Visiting Research Students

The College of Arts & Humanities welcomes applications from postgraduate research students registered at other universities who wish to spend some time at the University of Glasgow. All postgraduate researcher visits include access to University facilities and resources including the library. 

To discuss such an opportunity, please identify and contact the relevant academic or Subject Area in the first instance. You can search our staff research profiles to find a suitable academic to work with. 

When making contact, please send your curriculum vitae and details of your research plans. If you receive a positive response from a relevant academic, you can make a formal application to their School via the form.

Arts VPGR Application Form (Word document, 22kb)

Options and fees

OptionPeriod of visitVisit includesFee 
A 1 to 3 months

A small number of informal meetings with relevant academic staff, no formal supervision.

B 3 to 6 months

A small number of informal meetings with relevant academic staff, no formal supervision.

C 6 to 12 months

A small number of informal meetings with relevant academic staff, no formal supervision.

D 1 to 12 months

Formal supervision with a named supervisor. Please note that fees are charged pro rate for the duration of the visit. 

UK PGR fees 



'Formal supervision' would normally involve an academic member of staff reading your submitted work and giving written feedback.

If this is not required, you will be considered to have 'no formal supervision'. In this case, you will have a staff member as a main point of contact.

Further information