Number of items: 31.
Yuson, M. et al.
Combining genomics and epidemiology to investigate a zoonotic outbreak of rabies in Romblon Province, Philippines.
Nature Communications, 15,
(doi: 10.1038/s41467-024-54255-5)
Woodrow, N., Gillespie, D., Kitchin, L., O’Brien, M., Chapman, S., Chng, N. R. , Passey, A., Aquino, M. R. J., Clarke, Z. and Goyder, E.
Reintroducing face-to-face support alongside remote support to form a hybrid stop smoking service in England: a formative mixed methods evaluation.
BMC Public Health, 24(1),
(doi: 10.1186/s12889-024-18235-0)
Munro, N. , Chng, N. R. and Chen, L.
Green shoots of revival: political leadership and the differentiation of space in a “Zero Pollution Village” in rural Zhejiang, China.
Capitalism Nature Socialism, 35(2),
pp. 57-74.
(doi: 10.1080/10455752.2023.2178945)
Naylor, L. A. , Zheng, Y., Munro, N. , Stanton, A., Wang, W., Chng, N. R. , Oliver, D. M., Dungait, J. A.J. and Waldron, S.
Bringing social science into Critical Zone science: exploring smallholder farmers’
learning preferences in Chinese human-modified critical zones.
Earth's Future, 11(9),
(doi: 10.1029/2022EF003472)
Swedberg, C. et al.
Using Integrated Bite Case Management to estimate the burden of rabies and evaluate surveillance in Oriental Mindoro, Philippines.
One Health and Implementation Research, 3,
pp. 77-96.
(doi: 10.20517/ohir.2023.02)
Bunn, C. et al.
How European Fans in Training (EuroFIT), a lifestyle change program for men delivered in football clubs, achieved its effect: a mixed methods process evaluation embedded in a randomised controlled trial.
BMC Public Health, 23,
(doi: 10.1186/s12889-023-15419-y)
Zucca, C. , McCrorie, P. , Johnstone, A. , Chambers, S. , Chng, N. R. , Traynor, O. and Martin, A.
Outdoor nature-based play in early learning and childcare centres: identifying the determinants of implementation using causal loop diagrams and social network analysis.
Health and Place, 79,
(doi: 10.1016/j.healthplace.2022.102955)
Traynor, O., Martin, A. , Johnstone, A. , Chng, N. R. , Kenny, J. and Mccrorie, P.
A low-cost method for understanding how nature-based early learning and childcare impacts on children’s health and wellbeing.
Frontiers in Psychology, 13,
(doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.889828)
Swedberg, C., Mazeri, S., Mellanby, R. J., Hampson, K. and Chng, N. R.
Implementing a One Health approach to rabies surveillance: lessons from integrated bite case management.
Frontiers in Tropical Diseases, 3,
(doi: 10.3389/fitd.2022.829132)
Traynor, O., Mccrorie, P. , Chng, N. R. and Martin, A.
Evaluating outdoor nature-based early learning and childcare provision for children aged 3-years: protocol of a feasibility and pilot quasi-experimental design.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(12),
(doi: 10.3390/ijerph19127461)
Chng, N. R. , Hawkins, K., Fitzpatrick, B., O'Donnell, C. , Mackenzie, M. , Wyke, S. and Mercer, S.
Implementing social prescribing in primary care in areas of high socioeconomic deprivation: process evaluation of the ‘Deep End’ community links worker programme.
British Journal of General Practice, 71(713),
(doi: 10.3399/BJGP.2020.1153)
Røynesdal, Ø. B. et al.
Exploring the provision and motives behind the adoption of health-promotion programmes in professional football clubs across four European countries.
PLoS ONE, 16(11),
(doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0259458)
Chng, N. R. , Craig, P. and Mccrorie, P.
Cargo Bike Library Evaluability Assessment.
Project Report.
University of Glasgow, Glasgow.
Hanlon, P. , Gray, C. M. , Chng, N. R. and Mercer, S. W.
Does Self-Determination Theory help explain the impact of social prescribing? A qualitative analysis of patients’ experiences of the Glasgow ‘Deep-End’ Community Links Worker intervention.
Chronic Illness, 17(3),
pp. 173-188.
