Thirty-eighth annual conference

The 38th Annual Conference and AGM of the Scottish Legal History Group was held in the Reading Room of the Advocates Library, Parliament House, Edinburgh, on Saturday 6 October 2018.

10.30 Coffee

11.00 First Session

Dr Alan MacQuarrie (University of Glasgow)
Supplications to the Papacy in late medieval Scotland

Charles Fletcher (University of Edinburgh)
Continuity and change: the highland estate and the regality court of Grant

12.30 Sherry and Lunch

2.15 Second Session

Annual General Meeting. To be followed at approximately 2.30 by:

Prof John Finlay (University of Glasgow)
Charles Rampini (1840-1907): a Scots-Italian advocate in Jamaica and Shetland

3.30 Third Session

Ross MacDonald (University of Edinburgh)
Thinking about family succession law: the Court of Session, social change, and historical analysis, ca. 1830-1950

Dr John MacAskill (Slaughter and May, Edinburgh)
It should not be ‘a matter of £.s.d’: the management of Scotland’s Crown-owned foreshore, 1833-2018

5.00 Close