Decision Analytic Modelling and Early Health Technology Assessment (HTA)
If you are a developer of medical technologies, or you work in the assessment of technologies during their development, this course is ideal for you!
- Course dates: Our 2024/25 course has already concluded. Dates for 2025/26 will be announced later.
- Non-accredited, but with a certificate of attendance
You will leave the course with the ability to develop a decision model in Excel using decision trees and Markov models. You will also understand the concept of early health technology assessment (early HTA). Through practical examples, experienced practitioners will introduce you to the tools of HTA and how they are used to advise developers of health technologies in matters such as design, placement, pricing and evidence requirements. You will learn the critical importance of seeking the views of clinicians, patients and other stakeholders in early assessment and how to approach a decision model when you have little direct evidence about the performance of the technology.
Early HTA is increasingly used to inform policy makers as well as developers about the potential of a technology in development. In an era where it is more important than ever to make sure valuable research and development resources are directed appropriately, this course will equip you to advise developers and other decision makers about whether and how to proceed with their development. This course is presented by academics from the University of Glasgow and Radboud University Medical Centre, the Netherlands.
This course is led by Dr Robert Heggie in collaboration with Dr Janneke Grutters and Dr Marcia Tummers from Radboud University. It will introduce students to core material in the area of early HTA. This will include the rationale for conducting early HTA, its features and a range of commonly used methods. The course also teaches practical skills involved in developing a decision analytic model.
Intended Learning Outcomes of Course
By the end of this course students will be able to:
1. Critically compare how early HTA differs from HTA undertaken later in a technology lifecycle
2. Design and build decision trees and markov models including probabilistic sensitivity analysis and value of information analysis
3. Critically appraise methods of stakeholder engagement in terms of their appropriateness to the resources available
4. Critically evaluate the quality of early economic evaluations
Course Structure
Ten-week online course comprising 10 lectures and accompanying practical exercises. The lectures will be 45min/1hr in duration and exercises associated with lectures will take a notional 2 hours for the participants to complete. Each week the academic lead will be responsible for monitoring and contributing to the discussion board. The exercise solutions will be posted on moodle the following week.
If you have any questions about this course, please email
If you would like to find out more about our MSc in Health Technology Assessment of which this module is a part, please see our course page:
£660 for low and middle income countries (LMICs)
£704 for public/academic sector delegates
£1,100 for commercial/private sector
Fill out our Online Registration Form to register for this course
Our 2024/25 course has already concluded. Dates for 2025/26 will be announced later.