Postgraduate funding opportunities

Before you apply for funding, please check the eligibility criteria and closing date for applications.

Postgraduate research funding

Arts and Humanities Doctoral Scholarships

The deadline for applications for our Doctoral Scholarships for entry in 2025 was 2nd December 2024. Sign up for updates on funding opportunities using the form above and we'll let you know when applications open for entry in 2026.

Arts & Humanities Doctoral Scholarships

James McCune Smith PhD Scholarships

The James McCune Smith Scholarships fund Black UK domiciled students to undertake PhD research at the University. It provides an enhanced experience through external mentors, placements, leadership training, community-building activities and networking opportunities. Applications are now open for October 2025 entry, the deadline is 31 January 2025.

James McCune Smith PhD Scholarships

China Scholarship Council

This scheme provides academically excellent Chinese students with the opportunity to study for a PhD at the University of Glasgow. The scholarships are supported jointly by the China Scholarship Council and the University of Glasgow.

The China Scholarship Council competition for 2025-26 is now open.

Application process:

By Friday 31 January 2025
Applicants must apply for the PhD by no later than Friday 31 January and note on their application that they would like to be considered for the CSC. Applicants should also email the Graduate School to let us know: 

*Please note, there is an additional step to the application process - see below*
Applicants must complete the CoAH CSC Application Form and send this to their proposed supervisor in advance of the deadline of Tuesday 18 February 2025, to allow their supervisor time to complete the CoAH CSC Supervisor Statement.
By Tuesday 18 February 2025
*Please note, there is an additional step to the application process - see below*
Supervisors must send the completed CoAH CSC Scholarship Application Form and the completed CoAH CSC Supervisor Statement by Tuesday 18 February 2025 to: 
Applicants must hold an unconditional offer or a conditional offer (not on the basis of meeting English Language requirements) by Tuesday 18 February 2025 in order to be considered by the College for nomination to the CSC.
The Graduate School will collate all applications to be reviewed and ranked by a sub panel of the Graduate School Board.
By Friday 7 March 2025
Graduate School will send a list of all candidates to be nominated to the CSC by the College of Arts and Humanities to the central University contact.
10th-31st March 2025
Application window for nominated students to apply directly to the CSC on the CSC website. Please see UofG guidelines for further information.
End May/early June
CSC confirm successful nominees.

Please note, students who already have a PhD are not eligible to apply for funding. The College of Arts & Humanities is able to support these awards for new students only (not continuing PhD students).

China Scholarship Council

Alumni Discount

Stay with us - we offer a 20% discount on postgraduate research programmes to our alumni.

Alumni Discount

Other Scholarships and Funding Opportunities

The University has allocated over £15 million to scholarships for our students. For other funding opportunities search our Scholarships.

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