
Academic Members

Mr Alessio Azzutti

Dr Katarzyna Chalaczkiewicz-Ladna

Professor Irene-Marie Esser 

Dr Obiora Ezike (Co-Director of the Research Group)

Professor Iain MacNeil

Dr Livashnee Naidoo

Professor Konstantinos Sergakis 

Professor Javier Solana (Co-Director of the Research Group)

Dr Dania Thomas

Dr Chi Zhang

Dr Zinian Zhang


PGR Members

Sathian Rungthongkhamkul - Crafting Access to Civil Justice in Thailand : Strengthening Civil Remedy Framework in Responding to Business-Related Human Rights Abuse by Transnational Corporations

Huseyin Sezgin - 'Reassessment of the ECB's Democratic Accountability'

Chun Li – Regulatory coordination of financial data flow in financial services trade

Huseyin Sezgin – Reassessment of the ECB’s Democratic Accountability

Khaled Mohammed Almutairi – Strengthening the board: The Case for Directorship Certifications in Mitigating Directors’ Liabilities

Liwen Xu – Pre-pack administration in the United Kingdom

Lorena Mičik – Frontier of secured finance: Taking security over crypto assets

Luca Verzobio – Financial Regulation and Climate Change: Can Prudential Transition Plans Effectively Address Climate-related Financial Risks?

Mark Wilson – Can activism using private ordering strategies promote long-term shareholder support of publicly traded issuers in the UK, Canada, Australia and Ireland

Martina Menegat – The integration of nature-related financial risks in the EU macroprudential framework: a comparative legal perspective with the Brazilian experience

Mingyi Li – Improving ESG Disclosure Rules under Chinese Law

Paola Alarcon Lopez – Private debt and human rights, with a particular focus on the role of law in financial inclusion

Paula Patrycja Wilczopolska – The evolution and impact of regulation on shaping automated advice services in financial markets

Pengzhao Shang – A study of the relationship between innovation and regulation in fintech regulatory cooperation in the great bay area of China

Sathian Rungthongkhamkul – Crafting Access to Civil Justice in Thailand: Strengthening Civil Remedy Framework in Responding to Business-Related Human Rights Abuse by Transnational Corporations

Shining Zhao – A critical analysis of China’s regulatory approach to climate-related systemic risks

Sümeyye Nur Mete – Beyond Legal Fictions: Corporate Governance, Big Tech Dominance, and the Role of Shareholder Activism in AI Governance

Sylwia Jakuczun – 'Empirical study of unfair prejudice petitions as statutory means of protecting minority shareholders in the jurisdictions of Scotland and England and Wales.'

Xueqi Wang – The EU equivalence regime and its interplay with other international rules within the international financial governance network

Yanlu Chen – Legal Regulation of the Sustainability of Low-Tier Suppliers: A Study of the ‘Cascading’ Effect of Contract and Supplier Code

Ying Zheng – An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the UK Bankruptcy Administration in Achieving Its Objectives and Protecting Creditor Interests