Cardiovascular Workouts
A library of our cardio workouts to enjoy whenever you need some aerobic exercise.Warm Up
Please ensure that you thoroughly warm up before starting any exercise. Follow Kerry and Calum as they show you how.
Cool Down
A cool down is vital. April guides you through this one – and it really is called for after a UofG Sport workout!
Skipping Workout with Julie
Join Julie as she demonstrates some moves for incorporating skipping exercises into your bodyweight workout. (And you don't even need a skipping rope!)
Bodyweight Workout with Kerry
Join Kerry for this outdoor bodyweight workout, comprised of five different exercises. Aim for 2-3 sets, doing each of the exercises for 45-60 seconds to complete each set.
Mini Circuit with Kerry
Join Kerry for this mini circuit workout and get your pulse racing! Aim for 2-3 sets, doing each of the four exercises for 30-60 seconds to complete each set.
Burpee Variations with Calum
Switch up your home workout by trying a new style of burpee exercises with Calum.
Boxfit Blast with Kerry
Join Kerry for this shadow boxing routine. A cardio workout that can be enjoyed inside or out, it provides a little push to get the heart rate up.
Wee Wall Workout
Do you have access to a small garden wall, or even just a step? Kerry has put together a cardio routine for you, with different options of difficulty throughout.
Sun Salutations
Sun Salutations are a series of postures that warm, strengthen and align the entire body. Join Calum for this short sequence, a great way to start off your day on the right foot!
Flow with Tracylee
Tracylee has put together a short routine to follow, to help offer you some consistency in your practice – basic yoga moves that can be repeated throughout the week to enjoy flexibility and relaxation.
Cardio Combo
Join Julie for your very own Boxercise class. A cardio workout with a combat feel, one to get your heart pumping. Enjoy!
Boxing Workout
Join Jeff in a four-round boxing workout. High intensity with a focus on cardio, this workout will help you reduce stress and increase hand-eye coordination. Can be completed indoor or out!
Hi/Lo Aerobics
Ready for some old-school aerobics? Make some space around you and let Julie's routine be a great movement break in your day!
Staircase Workout
Join Kerry, find your nearest staircase and increase the intensity of your workout. Running up and down stairs in an excellent way to challenge your major muscle groups – keep safe and steady, and enjoy!
Glide at home
Put on your warm fluffy socks, get onto a shiny floor and let Kerry glide you through this stretching workout.
For the more mature amongst us
UofG Sport offers something for everyone and Kerry has put a workout together for our more 'mature' audience. Please follow her bespoke warm-up before breaking out into the final routine.
Yoga with Julie & Tracylee
Yoga can help with flexibility, stress reliefmand general health and physical fitness. Join the team as they lead you through an easy routine that can be completed at home.
Flow Yoga
Join Tracylee and Julie in a multilevel Flow yoga workout. Follow Julie for some advanced moves, and Tracylee has the basics covered. Go with whatever is most comfortable for you during your workout.

Desk to 3K
The UofG Sport Desk to 3K is a programme which will help efficiently move you from minimal exercise to running 3km with ease, in just eight weeks!
View programme
You should be in good physical condition and be able to participate in the exercise. If you have any reason to believe that you may have health/medical issues which may affect your ability to exercise, then you must seek medical advice before participating in any of UofG Sport's suggested exercises. Never rely on information on this website in place of seeking professional medical advice. You should understand that when participating in any exercise there is the possibility of physical injury. If you engage in this exercise, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities and assume all risk of injury to yourself.