Working together to tackle health inequalities and improve the health of the public
SIPHER’s innovative systems science approach offers a powerful framework to explore the complex real world relationships and interdependencies of diverse policies that shape our health and wellbeing.
A major £5m research investment by UKPRP – Prevention Research Partnership, the SIPHER Consortium is a collaboration of policy and academic experts working with practice partner organisations to create evidence-based products that influence public policy process.
About us
what we do
The conditions in which we are born, grow, live, work, and age are key drivers of health and health inequalities. Preventing illness related to these “social determinants of health” requires well-coordinated policies across many sectors, such as the economy, welfare, housing, education and employment.
SIPHER is delivering new, much-needed evidence on the complex, interlinked, and long-term consequences of such policy decisions. With a focus on the system-wide impact on health of key policy areas our approach empowers policy makers to explore novel solutions and make informed decisions.

SIPHER Products
Explore SIPHER’s systems science methods, data, and tools. Our products offer a powerful framework to explore the relationships and interdependencies that shape public health and include a synthetic population, decision support tool and full Product Guide.

Supporting Policy Development
Sharing our Evidence
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