Induction Checklist for Managers of New Colleagues

The following guide suggests the type of local induction activities that should be part of the first 30 days of induction; however, the Service/ School/ Institute should determine how they might best be carried out in their area.

The key aim is to make employees feel welcome and valued as new members of staff.

Induction Checklist - Managers of New Colleagues




Send welcome letter/email which includes confirmation of start date, time and initial point of contact



Identify and liaise with induction buddy (if applicable)



Organise office space and equipment



Confirm start date and time with initial point of contact and team members



Introductions/ General Arrangements - Day 1



Arrange for new colleague to be welcomed by their line manager 



Introduce to colleagues and induction buddy (if applicable)



Ensure the person knows about local facilities: equipment, kitchen, rest facilities, car parking, bike shelters etc.  



Health, Safety and Wellbeing - Week 1



Arrange local Health & Safety Induction with the appropriate person



Fire alarm, evacuation and emergency procedures, including location of first aid kit & fire extinguishers



Identify first aider/s (physical First Aiders, Mental Health First Aiders and Respect Advisers) and how they can be contacted



Accident/incident reporting procedures



Heads of Management Unit, Line Managers & Research Group Leaders.



Specialist health & safety procedures/training (if applicable) 



Discuss other health, safety & wellbeing matters as appropriate (e.g. lone workerfieldwork)






Discuss key duties and responsibilities including expected performance standards, expectations regarding confidentiality / security as appropriate



Discuss how role fits in with School/ RI/ Service objectives & strategic plan and College and university objectives as outlined in our University Strategy, Inspiring People Changing the World



Discuss any relevant local practices (taking leave, flexi-time etc.)



Discuss Probationary process (including ECDP where applicable) as appropriate



Discuss Performance Development Review process as appropriate



Review any relevant learning & development needs as appropriate



Refer to Code of Practice for the Management of Research Staff (if appropriate)



Orient to TRAC/TAS (as appropriate)



Local Operations and Procedures



Provide information about local social activities/networks as appropriate



Orient to any relevant local finance procedures e.g. purchasing, travel as appropriate



If not already undertaken, establish IT equipment required, such as laptops/ tablets, and the process for ordering through IT



New Employee Induction Guides



Ensure new employee has viewed / completed items on New Colleague Induction Checklist



Mandatory Training


Online Health, Safety and Wellbeing Online E-Induction (includes Fire Training)


Online GDPR training 


Information Security Training


Online Equality and Diversity, Equality & Diversity Essentials training


Implementing Reasonable Adjustments (for all line-managers and supervisors)


Read the Recruitment & Selection Policy (for those who will be on Appointing Panels)           


Research Integrity Training (for all line-managers and supervisors)


For academic colleagues only:


Research Integrity Training (for all research staff)


Ensure they review guidance on Open Access 


Inform colleague they must contact the Open Access team as soon as they have a paper accepted for publication, for assistance with meeting REF and open access requirements


Ensure they review guidance on Research Data Management


Inform colleague they should contact the Research Data Management Service if assistance is required with the (re)drafting of new or pre-existing data management plans