(doi: 10.1177/1742395319845427)
Mccrorie, P. , Chng, N. R. and Craig, P.
Evaluability Assessment - Sustrans I Bike Communities Programme.
Project Report.
University of Glasgow, Glasgow.
Mercer, S. W. , Fitzpatrick, B., Grant, L., Chng, N. R. , McConnachie, A. , Bakhshi, A., James-Rae, G., O'Donnell, C. A. and Wyke, S.
Effectiveness of community-links practitioners in areas of high socioeconomic deprivation.
Annals of Family Medicine, 17(6),
pp. 518-525.
(doi: 10.1370/afm.2429)
Wentworth, D., Hampson, K. , Thumbi, S. M., Mwatondo, A., Wambura, G. and Chng, N. R.
A social justice perspective on access to human rabies vaccines.
Vaccine, 37(S1),
(doi: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2019.01.065)
Skivington, K. , Smith, M., Chng, N. R. , Mackenzie, M. , Wyke, S. and Mercer, S. W.
Delivering a primary care-based social prescribing initiative: a qualitative study of the benefits and challenges.
British Journal of General Practice, 68(672),
(doi: 10.3399/bjgp18X696617)
Mercer, S. W. , Fitzpatrick, B., Grant, L., Chng, N. R. , O'Donnell, C. , Mackenzie, M. , McConnachie, A. , Bakhshi, A. and Wyke, S.
The Glasgow ‘Deep End’ Links Worker Study Protocol: a quasi-experimental evaluation of a social prescribing intervention for patients with complex needs in areas of high socioeconomic deprivation.
Journal of Comorbidity, 7(1),
pp. 1-10.
(doi: 10.15256/joc.2017.7.102)
Chng, N. R. and Munro, N.
The Comparative Effectiveness of Participation in Environmental Governance in China and Europe.
Project Report.
EU-China Environmental Governance Programme.
Munro, N. and Chng, N. R.
First Steps Towards Evaluating the Effectiveness of Participation in Environmental Governance in China.
Project Report.
EU-China Environmental Governance Programme.
Chng, N. R.
Regulatory mobilization and service delivery at the edge of the regulatory state.
In: Dubash, N. K. and Morgan, B. (eds.)
The Rise of the Regulatory State of the South: Infrastructure and Development in Emerging Economies.
Series: Law and global governance.
Oxford University Press: Oxford.
ISBN 9780199677160
(doi: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199677160.003.0008)
Chng, N. R.
Regulatory mobilization and service delivery at the edge of the regulatory state.
Regulation and Governance, 6(3),
pp. 344-361.
(doi: 10.1111/j.1748-5991.2012.01137.x)
Chng, N. R.
Public Resistance to Water Privatization? Regulatory Mobilization and the Moral Economy in Metropolitan Manila.
Working Paper.
European University Institute, Italy.
Chng, N. R.
Philippines: Civil Society Organisation Involvement in Urban Water Sector Reform.
Project Report.
WaterAid, London.
Chng, N. R.
Privatization and citizenship: local politics of water in the Philippines.
Development, 51(1),
pp. 42-48.
(doi: 10.1057/palgrave.development.1100444)
Chng, N. R.
Review of 'Social Movements: Experiences in the Philippines', by Aya Fabros, Joel Rocamora and Djorina Velasco (eds.).
Kasarinlan: Philippine Journal of Third World Studies, 22(2),
pp. 139-142.
[Book Review]
Chng, N. R.
The working committees: from fear to creative activism.
In: Tan, K. P. (ed.)
Renaissance Singapore? Economy, Culture, and Politics.
National University of Singapore Press: Singapore.
ISBN 9789971693770
Chng, N. R.
Low Income Consumers, Water and Sewerage Charges in the South West.
Project Report.
Office of Linda Gilroy MP.
Chng, N. R.
Fragrance and fragments of civil society: reclaiming history.
In: Singam, C. (ed.)
Building Social Space in Singapore: The Working Committee’s Initiative in Civil Society Activism.
Select Publishing: Singapore.
ISBN 9789814022194
Chng, N. R.
NGOs and Civil Society in Indonesia.
Project Report.
Yayasan Akatiga, Bandung, Indonesia.
This list was generated on Fri Jan 17 20:30:37 2025 GMT.