Communicating Change: Representing Self and Culture in a Technological World

A selection of papers arising from the Communicating Change: Weaving the Web into the Future conference hosted by postgraduate students from the Graduate School of Arts and Humanities, in the Wolfson Medical Building, University of Glasgow, 8th-10th June 2009. This 7th Annual GSAH conference employed a theme of communicating change, asking delegates to present their work in light of the academic, social, literary, historical and technological challenges and changes that the organising committee felt were in operation across the different disciplines within the Arts and Humanities.

 Samuel Tongue  Editorial Introduction SI5 - Tongue 
 Wentao Jiang  Institution of Feelings: Theatricality, Moral Sentiments and Empire Building in Adam Smith  SI5 - Jiang
 Laura Ferguson  Hong Kong: Communicating 1997 and beyond through Film  SI5 - Ferguson
 Julia Sallabank  Language Endangerment: Problems and Solutions  SI5 - Sallabank
 Chung-yan Kong

 The Self-Representation of Regional and National Identities - Comparing the Translation Patterns between China and Hong Kong Tourism Websites

 SI5 - Kong
 Andrew Rayment  A Bloodless Coup, Metaphorically: Representations of 'Progress' in Terry Pratchett's Carpe Jugulum  SI5 - Rayment
 Gillian Kelly  Gene Kelly: The Performing Auteur - Manifestations of the Kelly Persona  SI5 - Kelly
 Elena Marcevska  Technologies of Change: Body Coded in Motion  SI5 - Marcevska
   Complete PDF  SI5 - Communicating Change