"5 minutes with..." Heather McClelland (Mental Health and Wellbeing)

Published: 1 August 2023

Suicidal Behaviour Research Laboratory's Heather McClelland tells us about her work in the crucial area of suicide prevention, research aimed at understanding the role of loneliness in determining mental health outcomes, some proud moments from the past and aspirations for the future, and a useful strategy for managing nerves...

Spend 5 minutes with Mental Health and Wellbeing's Heather McClelland... (Research Associate)

A collage of 2 photos of Heather McClelland with a black labrador and in the Scottish countryside

Tell us a bit about what you do in SHW

I'm a postdoctoral research associate in the Suicidal Behaviour Research Laboratory (SBRL). In this role I work as an academic advisor to the Scottish government on suicide prevention strategies, staff training for Distress Brief Intervention, supervisor to postgraduates and doctoral students as well as doing my own research or commissioned projects. It’s a pretty cool job actually.

What do you enjoy about your role?

I like the autonomy. On one side of this, there is the real opportunity for creativity, on the other side there is responsibility of doing a good job and justifying the choices I make. It’s a good mix! I also like that I cant get through the working day without learning something new.

What are the challenges?

Setting boundaries, both between work and life, as well as emotional investment in my job. It can be hard putting in a lot of time and effort and it not always paying off in the way you planned.

What is the best thing about working in SHW?

It has to be the people. Or maybe the dogs. Perhaps the people who bring the dogs?

Tell us something we might not know about you

I can speak conversational level Korean. It’s a bit rusty now but I practice it every so often with my friends overseas.

When or where are you happiest?

Being out in nature in the peace and quiet, whether its running along a dirt track in Queen Elizabeth Forest or camping in a remote part of Glencoe.

Photo of a small tent nestled in woodland at dusk

Tell us about something (or more than one thing!) you are proud of

When I was in primary school I got the annual "caring and consideration" award. It was an engraved shield that was awarded to one pupil in the school each year. That was maybe back in 2000, but for some reason getting that really meant something to me. However something more recent would obviously have to be finishing my self-funded PhD.

If you could have your time again, what might you do differently?

I’m pretty grateful how my life has turned out so far, so I wouldn’t change anything substantially. I do wish I spent less time worrying about the future and more time being present though!

Any secret – or not so secret! – ambitions?

I must run a sub-four-hour marathon. I was robbed when I tried the first time!

Do you have a favourite quote or saying, or mantra by which you try to live your life?

Perhaps not for living my life by, but a colleague gave me a great expression years ago when I was nervous about giving my first presentation; "nobody gives a ****". It sounds brutal but it's true! Nobody cares if you're nervous or need to check some notes for a second, they just want to hear what point your trying to make. In future, if you see me giving a talk and I take a breath and look relaxed, I definitely just said that phrase in my head!!

Photo of Heather McClelland with a snowy mountain in the background


If you would like to appear in "5 minutes with...", do please get in touch (shwadmin@glasgow.ac.uk)! We aim to feature colleagues from across a wide range of roles and grades within our school, both staff and students, research/teaching and professional services. 

First published: 1 August 2023