Great authors

Many authors have made a significant contribution to our understanding of syphilis and it's treatment. This is a short listing of some of the foremost authors of syphilitc texts in the collection.

Jean Astruc (1684-1766)

AuthorTitlePlace of publicationDate of publicationShelfmark (click to view record)
Astruc, Jean treatise of the venereal disease..., [Jean Astruc]. Together with an abridgment of the several discourses, which have been written upon this subject from the first appearance of the venereal disease in Europe London 1737 Hunterian Ab.6.13-14
Astruc, Jean De morbis venereis libri novem Paris 1740 Hunterian Ab.5.7-8
Astruc, Jean Traité des tumeurs et des ulcères... Avec deux lettres, I. Sur la composition de quelques rémèdes... II. Sur la nature et le succès des nouveaux rémèdes, qu'on propose pour la guérison des maladies vénériennes Paris 1759 Hunterian Ci.3.10-11
Astruc, Jean A treatise on the venereal disease London 1770 NF.5.18
Astruc, Jean A treatise on the venereal disease London 1770 Hunterian Ab.6.21

Herman Boerhaave (1668-1738)

AuthorTitlePlace of publicationDate of publicationShelfmark (click to view record)
Boerhaave, Herman De lue venerea London 1728 Hunterian El.3.8
Boerhaave, Herman Tractatio medico-practica de lue venerea Leiden 1751 Sp Coll 2023
Boerhaave, Herman Tractatio medico-practica de lue venerea Leiden 1751 Hunterian Ab.7.12
Boerhaave, Herman Boerhaave's Academical lectures on the lues venerea London 1763 Hunterian Ab.6.15

William Clowes (approximately 1540-1604)

AuthorTitlePlace of publicationDate of publicationShelfmark (click to view record)
Clowes, William A ... treatise touching the cure of the disease called (morbus gallicus) London 1579 Hunterian Ab.8.35
Clowes, William Short and profitable treatise touching the cure of the disease called morbus Gallicus by unctions London 1585 Hunterian Aw.3.28
Clowes, William Prooved practise for all young chirurgians, concerning burnings with gunpowder London 1591 Hunterian Aw.3.28
Clowes, William A profitable ... booke of obseruations … for the cure of lues venerea London 1596 Hunterian Z.6.5
Clowes, William Profitable and necessarie booke of observations … for the cure of Lues venerea London 1637 Bo7-m.4

Girolamo Fracastoro (1478-1553)

AuthorTitlePlace of publicationDate of publicationShelfmark (click to view record)
Fracastoro, Girolamo Hieronymi Fracastorii Syphilis, sive morbus Gallicus Verona 1530 Hunterian Ab.6.8
Fracastoro, Girolamo Syphilis, sive morbus Gallicus Paris 1531 BC11-c.12
Fracastoro, Girolamo Hieronymi Fracastorii Syphilis. Sive morbus Gallicus London 1720 Hunterian Em.1.9

Joseph Grünpeck (approximately 1473-approximately 1532)

AuthorTitlePlace of publicationDate of publicationShelfmark (click to view record)
Gru?npeck, Joseph Tractatus de pestilentiali scorra siue mala de Franzos Augsburg 1496 Hunterian Bx.3.38

Ulrich von Hutten (1488-1523)

AuthorTitlePlace of publicationDate of publicationShelfmark (click to view record)
Hutten, Ulrich von De guaiaci medicina et morbo gallico Mainz 1519 Ferguson Ag-b.19
Hutten, Ulrich von Guaiacum: l'expérience et approbation Vlrich de Huten Lyon 1520 Hunterian Aw.3.5
Hutten, Ulrich von Vlrichi de Hvtten De gvaiaci medicina et morbo Gallico Mainz 1524 Hunterian Ab.6.9
Hutten, Ulrich von Vlrichi de Hvtten De gvaiaci medicina et morbo Gallico Mainz 1531 Hunterian Ab.8.37
Hutten, Ulrich von De morbo Gallico, [Ulrich von Hutten]. [Translated into Inglysshe] London 1533 Hunterian Ab.8.36
Hutten, Ulrich von Of the vvood called guaiacum… London 1539 Ferguson Af-f.29
Hutten, Ulrich von De morbo Gallico. A treatise of the French disease London 1730 Hunterian Ek.1.4

Niccolò Massa (1489-1569)

AuthorTitlePlace of publicationDate of publicationShelfmark (click to view record)
Massa, Niccolò Nicolai Massa liber De morbo Gallico Venice 1507 Hunterian Ab.6.31
Massa, Niccolò Nicolai Massæ liber De morbo Gallico Venice 1532 Hunterian Cf.4.18
Massa, Niccolò Nicolai Massa Liber de morbo Neapolitano Lyon 1534 Hunterian Au.4.1
Massa, Niccolò Il libro del mal francese Venice 1565 Hunterian Cf.4.17


Paracelsus (1493-1541)

AuthorTitlePlace of publicationDate of publicationShelfmark (click to view record)
Paracelsus Erster Theil [-der dritte] der grossen Wundartzney … die Frantzosen genannt Frankfurt 1562 Ferguson Ap-d.51
Paracelsus Holtzbüchlein, darinnen gründtlich der recht Nutz... des frantzosen Holtzes Strasbourg 1564 Ferguson Ap-d.33
Paracelsus Holtzbüchlein, darinnen gründtlich der recht Nutz... des frantzosen Holtzes Strasbourg 1564 Ferguson Aq-e.48
Paracelsus Drey Bücher. I. Das Holtzbüchlin, darinnen... der recht Nutz... des frantzosen Holtzes Strasbourg 1565 Ferguson Ap-d.28
Paracelsus De morbo gallico. Warhaffte Cur der Frantzosen Strasbourg 1578 Ferguson An-x.29
Paracelsus An excellent treatise teaching howe to cure the French-pockes London 1590 Ferguson Af-c.37