Athena Swan in SHW

Support for career progression

Several of our Athena Swan working groups focus on supporting and promoting equality in career progression. We hold annual promotion and career advancement workshops for academic and professional services staff, and career progression discussions are part of everyone’s annual review. 

Photo of global metal health teaching

SHW working groups

The activities of these Athena Swan working groups contribute to supporting our staff members' career progression:

SHW training modules 

To ensure that line managers have a thorough grasp of the underlying principles and administrative procedures relating to promotion and regrading within University of Glasgow (and apply them consistently), we have built two online training modules:

These are mandatory for line managers, with completion monitored via annual Performance and Development Reviews. However, anyone with an interest in the topic may access and complete, and we recommend them to all our staff. 

SHW mentorship schemes

Any member of staff within our school may ask for a mentor, should they feel that this would help them in their current job, to prepare for possible future roles, or for general personal and professional growth: 

Other SHW resources

Other activities and initiatives aimed at supporting career progression include:

Related University of Glasgow resources

Main University of Glasgow performance, pay and reward webpage