to-day roles, look out for posters in our buildings which contain a QR code.

First published: 29 September 2022