EU Research Funding: Funding for EU Projects Guaranteed until December 2020

Published: 28 May 2019

UofG remains eligible to win EU research funding

UK Government guarantee means we can still receive funding for EU projects until at least December 2020

UofG remains eligible to win EU research funding

Following the postponement of the UK’s planned departure from the EU until 31 October, we can continue participating in EU research programmes – with eligibility for EU funding. There is no change to our status during this extension and during any subsequent extension which might be agreed.

If the UK leaves the EU with a deal, there will be no changes – either for running projects or for new applications – until December 2020 at the earliest. If the UK leaves without a deal, we will cease to be eligible for EU funding but remain able to apply for new projects in most parts of the EU research programmes. In such a ‘no-deal’ scenario, the UK Government guarantees payments for running projects and for new bids submitted after exit (new bids to calls which allow UK participation only).

So our funding to participate in EU research is secure, even in the case of a ‘no-deal’.

If there is a deal (Withdrawal Agreement)

We will keep bidding for and winning Horizon 2020 funding direct from the EU – until the end of 2020 at least – without any change to our funding eligibility. All existing projects will continue with an uninterrupted flow of EU funding.

If there is a ‘no-deal’

Running projects are guaranteed their funding from the UK Government Guarantee
Our existing EU projects would stop receiving EU funding and would be funded instead by the UK Government through its Guarantee, meaning that all existing projects will receive the funding to continue to completion. The Government Guarantee covers all successful applications submitted before the date of exit.

This UK funding will be delivered by UK Research and Innovation (UKRI). UofG's Senior Management Group confirmed in January 2019 that if there is a delay in finalising replacement awards from UKRI, the University will underwrite applicable projects, thus ensuring that research work can continue uninterrupted. The University has declared all its running EU projects to UKRI, as part of UKRI’s preparations for a possible ‘no-deal’. Research staff holding EU grants do not need to act now to benefit from the Government Underwrite, as the Overseas Team is taking the necessary actions.

New bids from exit until December 2020 are covered by the Government Guarantee Extension
Most EU projects are open to researchers based anywhere in the world, so we would continue to be able to participate in proposals to these parts of the programme – without receiving EU funding. Successful UK Horizon 2020 applicants will be funded under the UK Government Guarantee (except for some ERC Grants and MSCA European Fellowships). So we can continue participating in most areas of EU funding even after a ‘no-deal’, funded by the UK Government.

We can confidently apply for EU projects, as funding for successful bids is secure
Whatever the Brexit outcome, UofG can continue to receive funding to participate in EU research, until the end of December 2020 at least. There are many opportunities remaining, in both the 2019 and 2020 programmes – calls closing in 2019 are available to apply for now, while the 2020 calls will be published in June. We would like to point out the following calls from those open between now and 31 October:

  • ERC Advanced Grants – deadline 29 August;
  • MSCA Individual Fellowships – deadline 11 September;
  • ERC Starting Grant – not yet confirmed but expected to close in October.

Please speak to the Overseas Team about the opportunities available. The Overseas Team continues to support you in all aspects of submitting Horizon 2020 proposals. Contact the team at 

There is no evidence to support concerns of anti-UK bias in evaluations: in the 2017 and 2018 ERC Advanced Grants and 2018 MSCA Individual Fellowships, the UK won more grants than any other country. All of these evaluations took place after the 2016 decision for the UK to leave the EU.

Deal or ‘no-deal’, we will be funded to participate in EU research programmes
While the Brexit outcome remains uncertain, we know that we can participate and receive funding for Horizon 2020 projects either from the EU or the UK Government until at least December 2020 and for the lifetime of the projects.

First published: 28 May 2019