Director of Postgraduate Research
Welcome to the School of Education. We are a thriving community of postgraduate research students, from both the United Kingdom and overseas. The University of Glasgow’s vision is to be a world class, world changing university. We have a large cohort of PhD and EdD candidates, both full-time and part-time associated and embedded within our research groupings with a thriving Post Graduate Research (PGR) community of some 180 PhD candidates, over 100 EdD participants.
Our PGR community is drawn from more than 30 countries and so constitutes a truly international diverse community of scholars. All PhD candidates have a ‘home’ in one of our research and teaching groups or research centres. Each of these groups/Centres has its own Postgraduate Research Convener who ensures the wellbeing of students, organises research seminars and, generally, is a key contact for all PGR candidates. The EdD provides a structured programme of advanced study in the first three years that is relevant to the candidates’ profession as an educator and is focused on the inter-relationship of research, policy and practice. There’s a focus on collaborative learning, drawing on their own experiences and those of their academic colleagues.
We provide our PGRs with a range of support, including:
- An extensive range of seminars and academic-related events
- Funding to attend conferences
- A range of informal and social events
A number of scholarship opportunities for PGRs exist funded by the University, College, the ESRC Doctoral Training School and other sources.
Many of our doctoral graduates in recent years are amongst a new cadre of early career researchers in the UK and beyond, occupying academic posts at universities including our own, Botswana, Dar es Salaam, Durham, Lahore, McMaster, Monash, Portsmouth, Sheffield Hallam, Stirling, Strathclyde, and Western Washington.
As Director of Post-Graduate Research I look forward to working with you during your time here and to working towards our goal of being a world class, world changing University.
If you are studying for a PhD with us, you will all be supervised by two academics or, sometimes, by a group of academics from one of our four Research and Teaching Groups and you will have a ‘home’ in one of these groups or centres. Each of these groups has its own Postgraduate Research Convener who ensures the wellbeing of students, convenes progress reviews, organises research seminars and, generally, is a key contact for you throughout your studies. I, too, am privileged to work with you all in Advanced Research Methods classes, in PhD Student Forums, online in your Moodle support site and in seminars and social events which, I hope, will be as enjoyable as they are supportive. You will find staff and fellow students a welcoming and friendly group who will do their very best to enable you to thrive during your studies with us.
As the fourth oldest university in the UK, the University of Glasgow has honourable and rich traditions while it looks to the future. Our University Vision – to be a ‘world-class, world-changing university’ is supported by our Mission: ‘To bring inspiring people together and create a world-class environment for learning and research, empowering staff and students to discover and share knowledge that can change the world’. I hope you will join us or that, already, you are working with us to ‘discover and share knowledge that can change the world’.
Entry requirements
Entry requirements are normally a first or upper second degree or equivalent.
A minimum IELTS score of 7.0 is required for students whose first language is not English.
Applications should be made to the College of Social Sciences' Graduate School.
The college also has all the information you need on funding opportunities.
Doctorate in Education
In addition to the traditional research programmes of , and , we offer a Doctorate in Education (EdD) for those who wish to engage with professionally located issues at an advanced level. Comparable in standing with the PhD, the EdD provides a programme of advanced study that is both professionally relevant and academically rigorous. The programme is offered in a distance e-learning mode designed to afford high levels of interaction in a supportive community.
Postgraduate research at School of Education - PhD researcher testimonial, Suomi Dey.
If you're considering becoming a researcher or doing your PhD at School of Education, this is a video for you. Listen to the testimonial by Soumi Dey, who recently completed her PhD in Children's Literature at University of Glasgow.
Completing a PhD at School of Education - student experience, Osman Coban
Thinking about doing a PhD at School of Education? Listen to a researcher in children's literature Osman Coban talking about being a PhD student at University of Glasgow.