World-Changing Glasgow Transformation - All-Staff Bulletin

Published: 28 May 2019

WCGT launches its monthly all-staff bulletin

Welcome to the monthly All-Staff Bulletin from the World-Changing Glasgow Transformation team. Our aim is to make sure you receive updates and information about our projects on a regular basis. We recognise that not everyone has access to email, so we encourage managers to share these updates at their regular team meeting to make sure all UofG staff are kept informed.

Over the past 8 weeks, we have hosted 20 engagement sessions with over 230 staff, collected over 600 Post-it notes of feedback and received approximately 100 new ideas about how the University can transform. Significantly, 270 staff have joined our Change Network from across the University to help make this happen - thank you!

Today, our ask is that you take five minutes to read this bulletin and let us know how we can improve the content. If you are interested in taking a more active role in championing change, sign up to be a member of our Change Network.

Roisin Reilly and Karen Christoforou

Communication and Engagement Leads


Upcoming events

Dumfries Engagement Sessions

Tuesday, 25 June


Garscube Engagement Sessions

Register your interest

We would like to organise some sessions at our Garscube campus. Register your interest here.


Project Updates


Assessment and Feedback


This project was initiated in response to student and staff feedback, with the aim of improving the experience for all those involved in assessment and feedback work at the University.

May update: 

We have now completed the analysis of practice, process and e-assessment. On 15 May, the Project Board members took part in an Academic Model design workshop. The session identified the design principles that will underpin assessment and feedback. Project contact: Dr. Amanda Sykes


Student and Staff Service Delivery


Improving the way we provide services to our students and staff. This includes the new UofG Helpdesk.

May update:

The new UofG Helpdesk was launched with limited content on 30 April, handling nearly 1,000 requests in its first 48 hours. The planning of the Student and Staff Services Delivery Model is complete with a launch scheduled for September 2019. This launch will include the new identity 'Reach Out'.
Project contact: Iain Watson


Smart Campus


Creating a world-changing, connected and vibrant university campus, with social, technological and economic impact for the city of Glasgow.

May update:

This month, the project team visited different sites and buildings in the UK to get ideas on the potential for our Smart Campus, as well as understanding any lessons learned from others who have been part of a similar endeavour.
Project contact: Dave Portas.


HR Recruitment Process


Creating a simpler, more consistent approach to how we manage the end-to-end recruitment process.

May update:

A series of workshops to design the end-to-end process and system requirements will be completed by the end of May. This will cover job grading, improving time spent on process and reviewing financial approval. Attendees will be Directors of Professional Services, Heads of HR and Heads of Finance. 

Project contact: Craig Chapman-Smith


Professional Services


Designing services to meet staff and student needs while eliminating unnecessary bureaucracy and creating more time for academics to devote to student learning, research and innovation.

May update:

We are at the early stage of this project and focusing on data analytics to decide the scope of the work. Extensive consultation across the University will take the form of five events at the end of 2019 in addition to one-to-one sessions and feedback through the Change Network.
Project contact: Emma Pickard


Student Forecasting and Enrolment


Enhancing the Year 1 and beyond student enrolment experience and enable effective decision-making and course selection.

May update:

We are launching this project at the end of May. An initial workshop will take place on Tuesday, 28 May, with the project team and key stakeholders to look at the scope of the project.
Project contact: Ben Glasgow.


First published: 28 May 2019