Current research projects
Urban Studies at Glasgow (USG) has a large number of research projects ongoing at any one time. Here is a selection of our current projects.

Women in Multiple Low-Paid Employment: Pathways Between Work, Care and Health

Why Do Historic Places Matter? Emotional Attachments to Urban Heritage

Creating Prosperous City Centres Post-Pandemic Through Repurposing Retail Space
Retrofitting Existing Buildings for CO2 Reduction in Scotland and Turkey
REPAIR: Real Estate, Place Adaptation and Innovation within an integrated Retailing system
The Remaking of Chinese Urban Neighbourhoods
Welfare Conditionality: Sanctions, Support and Behaviour Change
Alternative economic development approaches – RSE workshop series
See completed projects
Current Research Projects
Urban Studies at Glasgow (USG) has a large number of research projects ongoing at any one time. Here you can read details of a selection of our current projects.