Research Projects

Citizen Bravo

Collected Works of Allan Ramsay
Project examining Allan Ramsay and Edinburgh in the Enlightenment

Concerto Caledonia

Historical Music of Scotland

Immersive Experiences Lab
Examining the intersection of the arts and humanities with virtual and augmented reality

Inventing Recorded Music
Companion blog to Dr Eva Moreda Rodriguez's Early Recording Cultures in Spain, 1880-1905 project

Mapping Musical Modernism
Prof Björn Heile's visualisation of the emergence and dissemination of musical modernism

Scottish Young Composers Project
Initiative by Dr Jane Stanley to develop composition skills in secondary school students

The Musicians' Union; A Social History
An AHRC funded study of the British Musicians' Union, conducted between 2012-16.

Researching Live Music in the UK
Project that culminated in the publication of a 3 volume History of Live Music in Britain

Bass Culture
Towards a Somatic Music
Experimental Music Theatre and Theories of Embodied Cognition