Your daily briefing

The Daily Briefing is provided as part of Microsoft Office365. It is created and stored in your inbox, and displays from Microsoft Viva (

It includes:

  • Outstanding commitments, requests, and follow-ups to and from other people in emails
  • Documents related to today’s meetings that you might want to review beforehand.
  • Suggested focus time you can schedule to help get independent work done.

The Briefing displays once each working day only if there is relevant content.

How it works

The Briefing looks for actionable tasks in Outlook and includes the top results in the email. If these tasks are related to any upcoming meetings, they’ll be listed in context with the meeting. Meetings will also have links to any attached or potentially related documents.

The Adaptive version also includes any last-minute options to schedule time to focus on deep work or to work through any of the tasks included in the email. Any existing focus time that’s already scheduled is also referenced. For each task, you can select:

  • Not a task to remove it from your current list of tasks. It will also be excluded from all future Briefing emails. This feedback will improve future task identification.
  • Done to indicate the task is complete.

For documents, select:

  • Done to indicate you are finished reviewing the document.
  • Not related to remove the document suggestion and give feedback that helps improve the tool in future.

Adaptive or HTML version

You will get a different version of the Briefing depending on which version of Outlook you’re using.

  • Adaptive version: In Outlook Web Access (OWA), Outlook mobile (iOS and Android), and Outlook for Windows or Mac desktop, you’ll see the Adaptive version with links to open tasks, upcoming meetings, related documents, and complete in-line actions, and book suggested focus time.
  • HTML version: In an email app other than Outlook or in OWA on a mobile device, you’ll see the HTML version that links to open tasks, upcoming meetings, and related documents, but will not include inline actions or suggested focus time.


  • The information in the Briefing is private and confidential. 
  • The Briefing is not an actual email - it is not sent anywhere. It is system-generated to display in your Outlook inbox and never goes through the standard email delivery process.
  • The Briefing is private to you. All information is from your mailbox and stored there. Everything you see in the Briefing is information you already have access to in your mailbox and may make it easier to find items that might need attention.

Unsubscribe or Subscribe

You can unsubscribe or subscribe to the daily briefing.

Select Unsubscribe at the end of the email or log into your university account to change your settings

If you are already logged in with your university account to Microsoft Office365 on a web browser you will not need to log in again.

Viva Teams App

The Microsoft Viva Insights app in Microsoft Teams shows you personalised recommendations that help you do your best work