Online exams

Exam types

Online exams fall into four categories:

  • Open exam within 24 hours 
  • Timed exam within 24 hours 
  • Timed exam - fixed start time
  • Seen exam - 24 hours to submit

Find out more about each online exam type.

Moodle guides


Using Turnitin in online exams

Turnitin is our recommended similarity checking software and integrates with Moodle Assignment. Find out more about Turnitin

You can use Turnitin for 24-hour exams, in which:

  • Students are required to submit one final answer.
  • Students are not required to make multiple submissions to the same submission area, as Turnitin will only read the first submission.
  • Students are only required to submit typed answers, no drawings/handwritten answers/photographs/numerical answers.
  • Students have previously used Turnitin.

Turnitin should only be used when students and staff on the course are already familiar with Turnitin, and students will have previously accepted the End User Licence Agreement.

You cannot use Turnitin for timed exams that are mathematical in nature as Turnitin cannot read numerical answers.

Postgraduate Taught students

If you plan to use Turnitin with Postgraduate Taught students, you must ensure that all students have the opportunity to practice Turnitin submission. Students can use the practice exam submission Moodle for this, and should be encouraged to take the time to practice in advance.

When arranging exams for courses that combine honours and Postgraduate Taught students you should be particularly mindful of whether all students have previously used Turnitin.