The University’s Race Equality Group (REG) brings together representatives from the Equality and Diversity Unit, Students' Representative Council, External Relations, Student and Academic Services and BAME (Black, Asian and Ethnic Minority) student and staff representatives.

The group acts as a channel of communication where issues affecting BAME staff and students can be raised and addressed or referred to appropriate bodies for action.

This coming academic year we need new three representatives – one each from the Academic (R&T, Clinical), Technical and Operational job families.

The Group is co-convened by the University’s Race Equality Champion, Bonnie Dean, VP Corporate Engagement & Innovation and Professor Satnam Virdee, Professor of Sociology. It aims to meet three times a year, and you need your line managers support to participate in the group.

If you identify as BAME (Black, Asian and Ethnic Minority) and want to help shape the discussion and to make a positive contribution contact the Equality and Diversity Unit at



First published: 11 November 2019