Sources used and further reading

The following books and articles have been used in preparing this virtual exhibition.

NB Direct links to Oxford Dictionary of National Biography entries will only work from University of Glasgow IP addresses as this is a subscription database.

Ammonius Hermiae

  • Martin, Arnold Hugh. Prosopography of the later Roman Empire (Cambridge: CUP, 1971) Classics RG90 JON
  • Sorabji, Richard. The philosophy of the commentators (London: Duckworth, 2004) Philosophy BE60 SOR

Ascham, Roger

Bell, Alexander Graham

Briggs, Henry

Burns, Robert

Colbert, Jean-Baptiste

Cranmer, Thomas

  • MacCulloch, Diarmaid. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography  Entry on Thomas Cranmer [page accessed 23/3/09]
  • MacCulloch, Diarmaid. Thomas Cranmer: A Life. (London: Yale University Press, 1996) Theology JD180.C7 MACCU
    Selwyn, David G. The Library of Thomas Cranmer (Oxford: Oxford Bibliographical Society, 1996). Third Series Volume 1  Store Pm 4021

Curie, Marie

De Quincey, Thomas

Dickens, Charles

Donne, John

Flamsteed, John

Gladstone, William Ewart

Graham, George

Henri de Valois, King of France

Johnson, Samuel

Livingstone, David

Louis XIV, King of France

MacKenzie, George

Madame de Pompadour

Malebranche, Nicolas

Mead, Richard

Melanchthon, Philip

Perrault, Charles

  • Grove, Laurence. Emblematics and seventeenth century French literature: Descartes, Tristan, La Fontaine and Perrault (Charlottesville, Va.: Rockwood, 2000) French C245 GRO

Pliny the Elder

Scott, Sir Walter

Sixtus V, Pope

Smith, Adam

Swift, Jonathan

Tritheim, Johann

  • Brann, Noel L. The Abbot Trithemius (1462-1516): the renaissance of monastic humanism (Leiden: Brill, 1981)  Store Theology MSB 187.T7 BRA
  • Clulee, N.H. Astronomia inferior: Legacies of Johannes Trithemius and John Dee. (Article in: Newman, William R. and Grafton, Anthony, editors: Secrets of Nature: astrology and alchemy in early modern Europe (Cambridge, Mass.; London: MIT Press, 2001)  Anthrop K690 NEW

Whistler, James McNeill

Wilde, Oscar