24th August 2018, 1pm

Dr Imran Ahmad

"Modelling advanced prostate cancer"

 WWCRC Seminar Room, level 3


14th September 2018, 1pm

Prof. Meike Bartels, Professor in Genetics and Wellbeing

"Genes, the brain, and the environment; Explaining differences in Well-being"

WWCRC Seminar Room, level 3

Meike Bartels (1973) is University Research Chair Professor in Genetics and Well-being at the Department of Biological Psychology, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.

Website: https://research.vu.nl/en/persons/m-bartels
Twitter: @Meike_Bartels


28th September 2018, 1pm

Dr Kristina Kirschner, ICS Epigenetics

"Notch mediates secondary senescence"
WWCRC Seminar Room, level 3


26th October 2018, 1pm

Prof Mhairi Copland (POG)

"Chronic myeloid leukaemia: Novel targets and clinical trials"

WWCRC Seminar Room, level 3


9th November 2018, 1pm

Dr Oliver Maddocks, ICS

"(Non)essential amino acid metabolism in cancer"
WWCRC Seminar Room, level 3


30th November 2018, 1pm

External seminar - Mark O’Connor, AstraZeneca

"Targeting the DNA Damage Response to generate new cancer medicines"

Mark is Head of DNA Damage Response Biology, Innovative Medicines and Early Clinical Development at AstraZeneca

WWCRC Seminar Room, level 3

7th December 2018, 1pm

External speaker - Dr. Jing Yang, Peking University, Beijing, China

“3D Volume Fluorescence Imaging to Decipher the Neuro-Immune Interplay”

The nervous system can effectively modulate the body's immunity. However, the mechanism by which efferent neural signals reach out to exert the specific control over the immune system remains to be better understood. We have exploited the 3D volume fluorescence imaging to visualize the neural innervations in the mouse immune organs. This advanced imaging technique reveals a striking, delicate neural architecture uniquely present in the spleen, but not in other immune tissues, that had been previously undetected by conventional methods. We observe that this splenic neural architecture is predominantly comprised of sympathetic inputs. We further demonstrate that although genetic ablation of such sympathetic architecture does not affect the general development of spleen, it significantly enhances the immune response to bacterial infection. Conversely, pharmacological administration of sympathetic neurotransmitter norepinephrine or chronic activation of sympathetic signal by the physiological stresses can both suppress the anti-bacteria immune response. Our study has therefore uncovered a key link that specifically connects efferent neural signals with the spleen immunity.

WWCRC Seminar Room, level 3

First published: 17 August 2018

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